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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...somebody here did some great analytical research into breking down Zay's stats, which I believed showed some garbage time enhancements...Cliff Notes Version IMO says it is a brand new year and put up or pack.....
  2. ...just "sizing up" Bob's predicament....hardly "rising to the level" of prosecution IMO..........
  3. ...THAT my friend is the real head scratcher......Brees lived for Graham and the TE spot...this kid got MAJOR exposed as a "swung on and missed" addition.....it was Luck or nothin'......but then again, why didn't the Colts keep him?.....oh well....
  4. ...FIFTY in attendance...pretty damn impressive......will hang up now and wait for multiple TBD "camp fodder" yips to ring in.....
  5. ....good observation...next question is if the guesstimate of $20 mil/yr reasonable?.....if not, what do you see as a fair number?...
  6. ...was supposed to be Luck's "go to partner" from Stanford drafted by Colts, moved on to Saints and then.....poof............
  7. ...great a one dimensional when we may have multi-dimensionals unknowingly in the fold already......SMH.........
  8. ..epitome decision of "do or die".....DO = NFL...die = back to CFL for any takers....real gold versus fool's gold.....
  9. ..assuming that Clowney is now long term healthy, how much of a role has Watt played in his resurgence?..a lot?......somewhat?.....negligible?.....if, IF we traded for him, who on Blfo fills the Watt role if he has had an effect or can Clowney be a solo force for his expected $20 mil/yr tariff?...just curious.......
  10. ...damn you...just wasted a perfectly good pair of Depends..."post of the decade"?...seriously?....I have 14,717 ALL of which by unanimous consent have been declared effin' USELESS.....better distance yourself from me bud....
  11. ... goner now...call the leader in "gettin' outta town".....
  12. ...well, we're in a dry spell, right?......surge in popcorn sales will benefit the Boy Scouts.....
  13. ...so I assume that is a no no as far as Manziel coaching Josh??...just askin'.............
  14. ...perhaps, perhaps he has come "south of the border" with a real deal commitment attitude...sure as hell does NOT appear to be a Chris Carter kid high maintenance type....and of course the naysayers rose to the task to downplay his day 1 mini camp role (as expected)......honorable mention to other TBD pundits who said "camp fodder"....gotta love those pigeon stains on the "Red Welcome Carpet".....
  15. ...quick question bud.....do you see a "Watt Factor" in Clowney's recent resurgence post injuries or has he become a "solo force"?.....
  16. ...Jesus, we do NOT have an effin' clue yet as to what we have via FA, draft picks as well as existing TE's on the roster knowing they have to "step it up"...BUT the "grass MUST be greener...."...no wonder I drink Bourbon with a Maalox chaser...good Lord............
  17. ...thought I read that eyeball reset surgery, hernia operation to alleviate carrying that massive ego and therapy from Dr Ruth will make him a new man......
  18. ..so then EVERY GM who selected a QB in 2018 draft as well as 2019 for that matter should know their azz is on the line for ONE pick....if you say so.....SMH....
  19. ...and the OTHER 52 get a free pass I suppose.....now there's an intuitive comment...SMH.....
  20. ...with "F Troop" runnin' the show for SEVENTEEN years, what the hell would you expect O'Rourke??..................
  21. ..so let's diminish Duke already, right?........SMH.....he's a minor leaguer in his FIRST SHOT at the "Bigs"........a rookie at THIS level IMO unless CFL=NFL.........
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