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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...sure we need to be concerned and take necessary measures ( I do at age 67), but I have a guy in our office who is WAY over the top.....shame that he lives his life in such paranoia at age 35...says "people my age have strokes because of Covid-19".......drives to work daily as sole vehicle occupant wearing mask.....with 30 folks in our 12,000 sq ft office, it is 400 sq ft per person, well within social distancing guidelines and at least 6 sanitizing stations set up...office cubicles are 120 sq ft.....yet he sits at his desk 8 hours a day wearing a mask.....goes outside on breaks for a smoke and distances himself from colleagues by 12' OUTSIDE.....opens all doors with his knee or elbow.....girlfriend's job allows working remotely...she has not been outside their apartment since MARCH.....cannot imagine living under such paranoia, but "to each his own" I guess.....
  2. ...could Tibs be next with his purported Trump/Putin kinks?.......
  3. ...not that I could stomach to watch and probably the same for the GOP Convention......BUT...were there any positives to come out on policy changes et al that would benefit the country?...ANY highlights on Dem accomplishments to date?...ANY criticism on the violent protests, death and destruction going on nationwide?.....or just the usual "always attack ...never defend" mode?.....if the GOP Convention is laced with counter attacks, tit for tat nonsense, versus what has been accomplished to date (many examples IMO),we're in the SAME political "same old same old" nonsense that WAS the purpose of draining "the swamp" with a political outsider...pick your poison......
  4. ...so who needs more proof he cannot be left alone?......Joe BiDONE.......should not have wi-fi in his basement........... Biden says Trump seeks to 'defund the police' -- through proposed cuts Police departments should focus instead on forcing out officers who abuse their authority, the former vice president said By Brie Stimson | Fox News President Trump is the one who wants to “defund the police,” Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden asserted during an interview Friday. "I don't want to defund police departments. I think they need more help, they need more assistance,” Biden told ABC News for a wide-ranging interview airing Sunday that also includes Biden's running mate, U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif. Biden accused the president of proposing cuts to programs that support local police, in sharp contrast to the Republican incumbent's campaign-trail rhetoric. Harris also stressed that voters should watch the president's actions rather than listen to his words. "There is so much about what comes out of Donald Trump's mouth that is designed to distract the American people from what he is doing," Harris told ABC. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-says-trump-seeks-to-defund-the-police-through-proposed-cuts
  5. ...yup..precisely a personal poster reference...nicely done....you do daily pathetically......
  6. ....well she was "robbed"....why do you think the Dems immediately floated the idea of Electoral College elimination?....been just fine since 1787 but the sore losers cried foul?...as the late great Jim McKay said, "....and the agony of defeat..."....deal with it..........pant suit STILL can't............
  7. ..on Biden's "short list"?..............
  8. ...perhaps more precisely, they do vote but never consider policy, performance, etc.....the vote to "get this out of the way"..OR....as with my illustrious relatives, ALWAYS vote for the Dem regardless.....a single Republican vote is blasphemy and treason.....how do the likes of Thurmond, Bob Byrd, Helms, Hollings, Pelosi, Biden, Moonbeam Brown, Big Fredo Cuomo, Maxine, Sheila Jackson Lee, Feinstein, Caper, Nadler et al CONTINUALLY get re-elected or recycled to another political office?....why is the landscape littered with 40+ year career politicians?....any NOT millionaires?......all qualify for millions of Federal pension dollars?....just "doin' the people's business"?......um...er...ok...BTW: note that I cited examples on BOTH SIDES of the aisle.....it's a fungus...........
  9. ....LMAO!......."Princess"......who's the Prince, Tibs??.............
  10. ...you know damn well the "political hatchet job" on Durham is coming.......the SAME Durham that the illustrious Eric Holder handed several high profile cases to......so Durham was okay then but a hack now?........shocking (COUGH).............
  11. ...sad isn't it?.......go figure....even in GOOD TIMES, service is woefully slow...they have one speed....the "age old adage" about a typical NYS Thruway crew: "five guys sitting in the truck watching the one guy working."..
  12. USPS launches new election mail website to help Americans vote WHECTV Created: August 22, 2020 06:40 AM (WHEC) — The U.S. Postal Service announced on Friday that it has launched a new website to help Americans vote by mail. The website provides direct links to federal and state election information and resources. The site also offers information for military and overseas voters. In a press release on Friday, the USPS says, "The Postal Service recognizes that many states are choosing to expand mail-in voting options in the upcoming elections and that there will likely be a significant increase in demand among postal customers to participate in those elections by using the mail. In response, the Postal Service has updated its website to serve both voting customers seeking information on how to use the mail to vote and election officials seeking resources to help make their administration of the upcoming elections a success."
  13. ...handing Brennan a "get out of jail" card in hopes he'll be the next canary is wishful thinking on Durham's part.....his "pictorial puss" is a dead giveaway as far as an irritable bowel.........................
  14. ...but they are a fine organization......WHO, United Nations Security Council, UN Council on Human Rights, etc......where would we be without these entities taking care of us??.....
  15. ...dealers can register new and used vehicles.....some of the larger ones can even issue plates......don't forget we're talking about Big Fredoland.....SMH.....he's crying the blues about multi-BILLION dollar deficit, yet he chooses to interrupt known revenue streams....DMV transactions, sales tax (food & beverage industry so noted), gas tax/tolls (travel limitations) et al......LONG BEFORE Covid-19, he was and still is the "poster boy for fiscal MISmanagement"......recently approves $450 MILLION to improve NYS Thruway (I-90) rest stops......seriously?.....you pull in, use the bathroom, get a cup of coffee and gone in 15 minutes.....
  16. ..exactly......why does he start the hearing with a "get out of jail" card already in his pocket??.............
  17. ....unfortunately no....they will only transact their own stuff...you can mail in the paperwork to a Monroe County DMV office, but return is now at 3+ weeks......DMV urges that you "transact business only in your home county".....but I'm contacting Livingston County DMV (south of Rochester) to see if they will allow me to transact there (much lower volume)...
  18. ...another Big Fredo moment.......NYS DMV transactions at local DMV offices are by appointment only....I need to buy a utility trailer, but can't bring it home unless registered......earliest DMV appointment available?......2nd week in OCTOBER.......
  19. ...Grand Island deal is now supposedly off....new location is Medina, NY in Orleans County, which is east of Buffalo.....initial reports say $300 million dollar facility, nearly identical to the one being built in Syracuse (another smaller one being built in Syracuse as well).......
  20. ...you're probably right....thank you for correction......
  21. ...so flip a coin as to who posts it.....SMH.....until we meet again....shortly.....Peaceful Portland style................
  22. ....sorry bro, I'm a Curly guy.....LOL....back in 1957 (yup, I'm OLD), Rochester opened its first two shopping centers....the one closest to my home had weekly events in the parking lot with a bandstand set up......one was the "Three Stooges Live"........I was there...LMAO..............
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