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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...seriously???....how could this possibly be true?......the "honesty acorn doesn't fall too far from the tree"......bet he was an altar boy in is youth...FAKE news..... Hunter Biden business associate's text messages indicate meeting with Joe Biden 'Please thank Joe for his time,' wrote the CEO of a Jim, Hunter Biden joint venture with Chinese energy firm By Brooke Singman | Fox News EXCLUSIVE: Text messages obtained by Fox News show the CEO of a Jim and Hunter Biden joint venture with a Chinese energy firm discussing a meeting with Joe Biden in May 2017, despite past claims from the former vice president that he did not talk about his son's business dealings. Fox News obtained text messages from Tony Bobulinski, a retired lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, and the former CEO of SinoHawk Holdings, which he said was the partnership between the CEFC/ Chairman Ye and the two Biden family members. The messages seem to indicate that a meeting took place, though it's unclear what the substance of the meeting may have been. They are unrelated to the laptop or hard drive purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden, the former vice president's son. “Mrng plse let me knw if we will do early dinner w your Uncle & dad and where, also for document translation do you want it simple Chinese or traditional?” Bobulinski texted Hunter Biden on May 2, 2017. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hunter-biden-business-associate-text-messages-joe-biden-meeting
  2. ...would that be in China or Ukraine??....which one has the best retirement plan??..................
  3. ....LMAO..."the pot calling the kettle black"....SMH......
  4. ...nothing I've seen other than the Beane explanation.....plenty of posts here looking forward to Spain's return..what did he do in your assessment to be demoted from his starting position?........ Beane explanation ‘“It’s hard when you’re not a starter, in fairness to him,” Bills general manager Brandon Beane said. “There’s no blame to go around. Quinton Spain’s a good guy, a good person. He didn’t see this. You never know how things are going to work out when you put a roster together. Every team’s a new team. Nothing happened. There’s no one thing like, this happened and the dam broke and all the water went out. It’s just, we decided at the end of the day, being today, that he would be happier having a chance to start. And so we just gave him that freedom and wish him nothing but the best.”’
  5. ...DEAD ON as usual my friend...something is NOT passing the smell test....why does McD have to take over the D play calling if Frazier is competent?........hell, throw caution to the wind and bring in Wade with LeBeau as a consultant......sorry I hit my head......
  6. ...is there anything exorbitant in the Jordan Phillips deal that you see?... Jordan Phillips signed a 3 year, $30,000,000 contract with the Arizona Cardinals, including a $8,000,000 signing bonus, $18,500,000 guaranteed, and an average annual salary of $10,000,000. In 2020, Phillips will earn a base salary of $2,000,000 and a signing bonus of $8,000,000, while carrying a cap hit of $4,000,000 and a dead cap value of $14,500,000. Contract Terms: 3 yr(s) / $30,000,000 Signing Bonus $8,000,000 Average Salary$10,000,000 GTD at Sign:$14,500,000 Total GTD:$18,500,000 Free Agent:
  7. ...LMAO Yolo...since when?.......better yet, for how long??..........
  8. ...LMAO...it's on a cocktail napkin...................
  9. ...not sure if it's ironic or hypocritical to read the purported "Star Luv" now that he's NOT here......he's been the "favorite punching bag" of the "TBD expert pundits"....guess "absence makes the heart grow fonder"......
  10. ...how many times has he been flagged here as "....meh...fumbles too much" which was disproven in his stats?.......
  11. ...naw the pantsuit gets a second stint as Secretary of State......Foundation funds are running low................
  12. ...think he underestimated just how deep The Swamp actually was......the depth, extent and corruption is unconscionable ON BOTH SIDES......need more chlorine pronto....
  13. ...yup...purposely took a page from YOUR book........I believe it was page 1,433 of 2,877......................
  14. ...so who would have been YOUR handpicked leader to be in charge and what would you advise him/her to do differently?...............
  15. ...8,000 Chinese nationals passed through Big Fredoland AFTER Trump banned travel from China.....so NYC was THE Gateway to the entire US......maybe he explains why in his new Covid-19 Handbook, now on sale at your local 7-Eleven........
  16. ...24/7/365 obnoxious, isn't it?.....talk about TDS obsessed....SMH...………….
  17. ,,,,BIGGER question is what ELSE were you doing in your attic?.....oh Gawd.......
  18. ....can't we come to a logical, reasonable assessment in that the "Biden support" is actually the "anybody but Trump" support?......hell if it was Hunter as the candidate versus Joe, the polls would be a Biden IDENTICAL as THE candidate.....hatred, foment and vitriol for an INDIVIDUAL versus policies will always win out.....that's the fickle nature segment of the electorate.......tell me why there are 25-40+ year "career" politicians, parasitic in nature for the sole purpose of self aggrandizement and personal enrichment?.....the fickle know the name but do not have a clue on challengers' platforms.....the BIGGEST laugher is proposing term limits......we'll find Hoffa's remains before THAT ever happens......
