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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...there was financial incentive to distort and fraudulently report...the first Covid 19 Fed Relief package funded $2.5 billion to be disbursed through the Medicare system to hospitals, paying $39,000 per Covid case versus the normal $13,000 reimbursement.....so multiple NON-Covid deaths were tagged as Covid....heart attacks, vehicle accidents, those with pre-existing conditions who could not get regular treatments, albeit chemo, radiation, etc......look at NYS Big Fraudulent Fredo as a primary example.....nursing home deaths were reported as "only those who died on nursing home soil"....those shipped to nursing homes infected or who also infected existing residents, but eventually shipped to hospitals where they died DO NOT COUNT......care to convince me that the populous REALLY mattered versus creating a political finger pointing atmosphere?....don't even try.....
  2. ...Jesus BG......that's our modern day Moe, Larry & Curly......no offense to Shemp.......perhaps Hunter???..............
  3. ...so which is the longer running "Broadway Show" theatrics for the PPP Petulants?.... (A). Russian Collusion (B). Hillary's "2016 L"? (C). Tie; dead heat. ....um...er....well...oh...uh.....ruminating......thrashing.....and I vote....(C)......
  4. ....he needs to zip his New Yorker yap and STFU......the other side will self destruct WITHOUT his azzclown tweets......focus on accomplishments and there are several IMO......sad how you ask the all knowing critics 'round these parts who would be their person leading the Covid-19 response, something not seen since 1917 or what they would do differently and all you get is.......crickets.......just keep attacking......THEIR way....
  5. ...how honorable....turned himself in.......probably released within the hour.....arrest record probably shows a parking ticket in 2002 (COUGH)............. Portland truck attack suspect Marquise Love surrenders: police Marquise Love was booked shortly after 8:30 a.m. local time, records show By Stephanie Pagones | Fox News Portland police have arrested the 25-year-old man accused of viciously attacking a truck driver who was seen on video being violently beaten, jail records show. Marquise Lee Love turned himself in and was booked in the Multnomah County Detention Center on Friday shortly after 8:30 a.m. local time, according to jail records. He was charged with assault, coercion and rioting, all three of which are felonies, records show. Police later confirmed the arrest in a news release shared on Twitter. https://www.foxnews.com/us/portland-police-arrest-truck-attack-suspect-marquise-love-jail-records
  6. …...LMAO!.....looks just like "Hollywood Squares"...…..where's Paul Lynde??………………...
  7. ...LMAO....Al Capone and Bugsy Dailey are rolling over at a "city under control"......Rahm Emanuel and Lightweight Lightfoot?....seriously?......
  8. ...LMAO..."Moonbeam".......he's been recycled more than Tib's BVD's.................
  9. ...cubic zirconia.......just like the rest....and even you.............
  10. ..how come EVERY Brennan pic looks like he has major gas?......anything upsetting his gut?.............
  11. ...which would all swing me from the fence to their side...mighty impressive...what say you???.....
  12. ...certainly...her 2% support in her primary run has instilled MAJOR VP fear as in , "....oh Gawd.......you're joking".......you're a gem...........
  13. ...you're a helluva lot braver than I am....couldn't bring myself to waste a nanosecond on the charade....now if they lined up Eric Holder on his efforts to rebuild DOJ to the "pinnacle of integrity", Rahm Emanuel on how he rebuilt Chicago to "the boiler plate epitome as to how to lead a US city to greatest", or even Rev Al Sharpton explaining how the "Democratic Party is THE historic party of racial inclusion, servitude to its base versus the GOP avowed racists", I may have tuned in.....MAY....
  14. ...LOL...which entity is THE biggest fraud?......... (A). UN Security Council (B). UN Council on Human Rights (C). The Democratic Party (D) Tie; ALL of the above ....um...er....well...uh...oh.....sigh....heavy rumination.........came up with (D)..............
  15. ....didn't their "leader" condone riots and looting as "deserved reparations"?......can you better define the "Gimme Crowd"?...............BLM is a fraud.....
  16. ...so we'll trade Trump for Trudeau straight up......now what??..........
  17. ...but, BUT Nancy told me Chinatown was safe in February...now what??.........and how about 8,000 Chinese nationals slipping through Big Fredo's gates unchecked AFTER the travel ban??......
  18. ...not sure what the beef is BG...isn't "$850+ mil unaccounted for in government funds" the norm?.....doesn't "hubby having the check book" legitimize everything?.....
  19. ...LMAO...." Fraudulent Fredo's" latest nomenclature....wonder what he'll call it in his "handbook" ??..............
  20. ...so the study identifies the indirect effects of the lock downs/quarantine measure.......hardly reported by MSM....shocking right?......we have had real life suicide cases identified here by TBD'ers....I've talked to people who had life altering experiences PRIOR TO Covid-19 who find their normal routines being more difficult because of Covid-19 and not because of mandated safety and recommended precautions....they were learning to cope with life altering experiences but this has added another level of complexity to deal with........
  21. ...I certainly agree but seriously wonder if these big picture ramifications are being taken into consideration....plenty of articles about the detrimental effects mentally in these lock downs and I fear to think about spousal/family abuses escalating from being around each other too much.....
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