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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...LOL....DJ is pretty good in his assessments.....so would it be tragic if he had the "D" in 6 though 10?.....as far as the offense and the amount of newness around Josh, would 11 through 15 be catastrophic?.....
  2. ...so now we're going to extrapolate Barkley stats is his ONE start with Bflo and the 7th in his career going back to 2013?....now there is some valuable fertilizer to consider......you pegged 'em right Happy Days......
  3. ...I'm a "Bleu Guy" myself but my kids loathe bleu cheese and opt for Ranch....personal taste/preference........... try Bourbon.......waaaaaay better....IF I remember correctly...........
  4. ...my sincere apology bud...yet ANOTHER damn senior moment and you are correct...........but still imagine solely 70,000 trying to get out of a downtown stadium after a Bills game (exclude Sabres altogether)...........
  5. ...murdering a 5 year old baby......prison population takes "care of business" when it comes to these types...shank style.....
  6. ....but they do on this schedule and was merely posing a hypothetical relative to 70,000 leaving downtown and 19,000 coming in.....current downtown infrastructure would be tough enough with 70,000 leaving and no Sabres game.....hell, sell beers and snacks to gridlock victims and make 20 grand for the day.....
  7. ...if he performs in 2019 (believe he said he had to "step it up"; declining his 5th is a pretty good message), why not? ......don't see a long line of UFA shoppers with BIG checkbook in hand.....team friendly/serviceable backup type money makes sense, but needs to show up in 2019..........
  8. ...AND...bring back Whaley so Rico is "happy happy"....
  9. ...AS LONG AS Allen is not our leading rusher.....prefer him as our long term answer versus a gurney candidate.....
  10. ......LOL....yet ANOTHER senior moment......I actually patronize NEITHER.....................
  11. ...nope ......aroma from the Walmart bathrooms.............already have 4 there ..............
  12. ....yup......fire 'em all and just keep bringing more in.......
  13. ....LMAO!...the famous "Latrel Spreewell line"...............
  14. ....far too early for EITHER to be considered......unless you prefer reuniting the "Russ-Wrecks-Whaley Team" to get us to the promised land..........
  15. ...whoa!......wasn't Hughes chided for the lack of sacks and even more so when Bflo signed him to an extension?...or better yet, how 'bout the no stat bust/overpaid Star?...stats are a sliver of the equation if (most will not) consider the expected role of personnel..if the BOTH suck, why are they still here?.....bumblin' stumblin' McBeane or even our...."clueless Owner"......he's convenient.....go figure......
  16. ...seriously?...in my current position serving as CFO/IT Ops Director and on the Executive Board for the last 20 years, if I offered up a 3 or 5 year business plan and we went belly up in four months, I'd be wrapping your Big Mac and handing you the biggie fries through the window.....
  17. ...resiliency and unwavering support despite a 17 year drought?.....find me otherwise...and we NEVER had to borrow Hefty Bags from Jax to fake a sellout...................
  18. ..glad to see (assuming) the majority Owners (he had some crumbs) and took him off the air..... [Moderator Edited]
  19. ...the AAF was a BIGGER disaster than Chernobyl......Madoff had to write the business plan...next up is Vince and the XFL........stay tuned...............
  20. ...hell, for the September dates, you would probably miss Thanksgiving at the in-laws which I'm sure would really be devastating....
  21. ...imagine a downtown stadium with 70,000 trying to get home and 19,000 heading for the Arena?......oh joy...
  22. ..how the hell do you survive THAT?..............
  23. ...PRICELESS.....who is smarter?...L'veon and his "crown jewels" or Tom Dum-dum really expecting his money back?...... Tom Dundon wants his $70 million back from the AAF Posted by Mike Florio on June 25, 2019, 1:05 PM EDT Carolina Hurricanes owner Tom Dundon is having a case of buyer’s remorse. But it could be too late for Dundon to get a refund. Daniel Kaplan of TheAthletic.com reports that Dundon has filed a claim in the Alliance of American Football’s bankruptcy case. Dundon alleges that his investment happened due to “misrepresentations,” and he seeks a full refund of the $70 million he paid to keep the league afloat for five or six weeks during its only season, before Dundon shuttered it. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/06/25/tom-dundon-wants-his-70-million-back-from-the-aaf/
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