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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...as if Robertson matters........dig deeper......maybe Swaggert or Creflo Dollar.........
  2. ...Maddow wants a complete explanation....these are uncharted waters......
  3. ...so what say you Chuck The Schmuck?.......obstruct the people's poll as usual and demonstrate your leadership(COUGH)"??.....yet ANOTHER miserable NYS failure in a long list of putz's extraordinaire..... Majority favor confirming Barrett to Supreme Court, oppose court packing, polls show Barrett received greater support than Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh during their confirmations By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News A new Gallup poll shows that a majority of Americans support the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court by a slim margin. The poll, released Tuesday morning, revealed that 51% of participants said they are in favor of President Trump's latest nominee joining the high court, compared to 46% who are opposed. Just 3% said they do not have an opinion on the matter, the lowest number since Gallup started taking polls on Supreme Court nominees. The poll was taken from Sept. 30 – four days after Trump nominated Barrett – to Oct. 15, the final day of her confirmation hearing. Barrett's 51% approval is higher than both of Trump's previous nominees. Justice Neil Gorsuch received support from 45% of those polled when he was nominated, and Justice Brett Kavanaugh garnered 41%. In both of those situations, far more people stated they had no opinion. For Gorsuch, 23% had no opinion and 32% were opposed, and for Kavanaugh 22% had no opinion and 37% were opposed. The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to vote on Barrett's nomination on Thursday. The full Senate will then hold a vote on whether to confirm her to the Supreme Court. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell tweeted Monday that he will make sure the process moves forward swiftly. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/polls-amy-coney-barrett-supreme-court-confirmation-court-packing
  4. ...you're SERIOUSLY asking?......another mark on his chalkboard tally.......
  5. ...sounds like Jeff is "relieved".....no pink slip......shocker..... Jeffrey Toobin will 'probably' return to CNN after ***** scandal dies down, insiders say 'He's too valuable of a commodity,' one network insider tells Fox News By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News CNN star Jeffrey Toobin is taking "time off" after he was suspended by the New Yorker magazine for allegedly ***** during a Zoom call with his colleagues. However, insiders at the cable network suggest that its chief legal analyst will "probably" return to the air after the scandal exits the headlines. Toobin joined CNN in 2002 and has been a staple ever since. While one network insider views the Toobin as "smug," the person also acknowledged that Toobin is "respected" among colleagues, a "smart guy," and "good on TV." And despite the incident being "embarrassing" and "humiliating" for CNN, the insider told Fox News that Toobin is "one of the biggest faces on the network" and "too valuable of a commodity" to let go. "I wouldn’t be shocked either way," said the insider, weighing the #MeToo implications of Toobin's alleged actions against the rapidly changing news cycle two weeks before the presidential election. https://www.foxnews.com/media/jeffrey-toobin-return-cnn-*****-scandal-insiders
  6. LMAO Teddy..... "Mein" Kemp is quite the "contributor"....ad nauseam......SMH.....
  7. ..saw that pic in the Post Office...they were #5 on the "list"..............
  8. owning the state of Delaware much like the Landreaus owning Louisiana makes it easy to hide behind Daddy's coat tails........
  9. ...speaking of "stepping up" CB, will Frazier have some answers?.....AND....will Daboll abandoned the run game (huh?) against the Chief's weak run D?.....stay tuned.....
  10. ...Mein Kemp has spoken......SMH...............
  11. ..so are you saying, "the acorn doesn't fall too far from the tree"??.................
