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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...just found some more details.......just keep sending them.....maybe some Bradleys on every damn street corner......NYC's Bumblin' Billy threatens to sue.......maybe he has Avenatti on speed dial...... Trump to 'surge' federal agents to Chicago, other cities, amid spike in violent crime The surge of agents to Chicago and other American cities is part of Operation Legend By Andrew O'Reilly | Fox News President Trump announced on Wednesday that he is deploying 100 federal agents to Chicago to help combat rising crime rates – a move that marks an expansion of the White House’s intervention into local law enforcement as Trump continues to position himself as the “law and order” president. The "surge," as Trump called it, of agents to Chicago and other American cities is part of Operation Legend – named after 4-year-old LeGend Taliferro, who was fatally shot while sleeping in a Kansas City apartment late last month – and comes as federal law enforcement officers have already descended on Portland, Ore. And Kansas City, Mo. “The effort to shut down police in their own communities has led to a shocking explosion of shootings, killing, violence, murders,” Trump said during a speech in the White House’s East Room. “This rampage of violence shocks the conscience of our nation and we will not stand by and watch it happen.” While sending federal agents to aid local law enforcement is not unprecedented – Attorney General Bill Barr announced a similar surge effort in December for seven cities that had seen spiking violence – the type of federal agent being sent, and some of their tactics, have raised concerns among state and local lawmakers. Usually, the Justice Department sends agents under its own umbrella, like agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives or the Drug Enforcement Agency. But this surge effort will include Department of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) officers, who generally conducts drug trafficking and child exploitation investigations. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-to-surge-federal-agents-to-chicago-amid-spike-in-violent-crime-move-opposed-by-mayor
  2. Chicago police warned about possibility of shooting: report By Edmund DeMarche | Fox News Chicago police were reportedly warned that there could be a retaliatory strike at the funeral service that was the site of Tuesday’s mass shooting that injured at least 14. CBS Chicago, citing unnamed sources, reported that police assigned a squad car at the funeral service for Donnie Weathersby. The report said that Weathersby, 31, was killed on July 14 and the funeral at Rhodes Funeral Services was expected to draw a large crowd. The Chicago Police Department did not immediately respond to a Fox News email seeking comment. https://www.foxnews.com/us/chicago-police-warned-about-possiblity-of-shooting-report
  3. ...by Big Fredo's own admission, the major offenses are in NYC/Manhattan.......of course there are infractions elsewhere......but shut down the whole damn state?..... With Legislature idle, Cuomo changed 262 laws in 55 days Cuomo invokes executive powers during pandemic to changes to hundreds of laws and regulations May 2, 2020Updated: May 2, 2020 6 p.m. ALBANY — In the two months since Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo declared a state of emergency on March 7, he has invoked the powers of his office to issue more than 25 executive orders in response to the coronavirus pandemic.onths since Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo declared a state of emergency on March 7, he has invoked the powers of his office to issue more than 25 executive orders in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The expansive orders have made hundreds of temporary but sweeping changes to state laws, including shutting down schools and businesses, as well as altering state regulations that govern public health, hospitals, nursing homes, elections, open meetings, court proceedings, purchasing procedures and child care. https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/With-Legislature-idle-Cuomo-changed-262-laws-in-15240581.php
  4. ...Bradley is an uncontested roster lock then........this should get interesting 'round these parts..................
  5. ...MasterCard or VISA accepted..you should be fine, right?...........
  6. ...add the $600 to their pot......$1,400 for staying home?.....now there's a REAL impetus.......no wonder so many are available to protest............. Unemployment Benefits by State (Highest Pay) 1. Washington - $790 2. Massachusetts - $769 3. Minnesota - $717 4. New Jersey - $696 5. Connecticut - $631
  7. ...something like we've not seen since 1917 certainly required Crisis Management......and all of the unpreparedness was DULY exposed......Federally and by states.....a woeful failure was Big Fredo, Governor of NYC, 11 million people condensed and no emergency Plan for something 1/100 of Covid-19 (would NOT expect a Plan to counter something of this unprecedented magnitude; let's be fair)..PPE, equipment (auctioned off) etc......yet NYC served as the nation's gateway for the spread.....and MANY other states were exposed for their unpreparedness requiring Crisis Management from the elected officials, MANY who had no clue (equipment stockpiles, PPE, etc).......were there bound to be mistakes during this "learning curve on the fly"?...damn right.....BUT....TDS "trumped " everything.....ask the libs what would be their Plan or some of our fine posters here (hmmm) for their input or their guy/gal that they'd prefer to be in charge versus Trump.....NOT ONE DAMN RESPONSE......"always attack and never defend" when constructive dialogue dwarfs your purview or ability......
