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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. …...WAIT...political corruption in Illinois?.....must be fake news..... Illinois political powerhouse implicated in corruption probe A utility company has already agreed to $200 million fine in connection with the allegations By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News Longtime Illinois House Speaker and state Democratic Party chairman Michael Madigan is facing calls for his resignation after federal prosecutors implicated him in an alleged bribery scheme, which has resulted in utility company ComEd agreeing to a $200 million fine. Federal prosecutors said that utility company ComEd admitted to providing jobs or contracts "for various associates of a high-level elected official for the state of Illinois." While Madigan's name was not mentioned, a federal court filing identifies the official as the Illinois House speaker. "The speaker has a lot that he needs to answer for, to authorities, to investigators, and most importantly, to the people of Illinois,” Gov. J.B. Pritzker said. “If these allegations of wrongdoing by the speaker are true, there is no question that he will have betrayed the public trust and he must resign." Prosecutors claim that the purpose of the alleged scheme was "to influence and reward the official’s efforts to assist ComEd with respect to legislation concerning ComEd and its business." In a news release, the U.S. Attorney's Office said that "Public Official A" influenced lawmakers regarding legislation that impacted ComEd. At this time, Madigan has not been charged and has not been formally accused of wrongdoing. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/illinois-political-powerhouse-implicated-in-corruption-probe
  2. ...same as they've always been scheduled....NEVER...……….
  3. ...cut him some slack...he's struggling like hell with his Legos...……..
  4. ……... 'Strike for Black Lives': Workers to walk off jobs in Rochester WHECTV Updated: July 20, 2020 09:04 AM Created: July 20, 2020 08:37 AM ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Thousands of people across the country will walk off their jobs in protest on Monday, including in Rochester. Dubbed the "Strike for Black Lives," workers are striking as a response to racial and economic inequality, which they say has deepened during the pandemic. They're demanding action to confront white supremacy, the public health emergency, and the broken economy. Nursing home workers at the Pearl on Portland Avenue in Rochester will picket starting at 11 a.m. Monday. Labor unions, along with social and racial justice organizations from New York City to Los Angeles, will take part in a range of planned actions. Where work stoppages are not possible for a full day, participants will either picket during a lunch break or observe moments of silence to honor Black lives lost to police violence, organizers said. https://www.whec.com/rochester-new-york-news/strike-for-black-lives-workers-to-walk-off-jobs-in-rochester/5800033/?cat=565
  5. ...Kayne will rent him the Lincoln bedroom...….not to worry...………..
  6. ...Mayor Lightweight said, "we're making progress"...………...
  7. ...how did she react??…...just askin'...……...
  8. ...LMAO....you'll NEVER get an answer...ask them who would be their choice in charge right now to handle the pandemic?....response?....crickets....ask them what if THEY were in charge right now what THEY would have or would be doing differently?...SAME damn result.....crickets....."always attack and never defend" if you're incapable of constructive dialogue...
  9. well isn't he the PCP for the 133,000+ deaths?.....
  10. ...well, Kanye is back in so I'm relieved.............looking forward to "Kardashians Live From The West Wing"............
  11. ...with the dire, purported Covid-19 straits in Florida, have you built your doomsday bunker yet?......
  12. ...my Cliff Notes version assessment...sacrifice ALL party principles to secure the vote in whatever means are necessary......shaping up to be socialism as the "big brother caretaker".......take from the "haves" and redistribute to the "have nots" as they wait with open beaks and NO initiative to strive to become "haves" on their own.....we'll affectionately call the them "Gimme Crowd"....as if the "Gimme Crowd" doesn't get enough gimmes......intended to be an assistance boost to strive on their own, which is working out HOW?....what an effin' sham.............
  13. ...whoa!...I thought we're tearing down statutes to ELIMINATE history.....are you exempt for references??........
  14. ...seriously?...you should know by now to expect a fraudulent poster to dig up something from 60 years ago and try to make it relevant today....his modus operandi.....
  15. ...ONLY because the much needed push back is occurring with Trump PERIOD.......look at the FOUR previous administrations ala Bush Sr (REPUBLICAN), Clinton, 'lil Bush (REPUBLICAN) and Obama......every damn one was played like a second rate fiddle with three broken strings by China ("Biden says, "our friends").....their stated objective for world dominance went unchecked for FOUR administrations....and now we should singly intercede in their ethnic cleansing while the UN sits idly by?.....of course.......
  16. ...I was also around for the tumultuous 60's.....protests may start out peaceful, but RARELY end up that way......too many "opportunists" jump on board for THEIR own gain which has nothing to do with the initial peaceful predicate....if, IF you have a cause to protest, shouldn't it be united? ..shouldn't you have your own house in order before looking for consensus support?.....BLM is a fraud......it is NOT united, ripe with fringe opportunists using it as cover for riots and destruction.....if black lives matter, how do they stand by and watch helpless BABIES and INFANTS murdered in Chicago et al as if it is a shooting gallery?.....where as the likes of Reverend Jackson or Sharpton not decrying this slaughter DAILY?....because there is NO gain for THEM........and I should empathize with this cause when these two alleged stalwarts of civil rights are deadly silent?.....when a highly respected, outspoken AFRICAN-AMERICAN Civil Rights attorney as in Leo Tyrell, a staunch and outspoken Dem comes out against his own party and now vows to vote for Trump, should we take notice or just trash him for his current views/assessments?.....
  17. ...sad but true 'Chef...trying to engage in constructive dialogue/discourse is non-sequitur.....WELL beyond their capabilities...."always attack...NEVER defend" reigns true supported by highly reliable social media postings (COUGH).....BUT...it is daily amusement free of charge........... UK???....I'm going to wait for the UN to provide the truth.....
  18. ...all I know is ignorance is bliss which makes you one happy camper..............
  19. ...seriously?...do you realize what you are asking 'Chef?....SMH..........
  20. ....a typical non-answer to solidify your posting propagation.....
  21. ...damn right on ALL accounts......won't be addressed, but how about the potential for child abuse with parents and children being under the same roof 24/7 versus parents working and children in school and/or daycare?...............
  22. ...put Trump aside for a moment......look at that last THREE administrations...hell even include Bush Sr (ANOTHER REPUBLICAN) who was the former CIA Director and presumed to have AMPLE intelligence on China's aspirations.......what did ANY of them do as far preventative or protective maintenance to protect the US and deter China's goals to dominate?.....
  23. ...look at the mental anguish upon ADULTS......I believe some here have posted that they lost friends to suicide....so how do you expect younger minds to cope being out of their daily social interaction with classmates?.....sorry but pandemic, Covid-19, coronavirus et al are not in their vocabulary nor the ability to comprehend something last seen in the US since 1917.....
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