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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...you would know as the poster boy for "stable genius".......
  2. ...should be deleted....Biden...and...intelligence...in the same sentence?....seriously?....
  3. ...pretty sure the stimulus package provided hospital funding through the Medicare mechanism whereby the hospital reimbursement was $13,000 for non-Covid 19 yet $39,000 for Covid-19 related....thus there were "financial incentives (COUGH)" to label everything COVID......
  4. ...yet another AFRICAN-AMERICAN weighing in on defunding......but your foil top would know best...... Brooklyn borough president says NYPD has become 'predictable' since scrapping plainclothes unit 'We need to really introduce technology into policing,' Eric Adams tells 'Outnumbered Overtime' By Joshua Nelson | Fox News Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams told “Outnumbered Overtime” Friday that the NYPD's decision to disband its plainclothes anti-crime unit has made law enforcement in the city "predictable." "Policing operates off of two mechansims," said Adams, a former NYPD officer and the most prominent Black politician in New York City. "One is the omnipresence of blue and white vehicles, and the other is the element of uncertainty, that bad guys can't believe that policing is a predictable model. “Not having plainclothes, in my belief, on the precinct level, where you can have good supervision ... [means] you’re taking away the element of surprise. Policing cannot be predictable and right now it is predictable for those bad guys that carry guns.” https://www.foxnews.com/media/brooklyn-borough-president-eric-adams-nypd-crime
  5. ...pretty sure the CDC revised their numbers to say 40% of Covid-19 reported cases are symptomatic......NO political capital in accurate reporting or case breakdown....remember YEARS ago when there were Press Credentials?.....today's reporting credentials are a roll of Charmin' and the TDS clowns on PPP run with it as gospel.....middle schools closed do have ramifications.....moms are NOT watching either..........
  6. ...DEAD ON.....so what do we tell the MILLIONS of African-Americans or other ethnic Americans that have embraced those same alleged "white supremacist (COUGH) ideals" and have basked in the SAME level of successes?.....what derogatory adjectives should we apply to them for "chasing AND realizing their dreams"?......I missed the memo....
  7. ...nobody did or would ask you.....go do your homework.....
  8. ...CERTAINLY appreciate your time for a "Florida boots on the ground " assessment.....BIG thanks....as you know I'm 67 but work every day, having to run a NYS essential business in construction with 200+ employees...I/we as well as my kids and daughter-in-law take every mandated as well as recommended precaution that Big Fredo dishes out....so far, not ONE Covid-19 case among my employees.....3 recommended quarantines due to exposures and that's it.....we just stay the course and ignore the MSM hysteria reporting, politically enriched..... here's an ultra paranoia case involving one of my employees (HIS prerogative)......age 35 and paranoid because "people my age are having strokes from Covid-19(um ok)"......he is in Admin and my offices are 12,000 sq. ft for 30 employees or 400 sq. ft per.....cubicles are 10x12 or 120 sq ft.....we are social distancing with sanitation stations throughout(I paid 5 grand to have offices sanitized for employee peace of mind despite NO cases) and mask requirements in public areas.....he drives to work alone wearing a mask.....he is in his cubicle 8 hours a day wearing a mask.....he leaves his cubicle daily at 10AM, noon, and 2PM for smoke breaks and lunch, opening doors with his elbow or knee......he wears his mask outside for smoke breaks and is at least 10' away from fellow smokers..... his girlfriend has been working remotely since the Covid-19 onset and had not gone outside until two weeks ago when her parents came into town for a visit....NOT EVEN OUTSIDE......he refused to go see them because he couldn't "take their word as to where they had been".....is this SANE?...I can't make this stuff up.....
  9. ...um...er...well....what's the name of the dead guy we're supposed to be protesting for anyhow?"......damn Covid-19....this whole gang would be hard at work with NO time to protest, right (COUGH)??.........
  10. ...what if Justice Ginsberg, a four time cancer survivor (now battling #5) had sadly passed leading up to Obama's re-election bid?.....do you SERIOUSLY think as the clown suggested regarding Scalia that the Dems would have waited then until after the election?.....he once again solidified his position as a PPP fraud, equal action out of BOTH sides of his mouth.....
  11. ...hope they're using 12 passenger Transit Connects......Ford has a better idea..............
  12. ...you and your bride are Floridians and we are about the same age, namely an older bracket that is allegedly more susceptible to significant issues if we contract Covid-19.....what is your assessment as a Florida resident and how has the purported case explosions altered your way of life?.....are you inclined to temporarily leave the state for refuge elsewhere where you would feel safer?......give us a "boots on the ground" perspective bud.....
  13. ...he has NEITHER....he's a broad brush labeler...........it's the same 'ol "always attack...never defend" position due to ineptitude to engage in constructive dialogue....I'm an independent leaning conservative, yet the clown broad brushes most thread posts as "Republicans are classless"....and I NEVER said anything derogatory or political about the woman's health issues......
  14. ...I'm inclined to pause and let Acosta get to the bottom of this........
  15. ....SHOCKING to be coming from Leo, a life long Dem.....equally shocking how outspoken he has been lately against his party......he has been a longstanding, African-American Civil Rights attorney whose views have traditionally leaned that way as a staunch Dem....this change is quite astonishing IMO........
  16. ...so the same 58 of their UN ""friends" are all probably in total agreement with their "process"......next up, WHO should ring in......
  17. ...first, battling her FIFTH bout is unconscionable.....the mother of one of my buddies beat brain cancer and one other, eventually passing at 91 but cancer free.....and don't give the Scalia thing without being DEAD HONEST that the Dems would have done the same damn thing......hopefully NOT, but if Ginsberg significantly declined between now and November, should she retire or be steadfast until her last breath?....what would be in the best interest of the Court and country?.....trying to answer objectively is well beyond your purview....SMH...
  18. ...think I'll wait for Eric Holder to chime in with an honest, straight forward assessment............
  19. ...I'm guessing Hillary would have been, but unfortunately she lost......
  20. ....you love to paint with that broad brush but can never stay within the lines...try paint by number..............
  21. ….but it is such a wonderful place and perfect for raising a family...…….. The Most Corrupt States In America Niall McCarthyContributorFORBES FORBES-Feb 19, 2020,06:40am EST A new report from the University of Chicago has shed light on the U.S. cities and states with the most public-sector corruption. Co-authored by UIC professor and political advisor Dick Simpson, the report is based on an analysis of public corruption statistics released by the U.S. Department of Justice. Across all states and Federal Judicial Districts in the United States, there have been 19,634 public corruption convictions over the past ten years. In 2018 alone, 695 public official, federal employees and government contractors were convicted of public corruption. The research found that Chicago remains the most corrupt city in the United States with the Illinois-Northern Judicial District recording 1,750 public corruption convictions from 1976 to 2018. It was followed by Los Angeles with 1,547 and New York's Southern Judicial District with 1,360. The data also highlights the extent of the problem across all 50 states and the District of Columbia. D.C. had the highest number of public corruption convictions per 10,000 inhabitants between 1976 and 2018 with 16.79. This is due to several factors such as a comparably low population but also because it is the center of national government and the location of the Department of Justice. Nearly all of the country's federal agencies are housed there with large staffs of government employees who are able to monitor and investigate offenses. Louisiana comes second on the list of per capita convictions with 2.62 per 10,000 inhabitants while Chicago's high number of offenses ensure Illinois comes third with 1.66. https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2020/02/19/the-most-corrupt-states-in-america-infographic/#616fecbf2101
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