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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...they will do what they are TOLD TO DO.......the "target list for non-supporting reprisals" is ALREADY drawn up....
  2. ...let us pause for a moment....crayolas are made in China and obviously infused with a mind altering ingredient...so by Dems' standards", he is a "victim not responsible for his assertion or actions....some compassion here.....
  3. ...I thought Maxine Waters for her all inclusive, oratorical skills eloquence.......especially at a time of need for national healing.............
  4. ...choking on #27 Ruby Red as usual......crayolas are NOT for snacks...............
  5. ....sorry girl, but ain't NO way Rowan & Martin's "Laugh In" could top this......I just cancelled the "Comedy Channel"...this is priceless.....
  6. ..hell even THE picture of honesty and integrity, Bugsy Dailey kept control.......Capone didn't do a bad job either...........
  7. ...to be fair and honest, who told him he's running anyhow?.....basement reception sucks.....
  8. ...c'mon BG, smile and look ahead....you can vote for Big Fredo in 2024 as THE "Top Dawg" and preserve your NYS loyalty.....?
  9. ...LMAO......just like on the football side and BBMB......."whiffle" ball........
  10. ...OR....the "nuke" button versus Willie's "button"?.......
  11. ....who the hell needs bail?....try this one on...Murder 2 and NO bail....SMH........... Rochester man charged with murder, released from custody with no bail WHECTV Updated: August 05, 2020 05:54 PM Created: August 05, 2020 04:11 PM ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — A Rochester man accused of murder has been released from custody without bail. A County Court Judge ordered Randall Scott to remain home on electronic monitoring. https://www.whec.com/rochester-new-york-news/rochester-man-charged-with-murder-released-from-custody-with-no-bail/5817795/
  12. ..checking my crystal ball for some probable appointments..... Secretary of State-Maxine Waters Secretary of the Treasury-Sheila Jackson Lee AG-Sally Yates Bureau of Indian Affairs-Lizzie Warren Secretary of Commerce-John Kasich Press Secretary-Billstime Whine Stewards-Mitt & Hillary Secretary of the Posterior-Tibs ...feel free to add........back shortly.....crystal ball took a commercial break................
  13. ...checking my crystal ball for some probable appointments..... Secretary of State-Maxine Waters Secretary of the Treasury-Sheila Jackson Lee AG-Sally Yates Bureau of Indian Affairs-Lizzie Warren Secretary of Commerce-John Kasich Press Secretary-Billstime Whine Stewards-Mitt & Hillary Secretary of the Posterior-Tibs ...feel free to add........back shortly.....crystal ball took a commercial break...................
  14. ...does Willie get the Lincoln Bedroom??..........
  15. ...rest assured Gruesome Newsom includes it in his Fed bailout whine......>$60 billion...............
  16. ...does she get the nuke codes when Whoa Joe is in therapy?.................
  17. ...homeless at the Waldorf but Big Fredo is broke....go figure...……………. American taxpayers footing NYC's bill to house the homeless in boutique hotels Many fear that housing more than 13,000 homeless New Yorkers in single-room, deluxe hotels will 'bankrupt' the city By Hollie McKay | Fox News Since the novel coronavirus began desecrating through New York more than five months ago, Mayor Bill de Blasio's administration has been filling the city's high-priced hotels with people experiencing homelessness in a bid to ease the burden on the shelter system and to curb the spread of the pathogen – ensuring that individuals have their own room and space to socially distance. But there is a growing divide between advocates who contend it's the only practical answer – despite the exorbitant costs – and locals who fear for their own safety and worry it will fiscally break the city and spread crime. As it stands, at least 139 hotels are deemed home to people experiencing homelessness – a sharp rise from the estimated 40 hotels that were used in place of shelters prior to the outbreak of the global pandemic this year. Around 13,000 individuals are believed to be living in such hotels across some of the five boroughs, with most of them transferred from various shelters. There are approximately 700 hotels in the once-bustling New York City, and roughly 20 percent are now used as homeless shelters. "(This) will eventually bankrupt the city. With more and more people fleeing the city because of the homeless problem and defunding the police where they don't feel safe, the city will not have the funds to sustain this," Michael Fischer, a representative of the West 58th Street Coalition, which formed last year in response to growing concerns over issues surrounding the development of homeless shelters in Manhattan, told Fox News. "And the crisis is only going to get worse." https://www.foxnews.com/us/american-taxpayers-footing-new-york-citys-bill-to-house-the-homeless-in-boutique-hotels
  18. ...LOL....how about Huntley, Brinkley, Cronkite, Edward R at al, the bastions on the once proud news industry and journalism....do NOT look up fellas....it's ugly.......remember when "press credentials" were required?......now all you need is a Twitter account to qualify...the highly reliable source of many PPP drivelers.....you can fill in the names... ..
  19. ...of course he will....he's already rattling that sabre........but when it happens, albeit income tax, sales tax, property tax, coupled with major cuts, "it's all Trump's fault"....his ongoing gross fiscal ineptitude and mismanagement becomes a NON-ISSUE just like nursing home deaths, what he referred to to deflect criticism as a "shiny object"....yet knowing his deficit, he continues to spend.....latest is $500 million to refurbish I-90 rest stops where you stop to pee and get coffee...500 MIL??....sales tax receipts are cratering as he keeps businesses shutdown.....one of our municipal jobs with a NYS county already has SIX contractor claims against it for non-payment......spec says you must keep working and "work out those details later (paraphrased) or else"...we cannot give them leverage...that County's AP department laughs and will tell you "we know you will all win in Court"......but in the mean time, I have to carry 65 grand in costs relative to my claim.....President Cuomo in 2024.......
  20. ....exactly...the Dems have ALWAYS been the "party of dependency.....you need MORE?....we'll get you MORE as long as you vote for US"......I do NOT have a problem helping those who WANT TO HELP THEMSELVES......regardless of race, creed, color or ethnicity, there is a segment of the populous that needs some "seed money" to get them going towards their goals of personal financial success.....they take that seed money, coupled with their own drive and initiative to get ahead and run with it.....at the same time and AGAIN, regardless of regardless of race, creed, color or ethnicity, there will always be a segment of the populous known as the "gimme crowd"......they have NO drive or initiative to lift themselves on their own and want someone else to continually do it for them....hence the lucrative Dem base to which dangling the "gimme carrot" in exchange for votes is their keeper......throw BILLIONS more at it with ZERO measure of ROI as to whether anything improved....."oh well at least we tried".....SMH...........
  21. ...why should state bailout money go to those fiscally inept BEFORE Covid-19?......why reward gross incompetence?.......and those same bailout requests will include HUGE sums for damages incurred during the "peaceful protests"....why AGAIN reward those who have no idea how to govern or to deal with the death and destruction in their cities?.....NO WAY IN HELL should they be allowed to "go to the well" under these circumstances....screw that......even under these conditions, they CONTINUE to spend recklessly......no need for me to waste time listing......you know the drill.........
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