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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...I'm depressed...went to get my veggies today, shopping for "white" asparagus......took me awhile because it is now labeled "not green asparagus".....
  2. ...perhaps Willie gets rewarded as Kamala the Thrillah's "Chief of Staff"?.....think I shall go no further..............
  3. .. the petulant little fraud awakens today....you're the #1 source of PPP "verbal diarrhea".......Maalox could never help your irritable bowel syndrome or "stem the flow"............
  4. ...so do my relatives, the "dyed in the wool Dem bunch".......these are flukes who think CNN is gospel and that EVER considering a split ticket is blasphemy or treason....a cousin is a Trump supporter.....the wife of another cousin (he's an arrogant SOB; disagreeing with his views gets you, "let me explain this for you", Omnipotence 101) branded him as an unfit father for raising children in a "radical household"......they BOTH immediately unfriended him....I've "self quarantined" from these clowns for 12+ years....got into a heated argument years ago with one of these clowns....a cousin deadpanned that "Monica did a service to our country be relaxing Bill do better do his job"......you just can't make this stuff up....he inhaled too many glue fumes in his cabinet making career....
  5. ...LMAO.....even with Walmart having an "Express Dentist Line-Serving Those with 15 or Less" didn't help................
  6. ...she didn't even attract flies in her primary run......surprising especially since MSM says she is a "moderate (COUGH)"...................
  7. ...yet the claim from NYC perspective is, "WNY needs US"......they definitely are our surrogate.....ever go on vacation out of NYS to another state or country?.....when somebody asks where you are from and your reply, "Rochester....Syracuse...Buffalo", they respond with "huh, near which borough"?.......my kids tell them "Rochester is directly across Lake Ontario from Toronto" and some seem to get it....
  8. ...same with Seattle due to the city terrain.....virtual shutdown for 1-2 inches.....we still get our regularly expected 110"+ in Roch-Cha-Cha.....MAJOR ice?....1991 I was without power for 9 days.....2003 was not that bad............
  9. ...a bit confused about recent reports of Covid-19 detected in chicken wings and seafood, presumably frozen.....how could the virus exist in frozen state?......or if it was detected prior to freezing, how could the virus survive once frozen?...or did I screw this up?....
  10. ...you couldn't even sell that cesspool back to its original owners for 10 cents on the dollar now.....Bumblin' Billy says the crime and destruction is because of Covid-19 and the weather....and as far as an exodus?.....pfffft........
  11. ....and they're STILL "in the dark"....SMH............ 3. West Coast Blackout (1982) High winds were the cause of this major blackout along the coast of the Western United States. On December 22, these winds knocked a key transmission tower into a line tower causing 3 other towers to fail. More problems occurred when communication issues prevented control instructions from being passed along to workers. Even backup plans failed due to the fact that equipment wasn?t configured to handle such an incredible failure. It was estimated that around 2 million businesses and homes went without electricity during the blackout, affecting people in San Fransisco and San Diego and all the way to Las Vegas, Nevada.
  12. ...guess we better start packing and drop off the keys....."The Gimme Gang" has upped the ante....PRIME exposure how fraudulent the BLM movement is.....it's like MMM ("My Morning Movement")... Seattle BLM protesters demand white people ‘give up’ their homes By Joshua Rhett Miller August 14, 2020 NY Post A group of Black Lives Matter protesters in Seattle marched through a residential neighborhood this week demanding that white residents give up their homes, dramatic video shows. Footage of the Wednesday demonstration posted to Twitter shows a crowd of dozens chanting “Black lives matter” before an unidentified man projects his ire toward nearby white residents — saying they are living in a historically black section of the city as another woman in the crowd yells that they should “give up” their homes, the clip shows. “Do you know that before your white ass came here, this was all black people?” the man says. “Do you know people like you came in here and basically bought all the land from the black people for less than what it was worth, kicked them out so you could live here? Do you know that?” https://nypost.com/2020/08/14/seattle-blm-protesters-demand-white-people-give-up-their-homes/
  13. ...LMAO!......you need to get that added to Webster's Dictionary....a BG CLASSIC...............
  14. ....interesting...Covid-19 seems to have disappeared from MSM radar, replaced by KamalaVirus......maybe Roundup is working on a vaccine.....
