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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...could be to keep Whoa Joe IN once he wins........can't be left alone and could wander off.............
  2. ...failure to do so paves the way for the "GOP Bad Guys" accusations.......so now cave to the petulant Dem demands/legislation, FURTHER sinking the US into debt AS INTENDED.....moving on to the current political climate.....egregious Trump Admin response to Covid-19, an alleged pandemic like nothing since 1917 (CDC says there were 29 MILLION influenza cases in 2019)...crickets... massive bankruptcies and unemployment due to Covid-19 (panic collapse and panic shutdowns statewide so noted), $600 stipend intended to help BUT deterred return to work impetus....do we need to see more of the Dems dependency climate to nurture voters versus a bridge plan for folks to eventually get back to work?.....Dems love to promote dependency to secure the vote as the the "gimme crowd's safety net"......do nothing and we'll get your MORE.....,
  3. ...EXACTLY.....at the same time, he IS trying to bring back the Soviet Union form to his personal governance and control perspective....he is in a world dominance and supremacy race with China versus the US.....even if they end up #1 and #1A, mission accomplished.......and the progressives would be cheering in the streets to see the "world's bully" knocked off its alleged pedestal, relegated to a third world also ran.....submissive SOB scums...........
  4. ...LOL...Dick "The Woody" Durbin chimes in.......yet another gem from the MOST corrupt state in the US known as Illinois.......yet another 42 year political "hanging on" parasite that has done NOTHING...... Democratic Sen. Durbin: 'We are ready to meet the White House and the Republicans halfway' By Talia Kaplan | Fox News “We are ready to meet the White House and the Republicans halfway,” U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., said on Sunday, the day after President Trump signed four executive orders to provide Americans financial relief from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic amid stalled negotiations in the Senate. “We were at $3.4 trillion in the bill that Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats passed twelve weeks ago,” Durbin, the current Senate minority whip, told NBC’s “Meet The Press” on Sunday, referencing the House’s “Heroes Act” passed in May. He said that “now we've come down to the range of two trillion.” Durbin pointed out that Senate Republicans proposed $1 trillion in the “HEALS Act,” their version of a fresh round of coronavirus relief unveiled two weeks ago. “We've asked them to come up a trillion,” Durbin said. He made the comments reacting to an earlier interview on “Meet The Press” with White House trade adviser Peter Navarro who said both sides needed to agree on a number in between one and three trillion dollars. “This should be easier than it is," Navarro said on Sunday. "We’ve got two sides, one’s at $1 trillion, another's at $3 trillion. The first thing you have to do is agree on some number in between. Once you do that, step two is figure out, within that, what you both agree on." “And then, what you do is you trade off, go back and forth across the table on what you want, respecting each other’s red lines,” Navarro added, stressing that “this should be easy.” https://www.foxnews.com/media/sen-durbin-coronavirus-relief-meet-white-house-republicans-halfway
  5. ....LMAO...the "skunk got skunked by EO".................."MacArthur's Park is melting and so is the queen's ice cream".....................
  6. ...Joe's cognitive test results...everything looks normal......according to the "Dem Doctrine".....as intended............
  7. ....brain dead...Putin is in a race with China for world supremacy.......he wants the weakest link at 1600 Pennsylvania.......Oh No Joe is his choice......er, sorry.......either Kamala or Ricecakes will be in charge....
  8. ...hmmmn....when you look in the mirror and come to the realization that you have no ability to think for or provide for yourself, where do you turn?.......the Party of diapers, Depends, handouts, thinking on your behalf, coddling, nurturing, breast feeding et al, even toilet paper with assistance in a shortage?......did you miss the memo?.....
  9. ...will a Trump "W" be the demise of Tibs?......I melted my rosary beads..............
  10. .the "new Big Hurt"???...just askin'................ ...naw she's TDS depressed.......controlling the nuke codes while Whoa Joe is in the "West Wing Nursing & Dementia Unit" is a BAD idea.....Prozac doesn't always work as intended.......
