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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...it IS an art form, right??.........PLENTY of "artists" 'round these parts.........
  2. ....an empty suit prop job orchestrated by the Clinton Dynasty with ZERO political qualifications as a Jr State senator, but positioned SOLELY on skin color and oratorical skills.......look at the laundry list of ex-Clintonites propping him up......that same scurrilous bunch served as puppeteers to promulgate the Dynasty.....
  3. ...HE can infect people from MILES away......
  4. ....your laughable defense needs to rest......other than purported Erie County, you have NOT offered a credible list of witnesses...motion to dismiss so granted......
  5. ...DEAD ON....despite Trump exposing massive fraud (FBI, NSA, DOJ, etc) collusion, attempted presidential coup et al, a/k/a "residents of The Swamp", BOTH SIDES of the "good 'ol boyz network" will band together and back off in a "...kisses...hugs....let's let bygones be bygones......" united front....
  6. .....residents of neighboring states take up residency in NYS because the qualifying process is a sham with superior benefits...................... 1. New York Welfare spending per capita: $3,305 Total public welfare expenditures: $19.85 billion Fact: New York has the fifth-highest cost of living in the country.
  7. ...Mr. Cain was an obvious high risk as a stage 4 cancer survivor.......BUT...if his "bucket list" included attending the Tulsa rally, who the hell has a right to criticize HIS choice....he was an intelligent, well spoken guy so he knew the risk.....only the fecals would politicize the man's death and your buddy Tibs would be #1 on the list.......fecal floats to the top...
  8. ....and Big Fredo is setting the stage about his $30 billion dollar deficit......"if the Feds don't come through, there will be MASSIVE tax increases in NYS as well as massive cuts...the money has to come from somewhere...."..........Fiscal Flop Fredo...........
  9. ...don't we have enough problems EVERY year with voting, a dysfunctional mess?......old machines don't work, new "state of the art (COUGH)" machines don't work, hanging chads, polling places a mess, the "best and the brightest" can't count absentee ballots accurately et al.......throw in good 'ol fraud for good measure.......and now another chapter even riper for fraud?...this should be good.......Kanye in a landslide..............
  10. ...sorry...all I had back then was an abacus...……….
  11. ...oh look...the septic tank backed up...AGAIN.......
  12. ..typical keyboard cowardice from under the safety of one's desk......we certainly have some sick ones in this country...reveling and politicizing a man's death?....FUBAR.......
  13. ...HUH?...why are there numerous articles about people who register to be tested, wait in line but eventually give up waiting, only to get a letter that they tested "positive"?.....osmosis?....
  14. ...at least your "offerings" here on PPP, the Football Side and BBMB are consistent........YAWN............priceless..........
  15. ...quite eloquent.....politicizing a man's death.....fecal material floats.....
  16. ...more of your typical fraudulent manure.....conveniently left out the man was suffering from Stage IV colon cancer.....doubt a bucket list item could have been to attend a rally before he would eventually pass......but you as a BBMB "legend", my expectations are low.....
  17. ...uh oh....the Warner Brothers "Cancel Crowd" no longer will let you carry a shotgun....silly wabbit.........WTF..............
  18. ...absolutely remarkable he was able to survive Stage 4 and live 13 more years.....ranks right up there with SCJ Ginsberg still living after 4 bouts with cancer of various types.....
  19. ...LMAO!...floppy discs....almost as good as Big Fredo's NYS Unemployment system still running on MS-DOS.......the youngins' here will have to Google that.......SMH........BTW, I have an IBM 8088 with a floppy disc drive for sale if you're interested......
  20. ...only for the checkbook to pay for them being complicit in letting cities, lives, businesses et al be destroyed.......
  21. EXACTLY.......and if one of his final bucket list items was to attend a Trump rally mask or no mask, it's HIS own damn business......yet the scurrilous scum MUST surface in his death...
  22. ...why would you muddy the waters with FACTS?......
  23. ...parts of this society are beyond 'effin sick....some real scum...RIP Mr. Cain........... Pundits suggest Trump rally to blame for Herman Cain’s death 'Covid doesn’t care about partisanship,' one person posted By Brian Flood | Fox News Many rushed to Twitter to suggest President Trump’s Tulsa rally is to blame for Herman Cain’s tragic death on Thursday. Cain, the former Republican presidential candidate and affable business magnate, died after being hospitalized for coronavirus. He was the co-chairman of Black Voices for Trump and attended the president’s rally in Tulsa without a mask on June 20, prompting critics of the president to quickly politicize his death. While tributes to Cain poured in, others used the moment to attack Trump, conservatives or both. Stand Up Republic executive director Evan McMullin used the news to refer to Trump rallygoers as a “science denial Trump cult.” “Herman Cain was hospitalized for coronavirus two weeks after he attended Trump’s Tulsa rally without a face mask. He’s the first senior casualty of the science denial Trump cult. The question is whether even that can wake others up about the dangers of Trump and the virus,” McMullin wrote. https://www.foxnews.com/media/pundits-suggest-trump-rally-to-blame-for-herman-cains-death
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