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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ....and the hits just keep comin'.....SMH............ CNN's April Ryan 'cannot wait' to see 'armed forces' pull Trump out of the White House Ryan believes Trump will refuse to leave office if he loses to Biden By Brian Flood | Fox News CNN political analyst April Ryan declared she “cannot wait” to see President Trump forcefully removed from the White House by police and armed forces if he loses his bid for reelection. Ryan evoked a common liberal talking point Saturday by predicting that Trump would refuse to leave office if he loses the election. “There’s going to be a split-screen on Jan. 20, 2021. If Joe Biden is now going to be the 46th president of the United States, you will have him being inaugurated and watching police and armed forces trying to pull Donald Trump out of the White House. I cannot wait for that split-screen,” Ryan said. Hillary Clinton, Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., and Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., have also recently expressed concern that Trump will refuse to leave the White House if he loses the election, with many prominent liberals claiming Trump’s rhetoric dismissing mail-in ballots is the foundation for the theory. Press secretary Kayleigh McEnany told "Outnumbered Overtime" last month she found it "comical" that top Democrats have suggested the president may not leave office if he loses his bid for reelection in November. https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnns-april-ryan-trump-pulled-white-house
  2. is he the reincarnation of Q Baby?.......contribution level is IDENTICAL..........
  3. ...unconscionable with mounting evidence how China played us like a second rate fiddle AND CONTINUE TO DO SO that they STILL garner lefties' support as our friends...go buy a Buick so they can track your butt......good Lord........the "developing nation"......
  4. ...LOL....try this one on for size Take II......a buddy of mine here in Roch-Cha-Cha put his kid through school who graduated with a BS in Accounting.....kid had an interview in NYC with one of the top four Accounting firms......they offered him $125K to start (yes I know the cost of living in NYC; I started at $7,500/yr in 1975 in Rochester)....Dad said, "great, so when do you start"?.....son replied, "I turned down the offer because they only offered me two weeks vacation to start"......Dad threw his arse out of "home freebees" ....
  5. ...LMAO....USED TO BE a closed, tightly knit, hush hush membership society.......until somebody (COUGH) came along and exposed BOTH SIDES for their fraudulent dealings.....535 of America's finest......feeling good about your tax dollars well spent?..............
  6. ...try this on for size....my buddy's kid finally graduated from college after changing his major several times and landed his first job.......only to lament, "Dad I don't think I'm cut out to work a 40 hour week"...welcome to the "NEW NORM" bud......
  7. ...you know the drill.....if someone else takes care of your every need with no worries at others' expense, you do NOT bite the hand that feeds you.....you become acclimated to THAT comfort zone without feeling a need to do better for yourself......we know that more will follow to add to that zone anyhow.......hence the attractiveness of today's socialism.....the "Robinhood Mentality"...........
  8. ...pretty scary stuff knowing the fickle nature segment of the electorate sees a black female as THE priority versus qualifications should the VP become President.....and with Whoa Joe destined for the West Wing Nursing & Dementia Unit, it should be MORE alarming......but TDS "trumps" EVERYTHING.......Kamala, Rice et al with the nuke codes?.....oh boy.....
  9. ....could see Preparation-H as a primary sponsor...............
  10. ...PERFECT!....get botched surgeries, phony prescriptions and your books cooked without leaving the state......."Murphy's Law"................ New Jersey Assembly passes bill that would allow illegal immigrants to obtain professional licenses Approved by the State Assembly, the bill would immediately take effect if signed by Gov. Murphy By Sam Dorman | Fox News New Jersey Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy is expected to sign legislation passed in the State Assembly Thursday that would allow illegal immigrants to obtain professional and occupational licenses in the state, raising concerns about the supply of jobs during a pandemic. Approved by the State Assembly, the bill would immediately take effect if signed by Murphy. The State Senate passed the bill last week. It would maintain all other requirements for licenses but allow immigrants to obtain them regardless of their status, NorthJersey.com reported. Alyana Alfaro, a spokesperson for Murphy, told the outlet the governor "believes that immigrants are a critical part of the fabric of life in New Jersey, and that they should not face unnecessary barriers as they seek to participate in our society and economy." The bill would presumably open the floodgates for illegal immigrants to enter into a variety of professions -- including as accountants, cosmetologists and pharmacists. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/new-jersey-bill-illegal-immigrants-professional-occupational-licenses
  11. ...yet another night of peaceful protests in Portland......pull the Feds out and let them fend for themselves......and when they come whining for Federal assistance, hang up..... Portland sees 150-round shooting at apartment building, as crowds continue violent clashes with police City saw a second, peaceful march early Sunday and violence is 'abating,' say DHS and Portland police By Danielle Wallace | Fox News More than 150 rounds were fired and one woman was shot in Portland on Friday night while protesters on Saturday – some of whom appeared to impersonate press – threw glass bottles and shined lasers at city police officers sent to quell the nighttime unrest witnessed for more than two months straight. Saturday marked the third night of federal and state law enforcement cooperation in Portland, as the Department of Homeland Security continues to weigh plans to withdraw from the liberal Oregon city. It was the 64th straight day of violent demonstrations and rioting in Portland. A shooting rang out about 11:08 p.m. Friday outside an apartment building near the 600 Block of NE 87th Avenue. The Portland Police Bureau said in an update Saturday that more than 150 rounds were fired and bullets struck at least eight occupied apartments and seven vehicles. One round struck a woman in the arm, and responding officers applied a tourniquet before she was transported to the hospital by ambulance with injuries that were not life-threatening. https://www.foxnews.com/us/portland-protests-150-round-shooting-press-federal-pullout
  12. ...wasn't Pete Wilson the last GOP governor?............
