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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ....well it's NYC arrogance....didn't the dirt bag Leona Helmsley say, "taxes are for little people"?.....yet another condescending, arrogant putz that NYS is littered with....
  2. ...shocker..."always attack...never defend...".....NEVER offer alternative suggestions because it is beyond their purview.......dialogue?....seriously?......
  3. ...same here in Rochester....actual bidding wars......a house listed in my development went for $24 grand OVER the listing price...............
  4. ...nothing but destructive hate, foment and vitriol...perhaps the direction that Perez as DNC Chair wanted.......ZERO on constructive policy to move the country forward...try to sell me by how bad the other guy is versus how good they are...ZERO mention about the death, violent protests, riots and destruction in American cities...back to the sixties....a VP candidate SOLELY on race and gender....qualifications?...HUH?.....BUT...there is a fickle segment of the electorate known as "vote Dem no matter what"......precisely my relatives.......cannot better define "dyed in the wool Dems"......"CNN IS gospel".......ANY vote for ANY Republican is treason and heresy".....they are the all knowing and omnipotent bunch....differ with them and their favorite line is, "let me explain this for you"......quarantined from this gang for 12+ years....
  5. ...OR pleaded BROKE to the AK Judge for child support but paid off a $450,000 lien in 48 hours.....the honesty (COUGH) acorn don't fall too far from the tree..............
  6. ...um....er....uh...oh....well....our very own renowned Covid-19 Handbook author Big Fredo.....do some quick sales tax math....say 70,000 in attendance at avg ticket of $60 bucks...Erie Co is 8.75%....$367,500 in lost revenue...say each fan spends $10 bucks at concessions....another $61,250.....$428,750 in sales tax forfeited FOR ONE GAME......my 27 yr old daughter runs a major event venue principally hosting weddings.....did $3 mil last year in revenues or another $240,000 in sales tax revenues...crickets so far in 2020, <50 people ins the clown's limit.....it is a very popular venue where Rochester's elite will spend $75,000-$125,000+ on a wedding.....he cries broke but stops the revenue stream.....at the same time, the clown is spending $450 MILLION to rehab rest stops on the NYS Thruway (I-90).......where you stop, use the restroom, grab a coffee and back on the road in 15 minutes...certainly has his priorities straight....
  7. ...of course...isn't that their perennial way?.....
  8. ...Big Fredo gets honorable mention for letting 8,000 Chinese nationals pass through NYC AFTER Trump enacted the travel ban.....thus NYC served as the "Covid-19 Gateway to the US"......maybe he'll have a chapter in his new book blaming someone else............
  9. ...anybody want to offer up the indirect effects on NOT returning to school?.......the younger ones have been out of a coordinated learning environment since March, also devoid of necessary social interaction with their peers....parents yet untrained, having been giving their best efforts with home schooling....what has been the effectiveness (NOT knocking their BEST efforts)?......what has been the psychological affect on the family unite being cooped up too close?......parents unemployed, children out of school now subjected to closeness versus parents working, children in school, as a potential relief mechanism?......all need their space, right?.....what about the financial implications for two income families now having to cover children staying at home during remote learning sessions?.....switch to part time?...hope employer allows remote work?.....hire someone to babysit those days with rates expected to be exorbitant based on supply/demand?.....
  10. ...so here's my two cent take on the Biden candidacy......reminiscent of the GOP offering up Dole and McCain (not taking away from their war hero status but immaterial to be Commander in Chief IMO)....ALL three are well beyond their political effectiveness prime....FAR too long as career politicians and out of touch with today's climate.....40+ year now stale political careers......Biden is probably the most noted for gaffes, corruption, affiliations et al......at the same time and sadly, potential up and coming, viable, potentially "make a difference" candidates shy away because if the DIRTIER nature, hatred, vitriol and foment of politics.....can anyone blame them?......hell, forcible touching in the 2nd grade could be a disqualifier......we're screwed..............
  11. ....SERIOUSLY?.....REALLY?....you expected them or ANY Dem to do so?.......some day you'll arrive in reality...SMH..............