  15. ....a ringing endorsement.......... Tensions linger between Biden and Obama camps throughout 2020 primary campaign: report “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to !@#$ things up,” one Democrat who spoke to the former president recalled him saying By Morgan Phillips | Fox News Despite the best-friend bond Joe Biden touts with former President Obama, tensions have lingered between the two statesmen over their vastly different governing styles, according to a Politico report. To start, a number of anonymously sourced quotes from Obama leaked out throughout the 2020 Biden campaign where the former president allegedly expressed doubts about his former running mates’ fitness for office. “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to !@#$ things up,” one Democrat who spoke to the former president recalled him saying. When lamenting his own diminishing relationship with the current Democratic electorate, particularly in Iowa, Obama reportedly told one 2020 candidate: “And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden.” Some Biden aides pointed out that, when Obama’s endorsement of Biden in 2020 finally did arrive, it didn’t have nearly the energy of his endorsement of Hillary Clinton in 2016. “I don’t think there’s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office,” Obama said of Clinton in 2016 in an endorsement video. “I believe Joe has all of the qualities we need in a president right now … and I know he will surround himself with good people,” Obama said in Biden’s endorsement video. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-obama-tensions-2020-primary
  16. ...so here comes the woeful, abysmal cries for Fed help from failed Demo leadership in major cities that let this happen....(1). The Fed well is closed.....(2) A Bag of Halite in en route so go pound it....... Costs from weeks of protests take financial toll on cash-strapped cities across US Protests following George Floyd's death could become one of the costliest displays of civil disorder in US history By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News From police injuries to financial losses from looters, the aftermath from weeks of cross-country protests is bringing some cities to their knees. All told, the unruly demonstrations following the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery could make it one of the costliest displays of civil disorder in U.S. history. In many places, the financial fallout comes as cities and states have drained their coffers trying to fight COVID-19. The end result for these cash-strapped cities could put them millions of dollars in the red and struggling for years to get out. In Minneapolis, costs related to the protests could hit higher than $500 million. In Portland, Ore., nearly 80 nights of destruction have caused the liberal locale $23 million and counting. In Chicago, a city that's seen soaring crime rates and corruption at the highest levels, the damage done from the protests has not only hit high-end retailers but crippled hundreds of mom-and-pop stores trying to eke out a living. https://www.foxnews.com/us/costs-protests-financial-toll-cash-strapped-us-cities
  17. ...GREAT stuff DR......MSM has cricketitis on these matters as is the same for UAE Peace Agreement...shocking, right (COUGH)?......seems like Durham took his time to find the weakest "canary link" willing to sing....smart stuff.....and the links you have laid out are damning as an understatement.....stay tuned.....
  18. ...it doesn't mean squat.......all that matters is that a black female was selected......baggage?...helluva lot more than Samsonite......"moderate" as portrayed by the MSM?.....that gang effs up "paint by numbers" so "painting" her as a moderate is comical......she's way left++.......BUT...the MSM has replaced the Covid-19 virus daily news with the KamalaVirus, laudatory drool so noted...........
  19. ....so dispel this "...who?...huh?.....stuff out there......read where he was Sr Management and also a former CIA attorney.......can't envision Durham chasing minnows when there are some MAJOR fish out there......help us out here..............
  20. ...if, IF in fact that is the result, a/k/a "kiss and make up....we're sorry....won't happen again..", the sliver of credibility left for DOJ, AG office, FBI, CIA etc is gone....NOT that THEY would care......guess step one is for Durham to get his canary......don't know what the charges would have translated to as far as punishment, but I'd think that even one year in jail now is significant logging the first criminal conviction in this mess......have to believe there are some "squirming hot seats" out there.............
  21. ....interesting......bet he got his canary with a "chorus (CYA)" to follow.......NOT to worry....MSM surely is sharpening their axes for the impending "Durham Partisan Hatchet Job"......the same guy that the honorable AG Eric Holder assigned several high profile cases to.......good attorney THEN but not now...stay tuned..............
  22. ...still way less than the $850 mil that vaporized on wifey's watch for Mental Health Services........................
  23. ...so as a respected posting Cali man, give us your assessment of the hometown pick, Kamala the Thrillah...............
  24. ...four years?....divisive squat.....sole purpose is turmoil on Trump's watch for political gain....you and I seriously matter?...seriously?.....
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