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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ..so" a pack of Camels if you vote for Trump" I presume......... 4 LA men admit to Skid Row voter-fraud scheme, DA announces The alleged voter fraud occurred during the 2016 and 2018 election cycles By Louis Casiano | Fox News Four men have admitted to offering homeless people in Los Angeles money and cigarettes in exchange for false and forged signatures on ballot petitions and voter registration forms, authorities said Wednesday. Richard Howard, 64, and Louis Thomas Wise, 37, pleaded no contest last week to one felony count each of subscribing a fictitious name, or the name of another to an initiative petition and registration of a fictitious person, the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office said. Christopher Joseph Williams, 41, and Nickey Demelvin Huntley, 45, each pleaded no contest to one felony count of circulating an initiative or petition containing false, forged or fictitious names. https://www.foxnews.com/us/4-la-men-admit-to-skid-row-voter-fraud-scheme-da-announces
  2. ...Aruba......this year's trip for March was cancelled......Riu Palace is a great place to stay.................
  3. ...Soros?......a REAL shocker…………. DAs backed by Soros, other liberal activists join fray in clash with police Under-the-radar political investments made by progressive groups in recent years may be paying off By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News Calls for drastic criminal justice and police reforms have swept the country since the death of George Floyd, but local prosecutors already are making waves on that front -- in a sign that under-the-radar political investments made by progressive groups in recent years are paying off. District attorneys and current candidates whose campaigns benefited from the work of left-wing organizations – including ones backed by liberal billionaire George Soros – are now pushing for new practices that could see sharp reductions in prosecutions and incarcerations. Soros, through the Justice & Public Safety PAC and other groups, has been spending millions of dollars on prosecutorial races in recent years, with a number of beneficiaries making headlines since their elections. St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, who was boosted by Soros in her campaign, drew controversy when she announced her office was bringing felony charges against Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the couple who brandished guns outside their home as protesters marched by in June. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/da-soros-justice
  4. ...find it a bit STRANGE the Bozos purchased WaPo because he didn't see this coming?.....naw Jeff is a straight shooting, objective non-influential guy, right?....
  5. ...sad how reliance on "social media platforms" is taken as "fact and gospel".......unchecked, unverified and unsubstantiated but the PERFECT fuel to fan the fire......much like the basement babble polluting any constructive dialogue here.......safety from under your desk with your keyboard creates expansive gonads......sad stuff.....remember YEARS AGO when folks needed "press credentials"?.....today it's a roll of Charmin....USED......
  6. ....he is one crafty dude......unnerved, doesn't take the bait and offered up PRIME zingers that left the Dems flummoxed......."how come the Democrats are not concerned about the violent protests, deaths and destruction in our cities?".......ANSWER: ...crickets......why?...because this is "EXACTLY the intended mayhem we want to inflict on the US because return to power is our ONLY mantra......'eff the country"........am I close???.................
  7. ...HUH?...thought it was Adam Schiff.......my bad..................
  8. ...LMAO.....Lanny Davis?......doesn't he have Bill tattooed on his left cheek and Hillary on the right?......he's Carville with hair and glasses.......
  9. ....just curious....what number were you?..............
