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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...default on ALL China debt.....and wait for the Three Gorges Dam to collapse......hopefully..........
  2. ...LOL...there is a small gym around the corner from my home that has been open throughout.......brazen enough to advertise accordingly on FB......crazy if you think about all of the snitches roaming......BUT....another prime example how a prudent, precautionary business can adopt all preventative Covid-19 measures to ensure member safety and operate infection free.....and NO, they don't serve Cuomo Chips......
  3. ...yup...."The Gimme Generation" is in full bloom......a buddy of mine had his kid finally graduate from college after multiple major switches (that's fine)......once entering the REAL working world, he said, "Dad I just don't think I'm cut out to work a 40 hour week".....SERIOUSLY?.....I worked TWO jobs for the first 20+ years of my career and STILL work daily at age 67......OR...try this one......a Dad I know put his kid through college debt free and he graduated with a BS in Accounting......he'd been living at home for free while searching the job market (ok as well; it's not easy today)......his son got a decent job offer from a NYC Accounting firm starting at $125K per year......pretty damn good despite NYC cost of living......so Dad asked, "well when do you start"?......son replied, "I turned it down because they only offered me two weeks paid vacation to start"......Dad threw him out with NO stipend......
  4. ....your daily, obnoxious obsession as expected.......your football aptitude (COUGH) carrying over to PPP so noted.....
  5. ...not to worry!!....they're "insured" by Soros Casualty Co......check is in the mail....................
  6. ...rumor is Joe's basement is now a "Holiday Inn Express".............
  7. Bye Bye teachers unions-WRONG answer; they OWN the Dems Hello lower taxes-see above; there are massive tax increases coming to close states' budget deficits due to Covid-19; property tax, sales tax, thumb tax, carpet tax; you name it
  8. ...cut him some slack...he hasn't finished "See Spot Run" yet............
  9. FBI warns US companies about Chinese tax software embedded with hidden malware: Report Analysts uncovered 'GoldenSpy' malware hidden in tax software required by a state-owned Chinese bank By Michael Ruiz FOXBusiness Weeks after a cybersecurity firm uncovered backdoor malware embedded in mandatory Chinese tax software, the FBI is reportedly warning U.S. companies doing business in China. The software imposes a major security risk on victim companies – requiring them to use one of only two approved programs to pay their taxes – both of which have been found embedded with vulnerabilities, according to Trustwave, the cybersecurity firm. Due to the comprimised security issues, the FBI sent out a warning Thursday to companies in the health care, chemical and finance industries, the technology news outlet ZDNet reported. https://www.foxbusiness.com/technology/fbi-warns-us-companies-about-chinese-tax-software-embedded-with-hidden-malware-report-says
  10. .... from a longstanding, accomplished African-American Civil rights activist.... Civil rights activist Bob Woodson: Low-income Blacks being 'bamboozled and hustled and scammed' by Democrats By Charles Creitz | Fox News Civil rights activist Bob Woodson, founder of the Woodson Center, ripped Democratic mayors such as Chicago's Lori Lightfoot for blaming Republicans and the status of gun control legislation, among other things, for continued violent unrest in their jurisdictions. Woodson reacted on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" to both host Tucker Carlson's commentary on Chicago and the state of the African-American community at large. "Lori Lightfoot will tell you -- and it's not just Lori Lightfoot, by a mile -- but she cares so deeply about the poorest people in her city. Should we believe that?" Carlson asked Woodson. "Absolutely not," he replied. "I believe that the salvation of this country ... will be the sleeping giant: When low-income Blacks wake up and realize that they are being bamboozled and hustled and scammed by people like Lori Lightfoot and others -- they are going to realize that they must address the enemy within." https://www.foxnews.com/media/civil-rights-activist-bob-woodson-low-income-african-americans-bamboozled-scammed-dems
  11. ...um....er...oh...oh...well...ok...get your popcorn ready..... Philly DA warns federal officers could be arrested if they storm Pennsylvania protests Larry Krasner accused President Trump of 'acting like an authoritarian dictator' By Vandana Rambaran | Fox News The district attorney in Philadelphia is warning federal officers that they could face arrest if they bring their tactics of "abuse of power" to his city. District Attorney Larry Krasner accused President Trump of "acting like an authoritarian dictator," he said on an appearance on MSNBC's "The ReidOut" Thursday and cautioned him not to send federal agents to his city. https://www.foxnews.com/us/philly-da-warns-feds-arrested-storm-protests
  12. ..DR is back to restore some order here against the "outta control middle schoolers".......I may like this weekend after all...
  13. ..the Nixon years were bad enough but the Clintons redefined scurrilous for personal gain.......and Obama was their propped up, empty suit job based solely on race and oratorical skills....look at the gang of ex-Clintonites that propped up the fraud.....24 years of political control......had the pant suit won in 2016, we're talking 32 years.....our country first my large azz........
  14. ...call 'em the "Snyders"....ain't much of nothing and clueless.....poor Rivera...he's a pretty good dude................
  15. ...either I'm dumber than I thought or missed the memo...how or why did we let this happen, knowing that their ultimate goal was world supremacy, replacing us as a world superpower?.....could we POSSIBLY have been that naive or stupid?......and here we are TODAY......FOUR administrations, TWO of which were REPUBLICAN, ala 32 YEARS of cluelessness?....we're 'effin sad.....
  16. ....yup......no school in session yet....Fisher-Price Wi Fi in full bloom....gonna be ANOTHER long weekend.......
  17. ...yet ANOTHER one of your fraudulent retorts........Sowell is 89 and was sharper at age 4 than you'll ever be....his writings and teachings were LONG BEFORE Trump and 2016.......eloquent LONG before then and the same now.....YOU trashing Sowell?......oh boy.....
  18. ..I'm shocked this woman has not yet been canned........she did an excellent job at Fox and continues her ways.......contrary to MSM......
  19. ...has this clown EVER met a camera he didn't love?.....expecting BREAKING NEWS tomorrow as to which wing sauces qualify and whether it must be RANCH or BLEU CHEESE.....SMH...
  20. ....uh oh...now the petulant posting fraud Tibs will attack you for her working class background as the basis for her Congressional success, wit, wisdom and contribution.....
  21. ...UNCHECKED across FOUR Administrations, TWO of which REPUBLICAN.....32 years to gain a MAJOR foothold......we're lookin' pretty damn smart..................
  22. ....."ashes to ashes....dust to dust.......and the Feds aren't giving you one damn nickel...".............
  23. ...yes she is very well spoken....."did you want your Martini on the rocks or straight up?".......unsurpassed qualifications.........
  24. ...first, we are an essential NYS business with 180 Union electricians in the field and 30 in our admin offices....we have followed every mandated as well as every recommended action to ensure employee safety against Covid-19......we've spent >$21,000 to date related to defense and continue to spend...RESULT: thank God, not ONE Covid-19 case.....so why can't schools take the same approach and hopefully realaize the same result?.....the younger ones are in need of daily social interaction with their peers as a part of learning.....they have been out since MARCH.....and they need a structured learning environment......I'm sure there are many parents who have been effective in home schooling during this......the ones who have NOT been or were initially but eventually lost interest are the ones of greater concern.....parents are NOT paid educators (unless they are bonafide teachers home from closed schools).....
  25. ...Welcome Back Kotter.....err....sorry....DR................
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