  11. ....so where is the MSM coverage about 29 MILLION versus Covid-19?......no political capital here (COUGH)............ From Contagion® is a fully integrated news resource covering all areas of infectious disease. US Flu Cases Reach 29 Million: Have We Hit Peak Season? FEB 27, 2020 | MICHAELA FLEMING The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there have been 29 million influenza cases in the United States in the 2019-20 season. Influenza activity remains high, as it has been in recent weeks, but the latest flu data indicates that activity decreased slightly this week. Overall, visits to clinicians for influenza-like-illness decreased from 6.7% last week to 6.1% this week. However, all US regions remain above baseline in reporting outpatient influenza-like-illness occurrence. According to the latest FluView data, there have been 280,000 hospitalizations for influenza recorded as of February 15, 2020. This figure is consistent with hospitalization rates at this point in time during recent seasons; however, hospitalization rates among children and young adults are considered higher than in recent seasons. The CDC also indicates that mortality related to pneumonia and influenza has been low during this respiratory virus season. So far, there have been 16,000 flu-related deaths documented during the US influenza season. Of these, there have been 105 influenza-associated deaths among children. Earlier this season, Contagion® reported that influenza B/Victoria was the predominant strain in the US this season. At this point in time, there has been a decrease in the percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza B, although the percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza B is on the rise. https://www.contagionlive.com/news/us-flu-cases-reach-29-million-have-we-hit-peak-season
  12. ....so where is the MSM coverage about 29 MILLION versus Covid-19?......no political capital here (COUGH)............ From Contagion® is a fully integrated news resource covering all areas of infectious disease. US Flu Cases Reach 29 Million: Have We Hit Peak Season? FEB 27, 2020 | MICHAELA FLEMING The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that there have been 29 million influenza cases in the United States in the 2019-20 season. Influenza activity remains high, as it has been in recent weeks, but the latest flu data indicates that activity decreased slightly this week. Overall, visits to clinicians for influenza-like-illness decreased from 6.7% last week to 6.1% this week. However, all US regions remain above baseline in reporting outpatient influenza-like-illness occurrence. According to the latest FluView data, there have been 280,000 hospitalizations for influenza recorded as of February 15, 2020. This figure is consistent with hospitalization rates at this point in time during recent seasons; however, hospitalization rates among children and young adults are considered higher than in recent seasons. The CDC also indicates that mortality related to pneumonia and influenza has been low during this respiratory virus season. So far, there have been 16,000 flu-related deaths documented during the US influenza season. Of these, there have been 105 influenza-associated deaths among children. Earlier this season, Contagion® reported that influenza B/Victoria was the predominant strain in the US this season. At this point in time, there has been a decrease in the percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza B, although the percentage of specimens testing positive for influenza B is on the rise. https://www.contagionlive.com/news/us-flu-cases-reach-29-million-have-we-hit-peak-season
  13. ...assume "black market" and "great WHITE sharks" are goners............maybe WHITE asparagus too................
  14. ...what time does the "Governor Dewine Testing Team" arrive??....things could change.............
  15. ...LMAO...."senilic one and head mashugana" got "trumped".........their "unconstitutional flag" is at "NO Mast"........
  16. ...of course.......power and control is their ONLY goal....so Pelousy and Chuck the Putz throw out ridiculous, voting buying garbage in their proposals knowing the GOP will resist....makes "pointing the finger" much easier....when is the last time the "senilic one and head mashugana" have proposed meaningful legislation for the benefit of the country versus "their own agenda"?....CRICKETS....
  17. ...how did 8,000 Chinese nationals pass through Big Fredo's kingdom AFTER the travel ban was in effect unchecked?......His "kingdom" served as the "Covid-19 Gateway to the entire US", yet he's lauded for a great job......the same skank whose response to criticism for nursing homes deaths due to a woeful policy was, "just a shiny object"......
  18. .....agree....Biden has a toll booth..............
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