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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. …..beans and libs have the SAME effect....woeful indigestion...……………...
  2. ...my apology to all....did NOT realize it was her...SMH...........
  3. ...so what is the over & under on Oregon's plea for Federal help because of their electorate's incompetence?....... Portland's unrest continues for six straight weeks with no apparent end in sight Portland has been more than $23 million in losses due to looting and rioting. By Danielle Wallace | Fox News The death of George Floyd triggered a wave of protests and violent mayhem across the country as demonstrators demanded justice and a reckoning against racial injustice and police brutality. In Portland, Oregon’s largest city, those demonstrations have raged for six weeks straight, and local businesses have reported $23 million in losses due to looting and rioting that have gripped its downtown area since the end of May. Demonstrators have been seen lighting mattresses on fire and setting off fireworks in the streets. Just this weekend, a federal officer protecting a closed courthouse was struck in the head and shoulder with a hammer as protesters attempted to break down the court’s door. The courthouse suffered an estimated $50,000 in damages, according to KGW. https://www.foxnews.com/us/portland-protests-trump-federal-officer-shooting-anti-fascist-teens
  4. ...why do you find a need to muddy the MSM waters with facts?......HYSTERIA futures are up 189%.......
  5. ....c'mon bro, you know MUCH BETTER than that...."Tib's Libs" stole the 'ol "Nixon Mantra", yup from a Republican as in "always attack....NEVER defend"......to "defend" means constructive , reasonable dialogue and debate FACTUALLY.......BEYOND their purview or ability.....so "attack"...........
  6. ...makes sense BG...do what you have to do......
  7. ...and I believe the CDC revised their estimates that 40% of all positive tests are asymptomatic....but there's no political capital in that when MSM fans the "flames of hysteria"........
  8. ....but the problem with IP's is that they are dynamic or randomly assigned when issued to Internet users, changing every time you sign on.........so if you use Roadrunner and log in, you get assigned a random IP from their "pool".....and I don't think they will provide a search service unless it is some type of official or criminal investigation......we have eight STATIC IP's assigned to our corporate network for a variety of functions.....they are registered and we have to pay for them to keep them.....
  9. ...the IMmoral compass points in any direction the Libs' wind is blowin'..................
  10. ...Muppy is a long timer at billievers.com............don't think she is Margarita............
  11. ...think I'm partial to the Washington Pigeons......"always trying to hang around and nobody is interested"..............
  12. ...check the "burnt ends pan".......PPP waywards who have been "smoked"......
  13. ...YOU betcha.......I have declined relative gathering invites for 10+ years...hang nail, butt hurt, excess gas......and whatever else I could come up with........they FINALLY got the message and don't even bother anymore.......
  14. CDC's 'best estimate' is 40 percent COVID-19 infections are asymptomatic A person with COVID-19 is still 'likely to infect' 2.5 other people By Chris Ciaccia | Fox News In updated guidance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said its "best estimate" is that 40 percent of people infected with COVID-19 are asymptomatic. In the update, posted July 10, the CDC said the basic reproduction number or the number of people one person "is likely to infect" is 2.5, and the infectiousness level of asymptomatic people is 75 percent, relative to symptomatic patients. The government agency added a new part to its report, an "Infection Fatality Ratio," which "takes into account both symptomatic and asymptomatic cases and may therefore be a more directly measurable parameter for disease severity for COVID-19." The new metric states that 0.65 percent of those with COVID-19 are estimated to die. In late May, the CDC estimated that 35 percent of patients could be asymptomatic, Fox News previously reported. In April, the CDC estimated some 25 percent of cases could be asymptomatic. Asymptomatic COVID-19 patients are of great concern to public health officials and lawmakers due to their ability to spread the virus without knowing they're sick themselves. In June, an official from the World Health Organization said that spread from asymptomatic patients appeared to be "very rare." The comments were walked back a few days later following criticism from many in the scientific community, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, who said the statement was "not correct." https://www.foxnews.com/science/cdc-best-estimate-40-percent-covid-19-infections-asymptomatic
  15. ...welcome to the real world Joe.......try this one on for size regarding my WAY left Dem relatives.........a cousin posted his support on FB for Trump, citing numerous signs in his development (2016).....the wife of another cousin (he is a condescending arrogant "woody" whose favorite saying to your comments is , "let me explain this for you") called the Trump supporting cuz a "lunatic and you're probably unfit as a father to be raising children in such a radical household".....husband AND wife immediately unfriended him.....I CANNOT make this stuff up....
