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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...why not?...they did a fabulous job crafting HillaryCare and rushing it to market as Obama's.....politicians writing health care coverage...makes perfect sense.......honorable mention to how well they've done with Medicare and Social Security.....
  2. ...CYA....as if Trump would ever pardon her................is she worried that her multiple indiscretions may come to light??...just askin'...............
  3. ...a REAL shocker......put them in the nursing home count as Big Fredo said to rebuke death criticism, "a shiny object"......
  4. ...he as well as BLM are repugnant frauds, the epitome of the cash and carry gang...the have nots wanting to drain the haves for no other reason than personal financial gain unearned...Socialism 101......they TRULY disparage the African-American citizenry component of our society who have AND continue to to lead in their successes..... trying to drag the millions of African-American successes into this mess is nothing more than self serving......repulsive IMO...
  5. ...yet if you ask that gang to erase Trump from the equation and to propose THEIR GUY who would be the "Covid-19 Leader Extraordinaire" to lead us to the cure, they offer SQUAT...a/k/a crickets.......how come??.......OR...ask them what THEY would do differently.....MORE crickets......they can't deal with daily stuff let alone the need for reactive Crisis Management to face something like nothing before perhaps 1917..........
  6. ...I can tell you FACTUALLY that I have two employees whose college age students had elective surgeries postponed......now with those being approved, hospitals are scrambling to re-book them as an immediate source of lost revenue due to postponement.....Covid-19 testing is a prerequisite test.....and both students tested positive despite being asymptomatic pre and post subsequent testing.....neither would have known as being Covid-19 infected without pre-surgical screening....the inexplicable part to me is the increase in hospital ICU admissions.....fear?...anxiety?...overreaction?.....don't hospitalizations spike perennially during the flu season, perhaps unnecessarily for the same reasons?.....I've had the flu perhaps six times in 67 years but never once considered hospitalization....
  7. ...DAMN RIGHT....you aided and abetted the destruction with a cowardly blind eye.....fix it yourself................
  8. BG would you PLEASE stop posting facts?....you're dampening my hysteria......
  9. ....hmmm...SAME justification our illustrious Tibs used in another thread.......he would NOT plagiarize, would he (COUGH)??.............
  10. ....yet ANOTHER well thought out Cali solution......release 'em and immediately bus them to Democratic voter registration sites.....makes sense......... California could release up to 8,000 prisoners to prevent coronavirus spread, officials say Cases in San Quentin State Prison soared following the transfer of more than 100 inmates from another prison. By Louis Casiano | Fox News California will release around 8,000 prison inmates early in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus in state correctional facilities, with more than half expected to return to society by the end of July, officials said Friday. The move will allow prisons to use the extra space to impose social distancing rules, isolation and quarantine measures, the state Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation said in a statement. “These actions are taken to provide for the health and safety of the incarcerated population and staff,” CDCR Secretary Ralph Diaz said. “We aim to implement these decompression measures in a way that aligns both public health and public safety.” https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-could-release-up-to-8000-prisoners-coronavirus
  11. ...DAMN RIGHT....it is an explosive, unsubstantiated cesspool of garbage....YEARS ago, when the news industry HAD honor with the likes of Huntley, Brinkley, Murrow, Cronkite et al, fact checking homework was done prior to publication....today?...ANYBODY can post anything with NO substantiation on social media and the scurrilous MSM uses it as fact, UNCHECKED.....look at some of the "factual (COUGH) garbage" used here in alleged dissertations, discussions, etc as "gospel"......then you wonder why PPP is becoming the "new swamp".......sad trajectory...........
  12. ...I think Dr Phil and Dr Ruth should take over for Fauci and Birx to satisfy the masses here................
  13. ...well he did get this from the "Rolling Stone"....National Enquirer's site was down....he ONLY uses trusted sources..............
  14. ...bet the majority of the "tax return screamers" are 1040-EZ filers who wouldn't have a clue what they are looking at......our Federal corporate return for ONE company is 70 pages........before multiple State returns.... ...ESPECIALLY knowing that it was ALL legitimately earned....absolutely NO influencing peddling whatsoever (COUGH).......funny how when shady deals are publicized, they mysteriously disappear, right?...
  15. ...absolutely DEAD ON.....how this ever came about is Asinine 101......let them come under the same audit auspices as everyone else, but I'm sure the 535 get an "blind eye exemption (COUGH)".....so we publish the net worth of the 535 and the vast majority are millionaires solely by legal sources (BIGGER COUGH).....and what the hell ever becomes of it?...crickets......what's pathetically laughable is when a politician reveals their tax returns showing a healthy 6 figure income but only 2 grand in charitable donations, the TOP PRIORITY is to label them "cheap"......and a MAJOR consideration in their re-election I presume??..........
  16. ...interesting who here are enthralled with his tax returns......a pathetic obsession......bet you couldn't predict who would be on that list......(COUGH).............
  17. apologize BG.......have not been watching much of late............
  18. ...thanks bro.......he's a real gem, equally "legendary" on the football side......my SIMPLE point (probably why it evaded him) was that my ancestral grandparents as were yours (knowing your Italian heritage) did it the LEGAL WAY through Ellis Island.....but his tin foil hat exudes, "Immigration laws are made to be broken and circumvented"..........brilliance......
  19. ...you miss a TON..........by design...........
  20. ...I'm all in favor of re-opening middle schools first thing Monday morning...sure as hell would clean up a ton of garbage around here lately.....
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