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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...so focusing on 3 1/2 years exposes you AGAIN as a known posting fraud.............let's go back TWENTY FOUR YEARS, spanning the Clinton, Bush (YUP a REPUBLICAN) and Obama administrations......outline what preventative maintenance/defensive moves THEY took relative to China's "drive to world dominance"....we kowtowed to them, kissed their respective arses and licked their boots while we got played like a second rate fiddle.....and as far as Bush, the REPUBLICAN, he's the same one when talking about KGB Putin that "I can see the man's soul through his eyes"......dumbazz couldn't see "Line 4" which read KGB.......
  2. ...yup Mister Mayor, it's the Fed's fault because your leadership has been exemplary......more excuses and blame game tactics than Big Fredo......SMH........ Portland police declare 'riot' after fires set, fences moved The mayor said the federal presence in the city was exacerbating a tense situation and he has told them to depart By Andrew Selsky | Associated Press Protesters broke into a building, set it on fire and started dumpster fires late Saturday night in Oregon's largest city, police said, as demonstrations that have been taking place since the death of George Floyd intensified for another night in Portland. The fire at the Portland Police Association building was put out a short time later, Portland police said on Twitter. The department declared the gathering a riot, and began working to clear the downtown area. https://www.foxnews.com/us/portland-police-declare-riot-after-fires-set-fences-moved
  3. ...how about the numerous physical and violent attacks on Trump supporters?.....doubtful the majority want to subject themselves to that...........I'd bet there is a significant amount of "closet supporters" for their own safety and well being, quietly "in the weeds" until Nov. 3....stay tuned..........
  4. ...actually Joe and I are in "religious lockstep".......BOTH praying like hell he loses in November.....Amen............
  5. ...sure as hell wish cooler, NON-POLITICAL heads would prevail in arriving at a safe consensus to re-open......it's not for my benefit as my kids are grown and 5-7 years into their professional careers......I'm concerned about the younger ones being out of the social interactive environment daily with their peers since March....remember when you couldn't wait until June for the school year to be over and dreaded going back in September?.....they've been out since March and interacting generally with siblings and parents during home schooling (HOPEFULLY) as well as some interaction perhaps with friends.....
  6. ...I feel WORSE for YOUR teacher..............
  7. ....cemetery "residents" continue to boost Dems voter rolls.......for ONCE, you are correct................
  8. and I'd bet 94% of all Covid-19 deaths are Dems....BUT....they'll all STILL Be registered to vote.......so "no harm...no foul" from YOUR perspective...........
  9. ...whoa!...WAIT!.......let's just let the world governing body of human decency, ala the United Nations do its job.......they will assuredly right this wrong......
  10. ...YOU know the drill.....the Dems let their woefully FAILED leadership nationwide albeit Governors, Mayors et al turn a blind eye to death, destruction, business closures etc.....because the skank Pelosi will craft House legislation in the TRILLIONS to pay for it.....passed on a party line vote......so on to the Senate and McConnell......rest assured he partially caves in an election year because the headline will read, "McConnell and Trump could care less about you"......so my Fed taxes should go up to pay for gross ineptitude while at the same time local municipalities are waving the sabre about property tax hikes to cover shortfalls.......and let's NOT exclude Big Fredo from hiking the NYS Sales tax rate...only .individuals get to survive on less.....the effin' governments just goes to the well and raises taxes...yet still waste BILLIONS........
  11. ...you've been barred for beyond Covid-19 reasons......
  12. ...LMAO..."Warren for President".......demand a refund pronto.....
  13. ....WHOA!....WAIT!...HOLD THE PHONE!......you mean BIGGER isn't BETTER???......does the 1,715 include the "Commutation Card" he gave Eric Holder for future use??....just askin'.......
  14. ....our new "Teflon Don" is a real gem......in charge of the US Covid-19 Gateway yet it's Trump's fault.......with 10+ MILLION crammed into NYC metro, this fraud was NOT prepared for ANY type of health emergency and I am EXCLUDING Covid-19........with that many people, you damn well better have some type of plan relative to equipment, procedures, triage, et al, and he had NOTHING.....dispatched the hospital ship to the harbor, Javitts Center built medical facility, etc., all to no avail because this clown was clueless......he fended off criticism about thousands of nursing home deaths as a "shiny new object"......of all people, even CNN's Tapper criticized him (probably gets fired)......yet the POS wins re-election in a landslide because of downstate unless he's your presidential boy in 2022.........we're screwed.........
  15. ...quite laudatory and WAY over the top......best I could ascertain is that he/she is the product of prolonged middle school closures....sorry.......and I have PLENTY of friends from PENFIELD NY, a Rochester suburb............
  16. ...so invite the FBI, DHS, ATF to the party......I'm in.....why Big Fredo could deploy the National Guard but he's too busy making sure you order food with your cocktail now in NYS...
  17. ...she's as relevant as the Griffith skank.......can't make an honest living so they both try to stay relevant......Waste Management wouldn't pick either piece of garbage on Monday morning.....
  18. ...the "world's greatest democracy (COUGH)" has some serious loopholes (BY DESIGN)......how can garbage like Schiff, Nadler, as well as numerous others on BOTH SIDES historically not be held in some type of contempt of Congress when caught in outright lies?......how many BILLIONS have been wasted by the illustrious 535 over time on frivolous witch hunts solely for political gain, and ZERO consideration for "the good of the country"??...........
  19. ....GREAT call...yet the illustrious Mayor and Rochester Police Chief are going to "accommodate the protesters".........cowards.......MORE seriously failed leadership.....during the recent protests and destruction, the Mayor replied, "these are the actions of outsiders.....Rochester community members would not act like this"........guess where EVERY damn one arrested so far is from?....HINT: NOT Guam.....SMH..............
  20. ...I have NO problem with a "hello, we're here" cursory reminder........with a dozen Bradleys in plain view........this crap is beyond absurd........Portland's mayor is yet ANOTHER abysmal failure.....Minnesota's governor wants $500 mil from the Feds to cover destruction........sorry, YOU failed...YOU fix it....this is on tap in Rochester tomorrow......already numerous death threats about mowing down protesters on the interstate.......... Protesters plan to shut down I-490 Sunday (Rochester) Patrick Moussignac Created: July 17, 2020 07:18 PM ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Save Rochester and Black Lives Matter plan to shut down a portion of I-490 Sunday to get both city officials and law enforcement to hear their demands for racial equality. One member identified as Terrell said, "We are out here not trying to cause any trouble. We're just trying to disrupt your regular day, and have you think about why we are out here, and we mean no harm." Their message continues to protest against the racial inequalities in the city. Sunday's plan to shut down 490 is being closely monitored by Rochester Police, but Chief La'Ron Singletary says no specific plans will be released to the public outside of keeping everyone safe. https://www.whec.com/rochester-new-york-news/protesters-plan-to-shut-down-i-490-sunday/5798655/?cat=565
  21. ...and if Ginsberg unfortunately passed prior to Barry's re-election, the Dems would have waited, right?......give us your Scalia line.....fraud.......
  22. ...and CNN would hire him in a nanosecond................ ...Poor Joe is confused.....he thought it was pumpernickel............
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