  10. ....and from the AP no less......thought Big Fredo was the NYS Gatekeeper??........THE Covid-19 Gateway to the US, but Trump didn't act fast enough....um....er...oh...uh......well.....had to be him......SMH.. Up to 8,000 Chinese nationals came into US after Trump banned travel due to coronavirus: AP More than 600 flights brought in travelers from these areas after Trump announced his travel ban in late January and it was enacted Feb. 2. Thousands of Chinese citizens have reportedly come into the U.S. since President Trump restricted travel on foreign nationals in January, arriving from China after the coronavirus outbreak. According to a recent report by The Associated Press, citing data it obtained regarding travel from the U.S. Commerce Department, as many as 8,000 Chinese nationals and foreign residents of Hong Kong and Macao have entered the U.S. over the last three months. More than 600 flights brought in travelers from these areas after Trump announced his travel ban in late January and it was enacted Feb. 2. Trump’s initial travel ban included any non-U.S. travelers coming from China, and excluded anyone coming from Hong Kong or Macau in late January. Travelers from Hong Kong and Macao also did not face the same scrutiny or screening processes as Americans or any foreign nationals coming into the U.S. after having been in Wuhan -- where the coronavirus outbreak started. Flight records from FlightAware provided to The Associated Press showed that 5,600 Chinese and foreign nationals from Hong Kong and Macau arrived in the U.S. in February. More than 2,000 passengers from the same administrative zones arrived in March and an additional 150 in April, according to The AP report. https://www.foxnews.com/world/8000-chinese-nationals-came-into-us-after-trump-travel-ban-coronavirus
  11. Detroit police chief explains lack of violent riots in Motor City: 'We don't retreat here' James Craig says city's mayor, community members have 'stood together' against street radicals By Victor Garcia | Fox News Detroit Police Chief James Craig joined "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Tuesday to discuss why the city has been spared the violent protests happening in other urban centers across the U.S. "We don't retreat here in Detroit. We're just not gonna do it," Craig told host Tucker Carlson. "You saw the images ... of streets where there was lawlessness, looting, burning. No sign of police officers. We weren't giving up ground to the radicals. We just didn't do it." While Detroit has avoided major unrest, Portland has been gripped by nightly demonstrations and riots for more than two months while rejecting offers of federal assistance from President Trump. In apparent contrast to Portland, Craig told Carlson, citizens of Detroit are "fed up with these radical protests." "I'm not to talking about these peaceful protests ... [I mean] these misguided radicals that have tried to incite violence in our city," the chief said. "They said, 'We're not going to put up with it.' And so we got a couple of things. We got a great police department, great leadership, but we have a community that stands with us and said, 'enough is enough.'" https://www.foxnews.com/media/detroit-police-chief-we-dont-retreat-here
  12. ...they also gave FujiFilm $250 mil for the same purpose................
  13. ...certainly is good news for Kodak.....stock went up 300% in one day.......used to employ 60,000 in Rochester and now down to 4,900 world wide.....FujiFilm also got $250 mil.....I passed a security motorcade from the airport with whoever the Feds sent to sign the deal..........
  14. Michael Goodwin: Barr eats Nadler's lunch during testimony Another congressional hearing, another Dem disaster By Michael Goodwin | New York Post He came, he saw, he ate their lunch. Bill Barr, denied a meal break, feasted instead on a gaggle of Democratic amateurs. Another congressional hearing, another Dem disaster. They planned a public hanging of the attorney general and spent weeks constructing their scaffold. He is corrupt, a liar, a toady, they and their media handmaidens assured us, and the House Judiciary Committee will reveal all. Two obstacles quickly became apparent. The first is that the Dems were led by Rep. Jerry Nadler, whose rabidness is exceeded only by his haplessness. The start was delayed because Nadler was in a minor car accident. That was obviously an omen, but Nadler doesn’t take hints, so he plowed forward into a head-on crash with a heavyweight opponent superior in ­every way. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/michael-goodwin-barr-eats-nadlers-lunch-during-testimony
  15. ....BUT.....if the Left racks up a 15, they're morally superior, right?......BIGGER is BETTER??..........
  16. ...we could only hope and pray for.....the epitome of a political putz has been in politics since 1977, 43 years.......the usual DOWNSTATE political parasite......
  17. ....Barr comes across as unnerving and impossible to get under his skin, but having zingers in his arsenal.....PERFECT anecdote to expose Nadless.........
  18. ...Hemorrhoids are.....you fill in the blanks...............
  19. ....no way in Hell you saw this coming right?......he should have been fired long ago and AG Eric Holder rehired to RESTORE honesty, integrity, bi-partisanship et al to the Office.....probably in the top three of the best AG in US History.......
  20. ....looks like the value of the Nadless opening statement.......yet another putz from our illustrious "Who's Who of NYS Putz's"........BTW, Sheldon "Putz" Silver FINALLY went to jail.....
  21. ...whoa!......time out......you don't think his DAILY offering of "you're in a cult" is NOT the result of extensive rumination and individualized, creative expression??....hmmmm....could be Pulitzer material in the making..... ...well then explain how the Dems' time could have been put to more creative and constructive use.....how would you have preferred your tax dollars more wisely spent?....on the country?...SERIOUSLY?..............
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