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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...that's how it used to be (in deference, I'm not a veteran).......how the hell did we get off the rails and the Dems decide to orchestrate the "train wreck"?......
  2. ...NOT to their political benefit......promoting turmoil on Trump's watch is their mantra, no matter who dies or what gets destroyed.....
  3. ...well hopefully you donated for "the cure cause"..............
  4. ...and with the ongoing relaxation of mental hygiene, the number of loose screws and stripped threads has exponentially increased...SMH...........
  5. well do they fear a "report"?....you know damn well Durham will get carved up as a partisan political hack....yup, the SAME Durham that Eric Holder assigned several profile cases to....
  6. ....strip away Trump, TDS etc and address the pandemic with him completely removed from the equation and this hypothetically being a NON-election year.......now tell me where we are in this whole Covid-19 occurrence........normal flu-like?......Hong Kong or Ebola like that took time to digest and solve?......do we measure this against 649,000 annual cardio related deaths annually to gauge where Covid-19 fits in the nation's medical challenges?.....just curious....
  7. ...he was expendable apparently........a BLACK Trump supporter murdered in cold blood because of his political views.....and BLM is legitimate?.......he didn't......
  8. ....Russia-Gate and tax returns....who long do they play THIS refrain?.......
  9. ...same damn response you get around these parts as to who would be "their guy in charge right here right now" leading this.......ask them what they would have done differently WITHOUT the benefit of hindsight.......WITHOUT......that's the easy part when you consider this is something not faced before since 1917 and certainly invoked Crisis Management......and how bad was the national or statewide emergency preparedness, NOT for something of this magnitude, but more reasonably 1/10 as far as stockpiles, comprehensive updated plans etc?..didn't the illustrious Big Fredo auction off equipment as unnecessary despite having the nation's largest population density center, which was the Covid-19 Gateway to the US?....the hospital ship in harbor, $54 mil for the Javitts Center and this clown is worried about effin' chicken wings?.......he's their boy in 2024.....Teflon Don.....
  10. ...dispatch a MINIMUM of 10,000 Feds per debacle out of control cities, ALL Dem led....take back the damn country.......
  11. ...pretty sure it was reported that 62% of the population will not reveal their political leanings because of stuff like this...NEVER thought I'd see the day that differing political views easily means death....RIP Bernell....just senseless......
  12. ...we here in NYS count our blessings...our Teflon Don is NOW a dietician.....
  13. needed obituaries?.....Antifa, BLM and our very own ISIS, Taliban and Hamas masquerading on US soil......'eff the ***** footing......crush the the anarchy.......shoot to kill.....I'm all in....enough is enough......
  14. ...spoken like a true petulant posting fraud....what if I'm a Jew who lost ancestors at Auschwitz?.......
  15. ....cortex deprived so noted.....this clown is a BIGGER prop up job than the Clinton's Obama.....at least Barry had SOME gray matter.....
  16. ...why have we become the "nation of pussificaton"?.....take the damn country back......refrigerated truckers need work......funeral homes are on standby.....Waste Management will GLADLY pick up the GARBAGE on Monday.....problem solved...back to the good 'ol USA on Tuesday...........
  17. ...hmm....look at the detrimental effect RIGHT HERE with schools being closed......"posting elites" running rampart without Mom's checking their on line presence.....
  18. ...they're allowing YOU to subsist which is monumental.......must be sympathy.................
  19. ...as usual, you offer no constructive alternative......WELL beyond your scope and purview........cortex deprived DOES have its limitations......
  20. ....hopefully the GOOD citizens of Portland and Seattle have sense enough to flee......and leave behind the anarchists and their political leadership (COUGH) to correct the situation (LMAO) as if failed Dems could even come close.....and when they come crying to the Feds for funds, .........crickets....clean up your own damn mess..............
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