  13. Susan Rice's 'Benghazi baggage,' F-bombs would make her 'lightning rod' as Biden VP pick, writer claims Former Obama aide could become a distraction as Biden tries to reach voters, columnist says By Brie Stimson | Fox News Former national security adviser Susan Rice would be a “human lightning rod” if selected to be Democrat Joe Biden’s running mate, a Washington Post columnist wrote Friday. Rice, who is reported to be among the shrinking list of Biden vice presidential contenders, has the advantage of a longstanding close relationship with the former vice president, unlike any of the other names on the list. But Biden's want for “familiarity and comfort” are luxuries the nation doesn’t have time for in this singular time of crisis, Post columnist Dana Milbank writes. Despite Rice’s impressive resume -- Rhodes scholar, Oxford, U.N ambassador, national security adviser -- she has serious Benghazi baggage and a polarizing ability to make fast enemies. She had to withdraw from consideration as former President Barack Obama's secretary of state because she was unlikely to get the Senate confirmation votes, Milbank writes. If she joined the Biden ticket, Milbank writes, she would be a distraction for the Democrats in a time when voters want calm -- and would be an easy target for Republicans. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/susan-rices-benghazi-baggage-f-bombs-would-make-her-lightning-rod-as-biden-vp-pick-writer-claims
  14. ...never in the car because I'm the sole occupant.....I do wear it in stores to comply....................
  15. ....bottom line is "NEVER let a crisis go to waste"........doesn't matter if real or manufactured......."milk it for what it is worth (politically ins PRIORITY #1").......did I miss something here??..........
  16. ...certainly understand what you're saying.....and DOUBT but HOPE that those that do not care are the minority versus those that DO care......the "DO care" gang has differing levels of caring as expected.....a/k/a minimal (once is awhile checking in) versus versus maximum (daily checking in).......the "don't care" gang is reticent with "whatever THEY decide is what I have to deal with".., not seeing how they could affect the outcome.....try this one on for size.....I have a cousin who is a Trump supporter and says so on FB.....another cousin and his wife are staunch way left Dems ( I avoid their ilk like the plague; they're argumentative, obnoxious to the point where your differing opinion is met by, "let ME explain this for YOU")....his wife attacked the cousin supporting Trump as a "lunatic and you're probably a terrible father to raise children in such a RADICAL household".....her and her husband unfriended him on FB...I CANNOT MAKE THIS CRAP UP....SMH.......
  17. ...SERIOUSLY?.....would you expect anything LESS from "Chuck The Putz"?......NYS has a treasure trove of putzes......Chuck, Spitzer, Silver, Schneiderman, Weiner, Nadler, etc....honorable mention to those I missed.....special thanks to Hillary the Carpetbagger.............
  18. ...unfortunately, that is DEAD ON.....here's my SAD Cliff Notes Version assessment......look at the perennial voter turnout numbers, generally and abysmally low......why?....because the disenfranchised and disconnected see their ONE vote as meaningless...a/k/a "my one vote won't make a difference...it is what it is".....so why should I bother?....
  19. ....how about folks standing in line for hours, giving up the wait and going home only to get a mailing saying they "tested positive"?......naw no concern.......the case numbers are REAL......
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