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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. easy to do with no debt service for franchise fees or stadium as RW eventually enjoyed...Pegula paid CASH so there is no debt service again....but the only ROI he can realize is if franchise appreciates in value, but I doubt it is a concern....figure on $1.4 billion invested at a modest ROI of 5%, he's losing out on $70 mil a year which I doubt he cares about....he said in Inner Circle that, "the Bills are Kim's baby"...keep the wife happy happy I guess...drill another well...
  2. ...we also had a Sabres suite but dumped it as things got too crazy financially.............
  3. ...seriously?....he was a hitless 5th round (NO) wonder........let 'em sail off into obscurity......
  4. but a pittance compared to Cowgirls, Deadskins, Niners, etc........stratosphere.............
  5. ....if we build a new stadium and we start talking about PSL's and major suite price increases, I know that we as well as others we know are out.....Bflo just does not have the major corporate support to absorb those increases.......and the little guy, the hard core fan on which support was built doesn't mean a rat's azz today............
  6. ....20 person suite with all of the trimmings and courtesy transportation costs us $100+ grand a year.....same package in Jurrah's mausoleum or Boy Danny's venue is well north of $250K.......
  7. ...certainly am WELL aware of his "disdain for Ralph as well as Whaley"...BUT he just incessantly beats THAT drum beyond "obnoxious" and then some....THEY ARE BOTH GONE...GIVE IT UP.....Jesus........
  8. ...but...but you pee for free............
  9. ...ain't NO humor in that and it purely SUCKS.......wow..........
  10. ...want to choke?......suite prices (we have a corporate one): $125 for a case of beer.....$100 for chicken wings and the same for most munchies.......$24 for freakin' M&M's......$30 for a six pack of water.......bottle of liquor is $100+ depending on brand...Game Day costs us $1,200-$1,500 before tailgating chow ($500)and limo bus ($1,080).....100 grand a year.....
  11. ...good Lord my friend, that is something you should NEVER have to get used to...Godspeed......it works it strange ways...my cousin had three miscarriages and decided to adopt Korean twins......low and behold, she became pregnant again and carried full term for a very healthy son...............
  12. ...foot is OFF the Brembos.....full speed ahead.........
  13. ...have to disagree.....although he may not been in Blfo under the best circumstances, he burned every bridge he could on his way outta town....had his "publicist (WTF?)" state that "Eric is very upset his consecutive game catch streak was broken (nothing was thrown his way that game day)"....sounded like a "ME" guy on that day...my opinion and respect those that may differ.....why stay when a UFA if you're THAT unhappy??............
  14. ....LMAO!......classic Tasker line about Dopey Dickie..."Jauron's speedy defense is like bugs on your windshield"......
  15. ....interesting how the urinalists are the Negative Nellies ( axe to grind?) whereas FOOTBALL people like Brandt, Simms, Dilfer, Professor Palmer and even Dorsey are "net positive (pros minus the cons) about Bflo in 2019....you make your personal call as to whom you think is right....
  16. ...get 'em on the horn PRONTO......but will his azz fit on ONE cake??...........
  17. ...Wrecks needs to be a Golden Urinal Cake for the damage he did to the club.....
  18. ...at this rate, gonna have to expand "The Wall" before the damn thing can be built....maybe a "double decker"......
  19. ....how 'bout Cousin "Crisco Mike"??.....Tommy Donohole's boy.............
  20. ...NOT fair....he'll take up TWO spots..................
  21. ...so your rosary beads worked again?...God bless you............
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