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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...this just in...rumor has it that the Dems have already registered every one of the 144,000+ Covid-19 deaths as absentee ballots....they're obviously "absent" so their ballots qualify, right???..........
  2. ..as a NYS essential business with 180 Union electricians in the field and 30+ in my admin offices, having spent >$25,000 to date for employee safety and mandated/recommended compliance, resulting in ZERO Covid-19 cases through 7/25, what the hell did I do WRONG?......how come WE are NOT part of the escalating case numbers?.....care to convince me that escalating case numbers are IN SPITE OF PRUDENT AND COMPLIANCE EFFORTS??.....explain how to reign in the non-compliant renegades who will always be non-compliant?.."I'm bigger than IT".......damn you Trump....a fraudulent whine as usual.........
  3. ...as a NYS essential business with 180 Union electricians in the field and 30+ in my admin offices, having spent >$25,000 to date for employee safety and mandated/recommended compliance, resulting in ZERO Covid-19 cases through 7/25, what the hell did I do WRONG?......how come WE are NOT part of the escalating case numbers?.....care to convince me that escalating case numbers are IN SPITE OF PRUDENT AND COMPLIANCE EFFORTS??.....explain how to reign in the non-compliant renegades who will always be non-compliant?.."I'm bigger than IT".......damn you Trump....
  4. ....I do applaud you for flaunting your ignorance versus trying to hide it.......based on your flummoxed ability from the 3rd chair, I'd bet your client list is on 1/2 of a cocktail napkin....probably ALL family members.....
  5. ....defund the police...BUT...overfund the Feds.......they'll fix it......PERMANENTLY..............
  6. ...yes I did with honors....but sympathize with you for STILL being there at age 27....there is hope though................
  7. ...DEAD ON....my GREATEST fear is that this whole mess will be the usual, "let's kiss and make up.......bygones be bygones....we really didn't mean any harm and promise to do better tomorrow"......problem is the exposure of vast political as well as partisan corruption has been blatantly exposed on Trump's "draining the swamp" watch.......NEVER thought I'd see the depth and extent in my lifetime from the "world's greatest democracy (COUGH)", our world wide advertisement as to why we are better ......think the adage about "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" fits?.....what?...huh?....blasphemy!...no way....TDS explains it away as false.....we're 'effed up big time....
  8. ...ignorance is bliss....so you're PPP's Sunday Happy Camper........
  9. ....Jesus...there had better be something with teeth to it...otherwise the MSM feeding frenzy about "crying wolf" will be MORE unbearable than Tibs, Gary, Section 3, Penfield45 and Kemp COMBINED........
  10. .....yes sir.....school out, middle schoolers here running wild thanks to Fisher-Price Wi Fi has been a real thorn.......
  11. ..hard to believe the DC Circuit likes being sullied by Emmett.........
  12. .....your daily dose of manure.......MSNBC......Pelosi......NY freshman congresswoman......Agway sells fertilizer too.......
  13. ....EXACTLY why many come here for your "daily feed"......TRIPLE DECKER is YOUR specialty...........
  14. ...hopefully the Durham Report comes out soon.......and then watch the MSM rampage to pillage and discredit him as a political hack......and I'm CERTAIN the MSM will disclose how many high profile cases he was assigned by THE Eric Holder......this should be good.....
  15. ...Trump's fault...he was probably her pediatrician..............AND the PCP for the 144,000 that passed.......not to mention the 649,000 annual cardio related deaths on his watch....
  16. ....sad isn't it?......need to manufacture effin' hysteria about everything.......
  17. ...LMAO....even Waste Management won't pick him up on Monday......
  18. ...LMAO...it's his daily refrain.......Abbott started the thread and Costello was soon to follow.......and did so................
  19. ...would Baron look out of place in DC schools with many of his 8th grade classmates being in their twenties?....just askin'.................
  20. ....$65 million dollar book deal....$12 million dollar spread at Martha's Vineyard....for WHAT?........his 8 year scam as the Clinton's puppet?...SMH.............
  21. ...I'm all in......crush the anarchy by whatever means........we have our very own Taliban, Hamas, ISIS et al on our soil......we are a third rate poster child for lawlessness......the 60's now pale in comparison....
  22. ...the ranch vs bleu cheese mandate is forthcoming.........
  23. ...injected with the Schiff vaccine................. Rep. Swalwell on new information showing FBI spied on Trump: 'They were right to do it' 'I hope they do it if a Democratic candidate ever does that with any country,' Swalwell says By Victor Garcia | Fox News Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., reacted to the revelation that an FBI agent involved in the "Crossfire Hurricane" Russia investigation "actively listened" for certain topics during a briefing on election interference given to the Trump campaign in August 2016, saying "they were right to do it." "I hope they do it if a Democratic candidate ever does that with any country," Swalwell said Friday on "The Story with Martha MacCallum." "So, Martha, remember right before this meeting occurred, candidate Trump said, 'Russia, if you're listening, I hope you have Hillary's emails.' And what do they do? They actually did it. So think about it." Fox News obtained a document that reflects type-written notes by FBI agent Joe Pientka after an August 17, 2016 briefing to then-candidate Donald Trump, Michael Flynn and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie "in support of ODNI briefings provided to U.S. Presidential candidates and two of their advisors." The briefing, which was held at the FBI's New York Field Office, also included a "13-minute defensive briefing" delivered by Pientka. The document states that FBI officials Kevin Clinesmith and Peter Strzok "approved" Pientka's notes. Swalwell slammed Trump and accused the president of lying about being briefed. "By the way, he says in the meeting, 'Joe, are the Russians bad?' It's like, yes, the Russians are bad and don't eat glue," Swalwell said. "Like, should we even have to tell you that? ... He told the country for years, but he was never given this briefing." https://www.foxnews.com/media/rep-swalwell-on-new-information-showing-fbi-spied-on-trump-they-were-right-to-do-it
  24. ....unchecked, untested and unsubstantiated.......launch whatever you want and watch the bumbling inepts quote the ramblings as factual.......look at some of the PRIME posting examples here.....unsubstantiated drivel from Twitter, social media's "outhouse"......
  25. the Clintons redefined scurrilous for personal gain....the Puppeteers launched their Puppet..... Obama was their propped up, empty suit job based solely on race and oratorical skills....look at the gang of ex-Clintonites that propped up the fraud.....24 years of political control......had the pant suit won in 2016, we're talking 32 years....yet another fine example of a highly effective Illinois/Chicagoland politician......the SAME state that Forbes identified THE most corrupt in the US.......
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