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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...she has had a pretty incredible run versus cancer going back to 1999.....pretty fortunate that 2009 pancreatic was operable because usually it is not.....colon, pancreatic twice, lung and now liver...…. by Kristin Reynolds — Aug 23, 2019 PCAN Ginsburg was diagnosed with early stage pancreatic cancer in 2009. She had no symptoms of the disease – it was discovered during a regular checkup. She had surgery to remove the body and tail of her pancreas, along with her spleen. Afterward, Ginsburg said the experience gave her “an enhanced appreciation for the joys of being alive.” This summer, a tumor was detected on her pancreas, and a biopsy was performed. Ginsburg has had four bouts with cancer, including colon cancer in 1999 and, in late 2018, cancerous nodules were removed from her left lung. Radiation therapy is one of several treatment options for pancreatic cancer. The goal is to stop the tumor from growing or to shrink it, while not harming the healthy organ or tissue nearby. Radiation therapy is used to treat small, localized tumors within the pancreas.
  2. ...hmmm.....I'd say the 10-14 stat should be encouraging for some 'round these parts...……….
  3. ...good 'ol Rochester is trying to out do Chicago...….and they're going to attempt to shut down the interstate on Sunday......this should be good...…………... Has there been a spike in violence in Rochester? Yes, and the numbers are stark. From June 1 to July 16, there were 70 people shot in the city, including eight homicides that involved a firearm. There have been nine separate shooting incidents with multiple gunshot victims. During the same time period last year, there were 40 shootings. A year earlier, the same stretch saw 36 shootings. The Rochester Police Department's open data portal documents all shooting incidents since 2000. An analysis of that data by the Democrat and Chronicle found that there hasn't been a two-month stretch with this many shootings since June and July of 2006, which saw 74 gunshot victims. Protesters say they will be 'taking over' I-490 Sunday. What we know now Sean LahmanVictoria E. Freile Rochester Democrat and Chronicle-JULY 17, 2020 Organizers affirmed Friday morning that they would go ahead with a planned peaceful protest that aims to block traffic on Interstate 490 Sunday afternoon. A group called Save Rochester — Black Lives Matter had advertised the event on Facebook for Sunday afternoon that would involve blocking traffic on Interstate 490 near downtown. The event listing was called: “Shut it down! Highway shutdown!” Organizers said Friday they would be "taking over" Interstate 490 on Sunday "as a means of disrupting the normal flow of traffic to exercise our civil disobedience." They added they would have a safety plan prepared but declined to share the details of that plan. When asked by a reporter about access for emergency vehicles, like ambulances, organizers said those vehicles would not be disrupted and they have a plan in place. They declined to share the details of that plan but said they would share it with attendees. The plan has drawn criticism, both from people who have threatened to counter the protest with acts of violence and from city officials who expressed concerns about the safety of participants. https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2020/07/17/protestors-plan-to-take-over-490-expressway-rochester-ny/5457599002/
  4. ..which is the Master Plan......the Dems will "rescue" them in exchange for votes...…….
  5. ...well, well, Big Fredo strikes again....the Covid-19 gateway to the ENTIRE country......this clown redefines "Teflon Don"...…. Cuomo, facing criticism for COVID handling, blames Trump for virus coming to New York 'If Trump's government had done its job, the virus wouldn't have come here,' the New York governor says By Adam Shaw | Fox News New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, facing fresh criticism for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic that saw his state suffer tens of thousands of deaths within months, is blaming President Trump for the virus coming to New York in the first place. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, facing fresh criticism for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic that saw his state suffer tens of thousands of deaths within months, is blaming President Trump for the virus coming to New York in the first place. The number of deaths in the Empire State is over 30,000, dwarfing the death tolls in other states. Cuomo has been criticized in particular for a now-reversed policy that sent COVID patients into nursing homes. CNN anchor Jake Tapper pushed back this week in a Twitter thread against Cuomo’s “crowing” about New York’s handling of the virus. He also highlighted a poster that Cuomo had put out declaring “New York Tough” and dinging President Trump. Tapper noted what was missing from the poster. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cuomo-covid-handling-blames-trump-ny
  6. ....now you see why masks should be MANDATORY.................