  19. ...well if you say so, that MUST be the case...SMH.......keep reading MEIN Kemp's posts.......
  20. ..Nancy invokes the 25th and Joe gets relegated to the West Wing Nursing Home facility......President Kamala the Thrillah takes the reigns along with "Vice President" Pelosi....sounds like a winning plan.................
  21. ...why the hell can't they be LEGAL and come through Ellis Island like my late grandparents did, coming from Italy?......what's changed?.....two families with one raising 9 children and the other raising 4 with NO public assistance or "gimmes"...no riots asking for "MORE"......worked as many jobs as possible to make ends meet.....
  22. ...???...pretty interesting....a Covid-19 deterrent already on the shelf?...... Human coronaviruses ‘inactivated’ by mouthwash, oral rinses: study The study's results were published in the Journal of Medical Virology By Madeline Farber | Fox News A new study conducted by researchers at the Penn State College of Medicine has found that a common dental item can inactivate human coronaviruses: mouthwash and oral rinses. For the study, the results of which were published in the Journal of Medical Virology, researchers tested various oral and nasopharyngeal rinses — which included a 1% solution of baby shampoo, a neti pot, peroxide sore-mouth cleansers, and mouthwashes — to determine how well they inactivated human coronaviruses. The baby shampoo solution, “which is often used by head and neck doctors to rinse the sinuses,” the researchers noted in a news release regarding the findings, was particularly effective; the solution inactivated “greater than 99.9% of human coronavirus after a two-minute contact time,” they said. The mouthwash and oral rinses were also efficacious, they found: "Many inactivated greater than 99.9% of virus after only 30 seconds of contact time and some inactivated 99.99% of the virus after 30 seconds.” https://www.foxnews.com/health/human-coronaviruses-inactivated-mouthwash-oral-rinses-study
  23. ...so back to the illustrious (COUGH) "Barry Era" because he's too inept and mindless to have his own policies....anybody have Bongino on speed dial??........... Biden would return to Obama-era immigration policies if elected, report says Contrast between Trump and Biden’s immigration policies is 'stark,' Heritage Foundation says By Adam Shaw | Fox News EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden, if elected president, would undo a number of key Trump administration’s policies related to immigration, and specifically illegal immigration, a new report predicts -- concluding that the differences between the two candidates on the issues is “stark.” “The contrast between President Trump and Biden’s immigration policies is stark,” the report by the conservative Heritage Foundation, obtained by Fox News ahead of its release, says. “If Biden were to become president, he would return to many of the same immigration policies in place during the Obama administration. This would include protecting and expanding the DACA program, admitting at least 125,000 refugees annually and seeking amnesty for 11 million illegal aliens,” it says. President Trump ran his 2016 campaign with immigration as a primary issue, particularly stopping illegal immigration across the southern border with Mexico, and kept it as a priority during his administration. Biden has promised to undo a number of the policies that Democrats have blasted as cruel. Trump has pushed to end the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that gives protection from deportation to some illegal immigrants who came to the country as children. However, he has hit roadblocks, particularly in the Supreme Court. Biden, the report notes, would give DACA recipients (whom he calls “Dreamers”) a roadmap to citizenship and reinstate the DACA program. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-obama-era-immmigration-policies-report
  24. ...maybe he'll be a guest on Toobin's show then................
  25. ...seriously Joe?...shills in your commercials just like at your softball Town Hall meetings?......looks like we know where Hunter gets his "honesty (COUGH)" from......no wonder Tibs loves you......two Fecal Freddies...... Biden campaign faces backlash for TV ad depicting Michigan tech CEO as struggling bar owner The Blind Pig co-owner blamed President Trump, not Democratic Gov. Whitmer, for his bar's economic downturn By Danielle Wallace | Fox News The Biden team is under fire for releasing a TV campaign ad last week depicting a Michigan bar owner struggling to keep his business afloat during the pandemic What the ad fails to mention is the man is actually a wealthy tech investor who made contributions to the former vice president’s campaign. He also supported Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's stay-at-home orders that kept businesses shuttered longer. The ad, which was posted to YouTube on Thursday and aired Sunday on CBS during NFL games, features Joe Malcoun, who is listed as the “co-owner” of The Blind Pig, a once-popular bar and music venue in Ann Arbor, Mich. Malcoun blamed his business’ economic downturn on President Trump’s COVID-19 response. “For 50 years, The Blind Pig has been open and crowded – but right now it’s an empty room,” he says in the one-minute ad, showing the empty venue. “This is the reality of Trump’s COVID response.” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-campaign-ad-michigan-tech-ceo-struggling-bar-owner
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