  12. ...correct....Pelosi was advertising "come to Chinatown" in FEBRUARY....DiBalsio said, "nothing to worry about"....Trump banned China travel and Big Fredo let 8,000 Chinese nationals pass through NYC unchecked......you're petulant little fraud which you already know......
  13. ...WHO (a/k/a HUH?) has about as much worldwide legitimacy as the United Nations Security Council or the UN Council on Human Rights.....convince ME otherwise.....
  14. ...yet Big Fredo is writing his "Covid-19 Handbook" soon to be at Barnes & Noble......and Bumblin' Billy says "so what to the mass NYC exodus"......yet BOTH assuredly get re-elected in landslides......NYC is BLUE and the rest of NYS is RED.......we're screwed......as usual......these two clowns couldn't sell Manhattan now back to its original owners for 10 cents on the dollar.....
  15. why not start with the radicalized liberalism espoused on college campuses.....think today's societal mess could be the result?...naw no way......this day and age mostly requires two income families to afford niceties.....have often wondered about teens coming home from school to an empty household and the negative potential.....does parents rewarding them financially to "be good" work or is it a ruse?.......yesteryear versus today are MAJOR societal differences for whatever reason you choose...............
  16. ...yup...I kid you NOT...at least two smokes on a 15 minute break.....yet a pretty smart CAD guy...go figure......
  17. ...and you are in a state (FL) that purportedly has done everything WRONG.....go figure.......SMH.......
  18. ...doesn't the loquacious nature of Comey and Brennan send a clear message that the FBI/CIA are purportedly above the law , allowed to operate unchecked?....dirty deeds are an acceptable SOP.....their reach has NO bounds even if it is to be manipulated as a partisan political operative......so should they and their cohorts get a pass?.....can we logically and ethically continue to peddle the "world's greatest democracy" worldwide despite our "mounting pile of dirty laundry"?......hypocritical anyone??...........
  19. ...certainly agree.....what other similar, albeit lesser or greater pandemics have we survived?.....could care less about political party in power.....that's just "convenience" in an election year......certainly acknowledge those who have passed because of these occurrences.....should I NOT acknowledge those that pass annually because of heart disease, cancer, accidents, murders et al?.....Covid-19 is probably the worst pandemic since 1917 and required a reactionary response because of lack of national preparedness....who knew the depth, extent or exponential explosion of its affects.....BUT...."never let a good crisis go to waste" politically......eff a unified attack and solution....and as expected, the PPP Petulants jumped on the bandwagon......yet ask them who would be "their guy in charge" or stripping away the value of five months' hindsight as to what their Plan would entail, and all you get is "crickets"..OR...more appropriately "attacks versus proposals".....I like it because it clearly identifies the PPP posting frauds to steer clear of....politics governs everything...screw the country.....
  20. .leave politics out of it.....if not, I'll bow out of the conversation............
  21. ...forget it.....in HIS mind, Covid-19 is THE killer......smoking so far has spared him....FULL DISCLOSURE: I am a smoker, reluctantly but do not fear Covid-19 at age 67, following precautionary measures.....criticizing HIS smoking makes me a hypocrite.......
  22. ....there has been, is and will always be the combative, non-compliance segment of society......Big bawls, bravado, "it ain't gonna get me", if the government says so I do the opposite" et al.....that segment, a/k/a the Anti Crowd" , has, does and will forever continue to exist period.....what's worse is that those in that segment who contract Covid-19 and recover say, "see, no big deal...I'm fine........no worse than a bad cold or the flu" yada yada.....you'll never fix that IMO.....
  23. ....absolutely not...Biden is NOT a viable presidential candidate to run this country PERIOD.....secondly, backing himself into a corner with "black and female parameters" as his VP choice, with NO regard for QUALIFICATIONS, is a pure political grab for black and female vote.....has NOTHING to do with the "good of the country".....tell me otherwise....the Dems' sole initiative is "power" and governance by committee because THEY know damn well Biden's mental capacity is woefully diminished.....besides, outline his accomplishments as a 49 year career politician and then let me know YOUR choice....why is he YOUR guy?.............
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