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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...LMAO...he has "Gary's Handbook For New TBD Identities" at his disposal...........
  2. ...GREAT find BG.......so in other words, they are impervious to ANY criticism, employment protected, and stay the course to a lucrative retirement with ZERO consideration for the product they turn out....PSA: "this message is brought to you by Illinois, dubbed the MOST Corrupt state in the US by Forbes"........
  3. ...not to worry!!...Mayor Wheeler gets re-elected in a landslide to continue his good work....onward and upward.......
  4. ...LMAO...reason with The Left?......I can put you in touch with my relatives if you're game.....bring a Kevlar vest because you WILL be attacked....I quarantined from them 12 years ago......
  5. ...bitcoins??.......BOGO coopins??...............
  6. ...so then let it go?......and who pays for the death, destruction and businesses no longer?.....send a bill to the Feds?...can we hear YOUR suggestions please??.............
  7. ...thought I read he hired Section 3 as his lawyer......this should be a slam dunk "case dismissed" then, even from the 3rd Chair...............
  8. ....the NYC VMA exemption so noted.......sad sack........
  9. ...our Saturday morning bowel movement right on schedule......
  10. ...my apology.....did not mean to contradict what you posted relative to local authorities.....thought I read (but probably wrong) that it is in individual State Charters to provide safety for its citizenry.......perhaps you can weigh in.....if, IF so, many states are in violation....
  11. ...thankful I'm well beyond that dilemma......first, I AM NOT ASKING.........but I certainly do emphasize with parents, especially two income families trying to figure this out....just another of stress to deal with....who can stay home with kids?....do the employer(s) allow remote work?...if not, how does a two income family survive the financial hit?.....or absorb the additional expense of in home day care during remote learning days (bet rates have exponentially increased with demand)?.....with kids at school in their peer environment and parents at work, I guessing the 8 hour separation is mutually beneficial versus confined for 24/7/365.......the thought of mental stress and anxieties with unpredictable results scares the hell out of me.....best of luck in managing your personal situation friend
  12. ...he does have this at his disposal, but I'm sure his advisors advise against it as too heavy handed....MSM is already going crazy when he sends minimal Fed help.... The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law (10 U.S.C. §§ 251–255; prior to 2016, 10 U.S.C. §§ 331–335; amended 2006, 2007) that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection and rebellion. The act provides a "statutory exception" to the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which limits the use of military personnel under federal command for law enforcement purposes within the United States.[1][2] Before invoking the powers under the Act, 10 U.S.C. § 254 requires the President to first publish a proclamation ordering the insurgents to disperse.
  13. ...will assuredly get reelected in a landslide on Nov. 3.............SMH.............
  14. ...agree..there are multiple times where he needs to SFTU and have his Twitter thumbs duct taped...Jesus.....sit back and watch the left self destruct.....
  15. ...well he did do pretty good on line seven...E D Y O U W A G.......only one wrong..............
  16. ...over the hill, figured out and ineffective Kaep is the epitome of "the BLM Matters Gimme Crowd"......annual salary NFL salary cap per club is $198 mil......based on a 53 man roster, that's annual salary of $3.735 mil per player of which are reported to be 80% black.....so where is the racially charged disparity?...of the $6.336 BILLION, 80% or $5.068 BILLION goes to black players....didn't HE opt out of $12 mil from Niners and turn down similar, subsequent offers?......what is his beef then?.......beyond my pay grade to figure out I guess.....
  17. ...the alleged "world's greatest democracy" and bastion of 1st Amendment expression rights has become a third rate cesspool.....did you ever think that expression of your political views would subject to to physical, mental or verbal violence?....anyone with "other than Dem allegiance" is at risk....guess we are the new China were dissidents (a/k/a other than Dems) disappear or as in Russia, find out their "tea was MORE than tea"......how the hell have we let the bar to be lowered to this?...good Lord, we are effed up....
  18. ....you're so kind......LMAO........me?...I'd get banned...............
  19. ...you're joking......they are Stage IV TDS and surgery is not an option.....recommended therapy is morphine and a weekend with Dr Ruth..................
  20. ...outlined it before but glad to do it again from real life, ACTUAL position of relatives.....these are dyed in the wool, stanch , forever Dems.....a/k/a "CNN is gospel, ever voting for ANY Republican is heresy and treason....yada yada"......offering a differing view in a discussion, and their response is, "let me explain this for you".....condescending, pompous, arrogant et al.....I quarantined myself from this bunch 12 years ago....now here some examples to enjoy during your "Friday Happy Hour"......a late aunt thought she was THE political expert because she lived in VA and followed politics....her favorite saying was, "Ronald Reagan ruined my life"......my late mother (her sister) called Reagan, "nothing but a B rated movie actor".....another late aunt languished for days when Obama was the nominee....her conundrum?..."I don't know if I can bring myself to vote for a black man"....she did....how about a cousin straight faced and dead serious said Monica "did the country a service by relaxing Bill so he could do a better job".....or another cousin who posted his Trump support on FB.....only to be attacked by the wife of another cousin (her husband is the epitome of Arrogant 101), calling him "unfit as a father to be raising children in such a radical household"....they BOTH unfriended him....cheers and enjoy......SMH....
  21. .....I'd bet BLM and Antifa would "do a FRIEND a favor".......................
  22. ....whoa...are you saying that personal aggrandizement and influence financial peddling was NEVER the intent?... oh my, I think I have been duped (COUGH)....
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