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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ..once Big Fredo's "Covid-19 Handbook" hits the shelves in you local 7-Eleven, we'll be just fine....
  2. ...SHOCKING that CBS has not fired Herridge for her investigative reporting.......doesn't fit their mold.......or fuzzy green, tainted "MOLD".............
  3. ...not to worry folks.....Kamala the Thrillah has us covered......back to bed Joe.............
  4. ..probably a stupid question but it's what I'm known for.......what happens now to two income families who are faced with tough financial decisions for having to stay home on remote learning days or have a new day care expenditure for those "in home days"?.....anybody think demand will outstrip supply and rates will skyrocket?.....is there any consideration by employers yet to allow remote job performance for the time that Moms or Dads stay at home for remote learning days?......yes I'm glad I am beyond that with my kids being college graduates and well into their executive careers...BUT...I emphasize with parents whose debt structure is based on two income families now to have their world turned upside down with an unanticipated additional expense.....
  5. ...are they writing a "Covid-19 Handbook" like Big Fredo as well?.....Biggie Fry promulgated the "Covid-19 Gateway to The Entire US".......8,000 Chinese nationals passed through NYC AFTER the travel ban UNCHECKED.......his reported (COUGH) 6,000 nursing home deaths ONLY includes those who "died on nursing home soil"....the other purported 5,000+ who were transferred FROM nursing homes TO hospitals where they eventually passed DO NOT COUNT...and yet the NYS new "Teflon Don" usurped his 100+ daily press briefings free of charge to advertise for his 2024 presidential run......
  6. ....I would pay for the... 1. Rope 2. Guillotine ...your choice.......yet another pompous, indignant, arrogant putz............
  7. ...good show bro....you nailed it............. ...perfect....she can add Lizzie Warren to HER (Joe will be laid off) her Cabinet and they can share heritage stories.......
  8. ...they have leaned heavily left as usual and were in their glory during Obama's tenure...and his Clinton Dynasty puppeteers....certainly expecting the "Pant Suit W" in 2016 and got blindsided.....as did BOTH SIDES of the political establishment.....journalistic integrity and unbiased reporting disappeared YEARS ago.....now it's more of a cesspool of animus, hatred & vitriol adding to this nation's divide......NEVER liked Trump's business style at all.....BUT...the electorate screamed for a true outsider to drain the swamp and they got their guy in 2016......of course he brought along his persona ala a typical NYC dude, loudmouthed, brash, abrasive, abusive et al.....BUT he sure as hell shocked the "good 'ol boyz network" on BOTH SIDES, a stagnant CYA fraternity again, ON BOTH SIDES, that was in dire need.....and CERTAINLY, there are PLENTY of instances where he just needs to STFU and have his damn Twitter account deleted....Jesus...........
  9. ...did you combine Gary's 67 screen names into one line?.......
  10. ...no rolls but plenty of "mustard" I presume..............
  11. ...it is THE "Master Plan"......Kamala will lay him off and he'll collect unemployment in the "West Wing Nursing & Dementia Unit"....INCLUDING the extra $300 a week....
  12. ....I'm torn between which stage set they should be using... 1. Hollywood Squares 2. Roman & Martin's "Laugh In" 3."Night(s) of THE Living Dead" ...tough call.............
  13. ...good idea...it's Billstime's Canadian cousin.......
  14. ..probably will be busy writing his book......perhaps a stocking stuffer for your friends?...………...
  15. ….at least I wasn't illegal...…….just sayin'...………….
  16. ...HUH??....still plenty here.....I wade through their garbage daily.................
  17. ...LMAO...you make Bernie look FAR right to Limbaugh...................
  18. ...LMAO...Podesta?....another card carrying, scurrilous card carrying Dynasty skank....and his brother is cut from the same cloth.....
  19. ...HUH?...Covid-19 has been cured.....it's off the MSM radar.......now on to KamalaVirus........and a special note that Big Fredo's "Covid-19 Handbook" is due out in October......free copies available in NY nursing homes when you visit your relatives...oh wait......BTW he defines a "nursing home death" as having "died on nursing home soil ONLY"...transfers to hospitals and subsequent deaths do NOT count.......Cuomo in 2024....
  20. ...LMAO......in the old BBMB days, there were clowns who posted NOTHING but emojis to increase post count......and then brag about their counts...from Day Care I presume........
  21. ….....hell I thought when Trudeau closed the border, he meant wi-fi as well.....dammit...…………..
  22. ...sorry but I missed the entire broadcast....was watching "The Weather Channel"....so how many of the esteemed speakers denounced the riots, violence, death and destruction in THEIR cities?....hello....anybody there?.....
  23. ...maybe the Dems could hire Avenatti….he should be out by then...………..
  24. ...Janice Dean could be his running mate...she likes him, right?...……..
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