  12. ...now there's a REAL shocker....the teleprompter popped the breaker........power to be restored Nov. 4................ Biden mum on Hunter Biden emails, alleged knowledge of son's overseas business dealings Biden's campaign has hit back at the New York Post report and the emails, but the former vice president has yet to address the matter. By Brooke Singman | Fox News Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has remained mum on questions about his knowledge of his son Hunter’s overseas business dealings, which were discussed in a series of emails purportedly found on a laptop belonging to his son. The New York Post last week published the controversial emails, which were later obtained by Fox News, related to Hunter Biden’s work with Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, as well as his work with a Chinese energy firm. While the Biden campaign has hit back at the New York Post report, the former vice president himself has not given a sustantive answer on the emails. Biden, over the weekend, was asked about the Post report by a CBS News reporter, to which he replied: “I have no response.” It's "another smear campaign," he said. One email, dated May 13, 2017, and obtained by Fox News, includes a discussion of “remuneration packages” for six people in a business deal with a Chinese energy firm. The email appeared to identify Hunter Biden as “Chair/ Vice Chair depending on an agreement with CEFC,” in an apparent reference to now-bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co. https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/compton-2-year-guaranteed-income-program-racial-injustice
  13. ...the Left Coast strikes again...SMH........... Compton rolls out largest 2-year guaranteed income program amid racial injustice reckoning Patrisse Cullors, co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement, voiced her support for the program By Danielle WallaceFOXBusiness Hundreds of people living in the California city of Compton, including those out of prison and illegal immigrants, will be eligible to receive guaranteed income as part of a new pilot program over the next two years. Compton Mayor Aja Brown announced Monday that The Compton Pledge, a landmark guaranteed income initiative, will distribute recurring, direct cash relief to approximately 800 low-income residents for two years, starting in late 2020. It’s the largest city-led guaranteed income program in the U.S. to date and comes amid a nationwide reckoning on racial injustice and inequality. According to the city, all funds are being raised privately in partnership with the Jain Family Institute, an applied research group, and the Fund for Guaranteed Income, a registered public charity launched to steward guaranteed income as a path to racial justice. Those who were formally incarcerated, as well as illegal immigrants, are eligible for the program and may receive regular cash payments worth at least hundreds of dollars. Patrisse Cullors, an advocate of the Compton Pledge and co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement, said, “guaranteed income is an urgent and necessary strategy for addressing the economic realities of racial injustice. I’m thrilled Mayor Brown and Compton are leading the way in this growing national movement.” https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/compton-2-year-guaranteed-income-program-racial-injustice
  14. ...wonder how many shares of stock he holds?????...............
  15. ....will be singing "Purple Rain" at his pressers.......
  16. ..they're in the ACC, right?...............
  17. ...Blank cleans house and Ryan comes up big.......
  18. ...what's the bounty?..........
  19. ...so presumably if we're getting some injured folks back and IF Frazier can get this D refocused, can we bounce back from the stinker with a formidable showing at home or resign ourselves to two L's in a row?.....
  20. ...think the next Covid-19 Relief Package should include a MAJOR expansion for Gitmo......could AND should get real crowded soon......bet Southwest offers one way direct flights shortly...stay tuned.............
  21. ....my astute (COUGH) relatives lay the entire Covid-19 blame at Trump's feet.......now if, IF a Dem was in charge at 1600 Pennsylvania and the response was the same, their penny loafers would be drowning in positive drool......hypocrisy is a trait "solely for the other side"....
  22. ...we just need to forever take that nonsense off the table PERIOD......535 marginal lawyers (NOTE 535 includes BOTH sides) are going to bite the hand that feeds them?.....and you thought the private sector would pay better?.....the 535 epitomizes aggrandizement.....finding a "poor one" among the 535 is like finding a poor Union official....good luck.....
  23. ...YOU watching Fox?........I need a drink ALREADY......
  24. ...maybe Mike can host a "Dirty Jobs" segment featuring Joe and Hunter......can't get much dirtier....just sayin'............
  25. ...their mantra is, "if you can't beat 'em....eliminate 'em"........at least us "seasoned folks", regardless of party affiliation, can engage in CIVIL discourse in a tolerant and respectful way....RESPECT in today's society is LONG GONE......BUT.....there are those within the "seasoned ranks" that are arrogant, condescending and want to force their views on you...my relatives are a perfect example....they are dyed in the wool, staunch Dems forever.......I'm talking "CNN IS gospel.......EVER voting for ANY Republican is heresy and treason...".....they loved family outings where they could bait and goad you into a "discussion (COUGH)"......their favorite line is/was, ".....let me explain THIS for you"........a cousin who is a Trump supporter was unfriended on FB by another cousin and his wife (epitome of condescending arrogance), citing him as "a lunatic and unfit to be a father raising children in such a radical household".....quarantined myself from all of them 12 years ago and still counting.....their "thinking (COUGH)" was ingrained by their late parents, my aunts in particular...my late mother referred to Reagan as "nothing but a B-rated movie actor"......her late sister, a self-proclaimed political EXPERT because she lived in VA said, "Ronald Reagan ruined my life" followed by 911 quip, "George Bush is NOT MY President"......or another late sister who agonized over voting for Obama because "I don't think I can vote for a black man".....black man vs a Republican vote?.....yup she voted Obama.....
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