  8. ...if they WANT to, so be it....here's an over the top case with one of my employees....I can't tell him "no", right?....... here's an ultra paranoia case involving one of my employees (HIS prerogative)......age 35 and paranoid because "people my age are having strokes from Covid-19(um ok)"......he is in Admin and my offices are 12,000 sq. ft for 30 employees or 400 sq. ft per.....cubicles are 10x12 or 120 sq ft.....we are social distancing with sanitation stations throughout(I paid 5 grand to have offices sanitized for employee peace of mind despite NO cases) and mask requirements in public areas.....he drives to work alone wearing a mask.....he is in his cubicle 8 hours a day wearing a mask.....he leaves his cubicle daily at 10AM, noon, and 2PM for smoke breaks and lunch, opening doors with his elbow or knee......he wears his mask outside for smoke breaks and is at least 10' away from fellow smokers..... his girlfriend has been working remotely since the Covid-19 onset and had not gone outside until two weeks ago when her parents came into town for a visit....NOT EVEN OUTSIDE......he refused to go see them because he couldn't "take their word as to where they had been"....
  9. ...LOL Doc....a tad of sarcasm....something I RARELY do..............
  10. ....you are a petulant little fraud....how quick did the ABOLISH THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE battle cry start?.......been around since September 6, 1787 with no problem and all of a sudden it didn't work?...... 3 1/2 years later and you STILL soggy your Wheaties......
  11. ....hmmm...sounds like you wore your MAGA hat to the appointment.......
  12. ...Big Fredo is on his way to Georgia to straighten out their Covid-19 mess...…………….
  13. ...WOW!....will now distance myself as a former cultist.....you're a BAD influence.................
  14. ...Trump doctored the ball and lowered the mound rest assured......
  15. ...he really needs to release a preliminary report to capture any credibility......the details can follow, but this is turning into "cry wolf" crap......
  16. ...sure to be a MASSIVE curve ball......or better yet, SCREWED ball.......
  17. ...throw in some IV Ensure to keep 'em upright......
  18. ...it's on the books so let's get started..... The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law (10 U.S.C. §§ 251–255; prior to 2016, 10 U.S.C. §§ 331–335; amended 2006, 2007) that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection and rebellion. The act provides a "statutory exception" to the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which limits the use of military personnel under federal command for law enforcement purposes within the United States.[1][2] Before invoking the powers under the Act, 10 U.S.C. § 254 requires the President to first publish a proclamation ordering the insurgents to disperse.
  19. ...yet another example of how low these skanks will go.......still wanna by a GM (COUGH) Buick???........... These Are The Most Blatant Chinese Knockoff Vehicles BY Brad Anderson | Posted on July 19, 2020 China is home to all kinds of copycat products, including everything from fashion to timepieces to technology and, of course, vehicles. In this video from CarWow, we are presented with some of the most blatant knockoffs out of China. Some you’re probably already familiar with, but there are some that may be new to you. One of the most infamous knockoffs from China is the Landwind X7 that was built between 2015 and 2019. Clearly ‘inspired’ (aka, being an almost direct copy) by the first-generation Range Rover Evoque, the X7 demonstrated just how hard it is for foreign automakers to protect their designs in the People’s Republic. Jaguar Land Rover took Landwind to court in 2015 but lost. In 2019, however, it did eventually win the case, forcing production of the X7 to end. https://www.carscoops.com/2020/07/these-are-the-most-blatant-chinese-knockoff-vehicles/
  20. ...how 'bout multiple choice questions???............
  21. ....can't afford it...they have NINE Ferrari's to maintain.................
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