  16. ...shouldn't Gruesome Newsome concentrate on eradicating John Wayne FIRST ?.....Covid-19 can wait....let's get priorities straight.,
  17. ...should be 16 years to include Bonnie and Clyde-Clinton.......Chlorine futures are up 742% since November 2016 due to "The Swamp"..............
  18. CDC's 'best estimate' is 40 percent COVID-19 infections are asymptomatic A person with COVID-19 is still 'likely to infect' 2.5 other people By Chris Ciaccia | Fox News In updated guidance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said its "best estimate" is that 40 percent of people infected with COVID-19 are asymptomatic. In the update, posted July 10, the CDC said the basic reproduction number or the number of people one person "is likely to infect" is 2.5, and the infectiousness level of asymptomatic people is 75 percent, relative to symptomatic patients. The government agency added a new part to its report, an "Infection Fatality Ratio," which "takes into account both symptomatic and asymptomatic cases and may therefore be a more directly measurable parameter for disease severity for COVID-19." The new metric states that 0.65 percent of those with COVID-19 are estimated to die. In late May, the CDC estimated that 35 percent of patients could be asymptomatic, Fox News previously reported. In April, the CDC estimated some 25 percent of cases could be asymptomatic. Asymptomatic COVID-19 patients are of great concern to public health officials and lawmakers due to their ability to spread the virus without knowing they're sick themselves. In June, an official from the World Health Organization said that spread from asymptomatic patients appeared to be "very rare." The comments were walked back a few days later following criticism from many in the scientific community, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, who said the statement was "not correct." https://www.foxnews.com/science/cdc-best-estimate-40-percent-covid-19-infections-asymptomatic
  19. ....Keith Jackson (RIP)...."whoa Nellie"....OR...."third and a whole lotta real estate"....................
  20. ...think I'm partial to the Washington Pigeons......"always trying to hang around and nobody is interested".................
  21. ...politics have always been dirty but the Clintons redefined dirty.......there is not a more repudiating, repugnant, scurrilous, deviant gang in this nation's history.....eight years in control of US politics followed by 8 years of their fraudulent, unqualified Jr senator cardboard cutout back filled by tons of ex-Clintonites.......oratorical skills and skin color were his ONLY qualifications.....tell me otherwise......and if Hillary wins in 2016, their stranglehold spans 24 years.......plenty of time to fatten up their "Foundation (pay to play)"......
  22. ...care to assess the nation's reaction to Covid-19 in a NON-election year without a polarizing, obnoxious, cantankerous, "turning the good 'ol boyz protected political network "on its ugly head", corruption exposing swamp draining mofo at 1600 Pennsylvania?..........
  23. ...LMAO......"historic corruption"......and your altar boyz ala Clinton, Obama, and that whole gang get a BIG pass......Podesta, Emmanuel, Spirling, Begala, Bluemental, Carville, the HONORABLE Holder, Susan "Fried" Rice, et al surpass Mother Teresa for sainthood......got it...........
  24. ...have NO interest in asking a smart azz question......what in your purview/assessment accounts for the Florida case explosion?......it can't be increased testing unless EVERY new positive immediately heads to ICU which is not realistic....sure Florida as well as other states have banned incoming travelers, immediately subjected to 14 day quarantine, but certainly many slip through.....is the Florida explosion because of the defiant, cooped up societal segment throwing "ALL caution to the wind"?.....what is your assessment?....
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