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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...SMH....these lefty clowns want it to continue......anybody brief them on the powers of the 1807 Insurrection Act?.....publish the proclamation to disperse...... Portland officials send federal government cease-and-desist letter calling for removal of courthouse fencing 'The fencing and barriers in the right-of-way create a hazard for Portlanders by blocking the bike lane on SW Main,' the letter states By Stephanie Pagones | Fox News Portland authorities are calling on the government to remove fencing around a federal courthouse amid ongoing protests or face legal action, according to a recently published official letter. The “illegally” installed concrete and metal barriers “are both unpermitted and represent a hazard to the traveling public,” said a letter sent with a cease-and-desist order to a federal official Thursday. Among other things, they block a bike lane, according to the document, published online by Willamette Week. “Unidentified agents of the federal government have placed unpermitted fencing and jersey barriers in the city’s right-of-way outside of the Hatfield Federal Courthouse,” the letter states. “The fencing and barriers in the right-of-way create a hazard for Portlanders by blocking the bike lane on SW Main, which is the premiere bike facility into downtown Portland.” https://www.foxnews.com/us/portland-oregon-protests-fencing-courthouse
  2. ...it could end up being the year of the perceived 1st Amendment vs the 2nd Amendment....winner take all.....know where I'd place my bet................
  3. ...I think he should attack a Federal building........the DHS boyz will have a "welcoming committee" waiting...............
  4. ....I'd go one further....make them multiple choice................
  5. ....LMAO....and the "peaceful" protesters are now turning against those flippant failures........Minnesota's governor wants $500 mil from the Feds for damages in his state.....YOU let it happen....YOU fix it........
  6. ...but that was an "approved" protest..........
  7. ....sure sounds to me like current actions of the Feds complies with Insurrection Act of 1807....if not, why not?.......we've gone azz backwards to the 60's.....
  8. …....shouldn't we wait for the UN Human Rights Commission to ring in with the facts before passing judgment?.....
  9. With Legislature idle, Cuomo changed 262 laws in 55 days Cuomo invokes executive powers during pandemic to changes to hundreds of laws and regulations Brendan J. Lyons-The Times Union May 2, 2020Updated: May 2, 2020 6 p.m https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/With-Legislature-idle-Cuomo-changed-262-laws-in-15240581.php
  10. ………...SMH...……. CNN anchor accused of 'ludicrous' claim about hydroxychloroquine by Yale epidemiology professor Keilar spars with Trump campaign spokesman, says hydroxychloroquine 'kills people' By Brian Flood | Fox News A Yale epidemiology professor rejected a CNN anchor’s "ludicrous" claim that hydroxychloroquine is too dangerous to even talk about as a potential COVID-19 treatment during an appearance Wednesday on “The Ingraham Angle.” Earlier this week, CNN anchor Brianna Keilar – who has recently sparred with conservative guests on a fairly regular basis – got into an argument with Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh over hydroxychloroquine. “It kills people,” Keilar said of hydroxychloroquine. Murtaugh pointed out that many media members pounced on negative hydroxychloroquine information, such as a Lancet study that was retracted last month when the validity of the data was called into question. “That study had to be withdrawn,” Murtaugh told Keilar. “Now there is another study that shows it can actually cut deaths by as much as 50 percent.” Murtaugh was referring to a recent study by researchers at the Henry Ford Health System in Michigan that found early administration of the drug made hospitalized patients substantially less likely to die from coronavirus. Keilar quickly dismissed the Michigan study and the two bickered until the CNN host said Murtaugh was doing a “disservice to the health of Americans” for even mentioning the drug. https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-anchor-keilar-ludicrous-claim-hydroxychloroquine
  11. ...Sheldon Silver needs a cell mate...………….
  12. ….Big Fredo strikes again...….probably wanted a cut of "Cuomo Chips" sales...... Cuomo: NYSP, Liquor Authority to investigate, shut down non-compliant businesses WHECTV Updated: July 23, 2020 12:30 PM Created: July 23, 2020 11:59 AM ALBANY, N.Y. (WHEC) — The New York State Police and the State Liquor Authority will lead a task force to investigate and shut down establishments not complying with state standards, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Thursday. This news comes after the State Liquor Authority clarified an executive order that went into effect last week. The order requires people to order food if they want to drink alcohol to keep people from gathering in large crowds. While the new rules don't apply to places like wineries or breweries, bars and restaurants can face fines or be shut down if they violate the order.
  13. ..230 FELONIES??....20 parking tickets earns you a wheel lock......
  14. ...well AG Barr reopened Federal executions, so we have some prime candidates.....as Ron White said, "we in Texas have the death penalty....and we USE IT"...I'm in..............
  15. ..he's an unchecked poster with the same usefulness as a hemorrhoid.......butt trouble.........
  16. ...hopefully there is camera video....attempted murder of a Federal officer sounds right.....these WAY left excuses for lib Mayors redefines reprehensible......thank God the Feds are on the way.......if they want the "war" to be 2nd Amendment vs 1st Amendment, guess who wins?........and hiding behind the 1st Amendment is as fraudulent as BLM.....convenient excuse for opportunists......
  17. ...pretty sad to think how many MILLIONS of blacks in this country charted their course to success albeit education first leading to fine careers or those with entrepreneurial spirit to open their own successful businesses (how many have been destroyed as of late?) , stayed the course and are highly successful today ONLY to be lumped into the FRAUDULENT BLM movement because of skin color?..... they are the well deserving success stories, again in the MILLIONS.......BLM is a scam with ZERO consideration for black lives or insulting those black lives of success......BLM is analogous to whites who think they deserve more ala income redistribution for doing nothing....it is NOT solely a black issue, but rather a socialism "leveling the playing field " issue.....making it SOLELY a race issue is playing "the card"...AGAIN and AGAIN and.......
  18. ...for THIRTY TWO YEARS across FOUR administrations (yup, TWO were REPUBLICAN), they played us like a second rate fiddle as their lap dogs....."our friends".....so now we get a "guy with gonads" standing up to the skanks and he's the "bad guy".......boy is this country effed up...............
  19. ...bet he has HIMSELF on IGNORE.........reminds me of UNDERTAKER from the real old BBMB Days......he thought he walked on water (ask 'em) and it was "his way or no way".....PFFFFT..... ...seriously?.....they're in total agreement.......us privileged white guys don't deserve answers like you're looking for.....we're guilty.....
  20. ...start them out young.....and then our illustrious colleges will finish it off.......do NOT mean Math or Science either.........gone on for YEARS and we get to see the result first hand...SMH...
  21. ...she has quite an upstanding record....hmmm........... Why St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner Must Be Investigated—and Stopped By Lt. Col. Dave Grossman • 05/05/18 1:33pm https://observer.com/2018/05/why-st-louis-circuit-attorney-kim-gardner-must-be-investigated-and-stopped/
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