  7. ....civil discourse has long since gone to Hell.....dare to have a differing opinion?......
  8. ...good luck getting an answer.....they always attack and NEVER defend....asked the same question many times, adding if they could insert THEIR pick to replace Trump as the one to be leading the pandemic fight, the answer is....."crickets"......my expectation......CONSTRUCTIVE vs DESTRUCTIVE dialogue......YOU decide which one does NOT exist in their vocabulary (COUGH).....
  9. ...why yes...if it wasn't for Covid-19, EVERY protester would be back at work, right??.............
  10. ...LMAO!.....we need a HOF Thread Forum for stuff like this!............
  11. ..wonder if 1600 Pennsylvania will no longer be called the WHITE House?...………………...
  12. ...with the drinking age being 21, you won't be legal for 9 more years, right??…………..
  13. ...pretty sad around these parts when you have some HOPING the initial numbers WERE correct.......
  14. ...highly doubtful.......and was not implying that................
  15. ...how many thousands of years has ethnic racism existed worldwide and STILL going strong?.....No political capital in ethnic racism......visual HAS capital.....
  16. ...better get your checkbooks ready............... North Carolina city approves ‘reparations,’ apologizes for role in slavery The council voted 7-0 on a measure to mitigate racial disparities By Morgan Phillips | Fox News North Carolina’s Asheville City Council apologized for its role in slavery and racial discrimination, voting unanimously to provide reparations in the form of community investments to help Black residents. The council voted 7-0 on Tuesday night on the measure to mitigate racial disparities. The reparations will not provide direct cash payments, as some have suggested, but will provide investments in housing, health care and career growth in Black neighborhoods. Councilwoman Shaneika Smith, who is Black, said the council had gotten emails from those "asking, 'Why should we pay for what happened during slavery?'" "[Slavery] is this institution that serves as the starting point for the building of the strong economic floor for white America, while attempting to keep Blacks subordinate forever to its progress," said Smith, as reported by the Asheville Citizen Times. The resolution calls on the city to create a Community Reparations Commission to make concrete recommendations of where to funnel programs and resources. "The resulting budgetary and programmatic priorities may include but not be limited to increasing minority home ownership and access to other affordable housing, increasing minority business ownership and career opportunities, strategies to grow equity and generational wealth, closing the gaps in health care, education, employment and pay, neighborhood safety and fairness within criminal justice," the resolution reads. "Hundreds of years of black blood spilled that basically fills the cup we drink from today," said Councilman Keith Young, who is one of two African American city council members and spearheaded the proposal. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/north-carolina-city-approves-reparations-apologizes-for-role-in-slavery
  17. ....not sure what a green toupee' would look like.......I prefer charcoal gray remnants................
  18. ..."Applebee's Stadium"........every concession has a window seat......
  19. ...Lombardi's attempts to stay relevant as an expert football analyst rank right up there with Buffalo's own Greg Gabriel.......PFFFFT........
  20. ...they also had the right to first refusal on a new stadium........Chris Koch who is buds with Brandon was all set to hire him......Pegula did and continues to have Brandon blackballed from ANY employment in Buffalo.....he is still not working.....he got $2 mil severance and has been living off that.....so perhaps Koch got sick of Pegula's games...who knows?....
  21. .....how 'bout the Washington BURNT ENDS to signify "well done"....just sayin'...
  22. ...and here I thought it was JALE where you get locked up.......my bad.........
  23. ...isn't that the norm we see in the private sector, not so much as blaming someone else, but terminations for inadequate job performance?....despite the kicking and screaming, isn't he trying to run the government more from a business perspective?....way too many parasitic lifers within the Federal ranks who think they are protected......George Eastman founded Eastman Kodak on a "cradle to grave" employment philosophy.....and where are they now?....peak employment in Rochester was 67,000....now it's 6,700 IF lucky........
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