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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. .better be REAL careful with that "voice of reason" stuff........suggest sleeping with a kevlar vest................
  2. ...heard he's not a 1040-EZ filer...so it would be WELL beyond you anyhow.....we're good........
  3. ...uh oh....azz backward......good 'ol Trump is guilty until proven innocent and if, IF so, APPEAL like hell........
  4. ...SADLY, that has long gone by the wayside.......personal responsibility/accountability is an afterthought and the proponent of progressive thinking......"WE need to do YOUR thinking because you are incapable"...........so let's level the playing field by punishing the very same group you identified as in "taking ownership of all aspects of their lives"by forcing them/us to bear the burden of those who have NO interest in doing so.......so BILLIONS is public assistance (yes there are those who need some and as long as their initiative is to use that as a temporary stepping stone, I agree: helping those that do want to help themselves is an inducement);...but there are too many in the "gimme crowd"......MAJOR supporters of today's socialism thrust.....
  5. ...so why the hell should I pay for theirs AND my own?......
  6. ....252 grand for Bumblin' Billy as the nation's BEST mayor is money well spent, right??..............
  7. ...hell who needs police??....just throw the thick crust with double cheese I guess............ Delaware pizza store owner foils robbery by throwing pie at suspect, cops say A man with a machete demanded money, only to have a pizza thrown at him By Travis Fedschun | Fox News A crook looking for some dough got served up something else when trying to hold up a pizza shop in Delaware on Friday. Delaware State Police said they are searching for a man who attempted to rob Stargate Pizza in Sussex County, and only fled after the owner flung pizza at him. Officials said they received a call about the incident in Greenwood at 10:30 p.m. The owner told troopers that while he was closing his business for the night, a man with a machete approached him and demanded money. https://www.foxnews.com/us/delaware-pizza-store-greenwood-stargate-pizza-robbery-thwarted-state-police
  8. ...but, BUT he's a Marxist and NOT a capitalist, right??...............
  9. ...when he goes to church, bet he puts a five in the basket and takes change...................
  10. ...DAMN RIGHT.....laws are on the books to be enforced and if woefully inept, empathetic, elected officials refuse to do so, why the hell should my exorbitant Federal tax dollars go to cover their ineptitude?.....let them go to their constituents with massive tax hike proposals to put their failures on display.....they are YOUR elected officials (COUGH) and NOT mine ....Minnesota's Governor wants $500 mil.......pound Halite sir...... AND,...the next chapter is BILLIONS of dollars in lawsuits against municipalities on behalf of businesses destroyed.....seriously think lawyers will bypass this potential gravy train?......
  11. ...Preventive care is the election of the individual PERIOD......that is the pro-active approach as in "routine maintenance" versus those who elect NO coverage but will reactively run to the hospital with NO coverage and STILL get treatment....we as electrical contractors stress preventive maintenance (PM checkups) to our customers on major equipment investments.....if they do not and wait until a major break happens i, it is far more costly and THEY bear the expense....individuals with NO insurance bear NO expense besides not having shelled out premium dollars because Medicaid or the system covers them.........
  12. ...SERIOUSLY?.....when...where....who...um....er...oh....uh....well....."think you've been watching too many Perry Mason reruns lately."....Della said so...........
  13. ...name another administration is US history that was complicit in laying the ground work to overthrow a duly elected, incoming President.....
  14. ...which affirms the fallacy of your argument regarding uninsureds......$22 BILLION in NYS for Medicaid covers uninsureds and EVERY state has a similar program.....and EVERY hospital in the US writes off BILLIONS for services provided to uninsureds as treatment cannot be denied.....so you're trying to tell me that another 38 million fall OUTSIDE of that purview?......yawn..............
  15. ...well in WVA, USPS is "assisting".........Bob Byrd would be proud........................ West Virginia mail carrier admits attempted election fraud Eight mail-in requests for absentee voter ballots had their party affiliations altered, authorities say Associated Press ELKINS, W.Va. — A West Virginia postal carrier pleaded guilty Thursday to altering mail-in requests for absentee voter ballots. Thomas Cooper entered the plea in federal court in Elkins to attempted election fraud and injury to the mail, U.S. Attorney Bill Powell said in a statement. Cooper was charged in May after eight mail-in requests for absentee voter ballots had their party affiliations altered. Cooper, 47, of Dry Fork, held a postal contract to pick up mail in the three towns in which the voters live and delivered the forms in April to the Pendleton County clerk, according to a federal affidavit. An investigation by the secretary of state’s office found five of the ballot requests were changed from Democrat to Republican with a black ink pen, the affidavit said. Bennie Cogar, an attorney general’s office investigator who conducted the probe on behalf of the secretary of state’s office, said in the affidavit that the Pendleton County clerk called some of the voters after receiving the requests because she knew they were not Republicans. The clerk then contacted the secretary of state’s office to report the alterations. On the other three requests, the voters’ party was not changed. However, in addition to the “Republican” box originally checked in blue ink, the word “Republican” was later circled in black ink, the affidavit said. https://www.foxnews.com/us/west-virginia-mail-carrier-admits-attempted-election-fraud
  16. ...you'll have to wait.....he's at church asking for forgiveness (good luck).................
  17. ...so then explain to me how in NYS you can babble about uninsured?.....or in other states for that matter?.....OR....the BILLIONS written off annually by hospitals for treating uninsureds as they cannot be denied?...... "Last year’s (2019) state-funded (NY) Medicaid spending, which was officially booked at $21.7 billion, would have been $23.4 billion had the March payments been made on schedule – and would have far exceeded the statutory “global cap” on the program’s growth."
  18. ...I'd bet fellow putz Bernie Madoff was their financial advisor..................
  19. ...imagine if THE highlight of your day was to wake up and see if Trump revealed his tax returns?......some people have serious issues that there will never be a vaccine cure for....care to identify EVERYTHING you've learned from all previously revealed tax returns FROM MEMORY and how it impacted you?.........I sure as hell cannot..........could care less.......
  20. ...EXACTLY.......and the Dems are bought and paid for by the Teachers' Unions.......resolving the stranglehold has about as much chance as term limits......
  21. ...Andy sheds his skin faster than any other amphibian on the planet......he's Sleepy Bob's poster boy for the partisan witch hunt.....
  22. ...funny how costly it is as well as huge wait times.......why don't you ask a cross section of US professionals in the health care field as to their opinion on government run health care?....
  23. ....and there are MANY interesting articles of late penned by AFRICAN-AMERICANS citing their support for charter schools as a critical option for students of promise to escape the woefully failing inner city schools.....all we EVER do is "shift an astronomical amount of money to education" and the results redefine abysmal.......politicians, YES on BOTH sides blindly throw money at problem(s) with NO accountability for improvement or desired results.....so when abysmal becomes MORE abysmal, they can say, "oh well at least we tried (COUGH)"....years ago I sat on the Budget Advisory Committee for my school district...at that time, the budget was $71 million (today it is >$130 mil)......after we got done identifying everything in the budget that was affixed and mandated by law/contract, we were down to about $250K in discretionary spending where we could make recommendations...a TOTAL waste of time.....
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