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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...dammit HOUSE...just ruined a perfectly good pair of Depends......bigger fraud than Blowhard Buddy.............
  2. .......adorns his spot in EMPLOYEE PARKING...........
  3. .....and the flip side is how the 5th round continues to pay dividends.......
  4. ...yup...THE best...back in 1957 or 1958, the first shopping plazas to open in Roch-Cha-Cha were Southtown Plaza and Culver-Ridge Plaza......as part of Southtown's grand opening, they had a big stage set up in the parking lot and the featured live entertainment was...."The Three Stooges".......still remember being there.....
  5. ..."joint" practices to "weed" out the slackers I presume............
  6. ...I'd bet the Owners would welcome him with "open arms (COUGH)" into their fraternity......imagine Vince and Jurrah in a "Texas Cage Match"......Rob Ryan as the "ring girl"...
  7. ...declining his 5th was a pretty clear message.....he knows this is "do or die" whether on the FA market or a re-signing opportunity with Bflo....even if he performs as thought to be advertised when drafted, I doubt there will be a long long of suitors to sign him as a UFA......so if you could grab him at your numbers or perhaps 2 years, $10 mil with $5 mil guaranteed as a rotational guy who knows the system, would you pull the trigger?
  8. ...ALWAYS liked RR as a player and as one rising through the coaching ranks......NOT joking if Leslie retires and RR is let go.....
  9. ...uh oh.....so when Leslie retires and Ron gets canned, wonder if he has a seat next to McCoy on "The Express"??....stay tuned.........
  10. ...other than the "46", Blowhard Buddy was a loser......too bad Gilbride didn't knock him on his azz.....he was a woeful HC failure...Wrecks was a mirror image, riding the DC coat tails Ravens job as his claim to fame, yet another HC disaster....Rob rode the alleged "Ryan name" as his meal ticket (pictures show the RESULTS)......sorry but Ryans in football were the NFL's "Kardashians"....effin' nauseating............
  11. ....but Augie he is a key member of the hated Patsies gang, be it dominance or his cheap shot....so post career, he remembers his home town with a nice charitable donation (MASSIVE was a cheap OP insert IMO-check the pressers) and the hate should continue?...SMH.....
  12. ...last year was a painfully tight year relative to "cap purge" of driftwood.....at some point, you need to get rid of the "junk" and McBeane had to gonads to do it despite the "...Fire McBeane...Fire McDermottt.....our clueless owner" yaps from our TBD posting pundnuts..think we're in pretty damn good shape now and going forward.....so I'll hang up and wait for the "mea culpas".......BEST expectation is ...."crickets"....stay tuned....
  13. ...he was their "Line Coach" but wouldn't let paying customers through...just sayin'..........
  14. ..."Rob Ryan" AND "coaching" in the same sentence is a blatant oxymoron.......shoulda stayed at Golden Corral........
  15. ....good call bud....knotted nylons over a Gronk charitable donation?.....good Lord, we're sinking....
  16. ...unconfirmed rumors said he was "willing to work for food"...cheaper to pay 'em.....only would Dopey Dan Snyder be "all in" on this hire.....
  17. ...the new connecting high speed rail should be named the "Bills-Panthers Express"........McCoy will need a ride here next year, right?................
  18. ....so just because he essentially lived off endorsements while NOT spending any of his earnings has nothing to do with fiscal discipline/restraint?....sorry, but disagree.........look how many earn similar money playing sports AS WELL AS endorsements and go broke.........Vince Young blew through $26+ mil in a nanosecond...good 'ol Latrell Spreewel (laughed at Timberwolves' offer of $14 mil/yr...insulted because "I have a family to feed..") whose NBA career earnings were $61.875 MILLION and he went belly up FLAT BROKE....lost EVERYTHING......there are MANY others..............
  19. ...."live from Rikers Island".............
  20. ...good call Augie.....probably some here who put ten bucks in the Sunday collection basket and take change......oh well...................
  21. ...if what has been reported about him is accurate, he has NEVER touched one dime of his $53.79 mil in career earnings......pretty damn remarkable fiscal discipline....so charitable contributions and support are at his whim....good show Gronk....flip side is THE one Latrell Spreewell, who said when NBA Timberwolves offered him $14 mil a year, " I have a family to feed"....azz clown lost everything including all of his exorbitant excesses.....who cares....
  22. ...thinking she was the REAL "gorilla in the Thrillah from Manila" that Ali was talking about fighting.....makes Smokin' Joe looks like one handsome dude.....RIP....
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