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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...and my thoughts and prayers go out to the good folks my friend.......a parent losing a child still is incomprehensible for me...a close friend who has long since passed, outlived ALL THREE of his sons......one died tragically as a child when a playmate was playing with Daddy's gun shot through the bedroom door because they wouldn't let him in to play, another due to heavy drinking in his earlier years despite finally getting his life on track remarrying his ex-wife who divorced him due to drinking, and the 3rd who was shot down while in the Air Force....I could NOT even stoop low enough to wish such tragedy on this radio pig scum........
  2. ...the recent political climate, or perhaps going back 16+ years make the Nixon Dark Days look like pablum.......the Clinton Crime Syndicate got the ball rolling and then propped up the Illinois Jr Senator as a Fraud Pres. surrounded by ex-Clintonites....Emmanual, Sperling, Begaula, Bloomenthal & Bloomenthal, Podestra & Podestra, etc......perpetuated their grip on power.....built their base by kowtowing to the black & latino vote, favoring open borders to illegals (why the 'eff did my grandparents have to come through Ellis Island the LEGAL way?) and not giving a rat's azz as far as the ramifications on the country....their current "crop of crap" offerings are comical?.....Biden?...seriously?..never had a job other than politics says "Copyright (plagerism) Joe".....Kamala?......rode "Willie's wonka" to prominence?....Pocahontas?....'nuff said there....Corey Booker?...um okay....NYC 's flop house mayor?.....a real gem....quite an impressive list....do I like Trump pre-presidency?....nope...but the guy is as irascible, caustic,repugnanant and as combative as the "establishment" has EVER seen....never thought we woud see the corruption of DOJ or FBI exposed as it has been.....we thought FBI's J Edgar was bad....and we thought we had the "best political system in the world"....LOL....we are painfully learning otherwise....
  3. ...some very interesting perspectives............
  4. ...just some Oldtime opinion yap, but Shady is here for 2019 in a reduced yet more diversified role and 2020 is a definite NO.........no plow horse dependency....if memory serves, me. we got caught short with Murphy and Jones injuries, Shady's intermittent hammy to where the Ford kid got some work....don't recall where DiMarco was able to step in to mitigate effectively....could see us keeping 4 with DiMarco as the odd man out despite his vet locker room leadership......sometimes you have to roll the "dice of opportunity" and hope for the best looking ahead.....
  5. ...pretty sure it is...but Goober Goodell is the judge, jury and executioner, so who really knows?......
  6. ...."in and out" is a tough strategy on the OL...they need to jell as a complete unit.....although I don't like it, the ONLY way it could remotely work is if you had "A" Duo-left side PAIR with "B" Duo-Left side PAIR as backup(left because of Allen's blind side)....historically and from a HOF perspective, we talk about Hutch/Jones or Shell/Upshaw are legendary pairs...I'm NOT discounting the relevance or importance of the right side, but just my opinion that the blind side takes precedent.....
  7. ...could be and I don't get to see college ball so I'll value your assessment......better point may be whose radar was Foster actually on coming out of 'Bama?.....always surprises out there versus the perceived "obvious"......
  8. without getting off topic, the norm today is drudging up the past whether in sports (ie. Andy), politics, US history, etc so we can point fingers and re-judge.....VERY sad......energy better spent on today and tomorrow...we have a very renowned, highly respected and one of my favorite posters right here who tragically lost a child to addiction....I'm certain this thread brings back painful memories as the radio pig did for Andy, something that NEITHER deserve....
  9. ...we disagree, but I still will respect your opinion which is how this place is supposed to work.......
  10. ...quite the pathetic and nonsensical response......it was a painful enough tragedy in Reid's family, publicly reviewing parenting skills....so it is now okay the dig this up 12 years hence and make him revisit the tragedy?......just repulsive BS....congratulations on your "justification".....but expected.....
  11. ....but, I think McBeane is in Duke's corner......shortly after the draft in an interview, McBeane said(will have to paraphrase), " the signing of Duke Williams made drafting a WR early no longer a top priority"....interesting....
  12. ....LMAO.....dress 'em in yellow and he could pass for a #2 pencil.............
  13. ....it's official.....ADIOS............. ESPN News Services KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- A sports radio host has lost his job after a comment he made about Kansas City Chiefs coach Andy Reid and his family stirred outrage. Union Broadcasting announced Friday afternoon that it had reached a mutual agreement to part ways with Kevin Kietzman. He had been suspended since Tuesday from WHB (810 AM), where he was a key on-air personality. "We would like to thank Kevin for his dedicated service over the last 22 years," said Chad Boeger, president of Union Broadcasting. "Kevin has been a valuable member of the Sports Radio 810 WHB team. We wish him all the best on his future endeavors and good luck moving forward."
  14. T.J. Yeldon expects “heated competition” between Bills running backs Posted by Josh Alper on June 27, 2019, 7:08 AM EDT Running back LeSean McCoy said this month that he expects to play the “same role” in the Bills backfield that he has in past seasons, but some of the team’s roster moves suggest they’d be open to a different arrangement. McCoy has been the clear No. 1 back in Buffalo, but had a rough 2018 season before the Bills moved to acquire Frank Gore, T.J. Yeldon and Devin Singletary this offseason. Yeldon said that the team pitched him on the idea of a robust fight for playing time before he signed on as a free agent. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/06/27/t-j-yeldon-expects-heated-competition-between-bills-running-backs/#comments
  15. ..I'm thinking we are in agreement as far as Allen's amazing skill set, particularly uncanny agility for a kid of his size.......carpe diem bro......where we may differ is how often and to what extent we call upon those attributes.....you say 850 yards rushing.....I'm thinking 450 and tack the 400 yd shortfall onto his arm...just a thought......
  16. ...EXACTLY the reason why I loathe Plastic Puss Jones....Landry was a classy Cowboy legend (and I will add that I always hated the 'Girls)......his Sunday hat=Bear Bryant's hat......yet Jones' first order of business when he bought the club was to kick Landry to the curb like a POS.....
  17. ...CERTAINLY.....claim the kid off waivers and instantly shows up to "go to work"......my type of grit.......
  18. ..if, IF we want him as our long term guy, he needs to temper his tendencies and be more selective....850 yards rushing is NOT a viable "long term health plan"......Brady has miraculously steered clear of QB headhunters for YEARS.....no need for Josh to test their mettle.....
  19. ...NOT saying or implying by ANY means that he will be one, but there will be some pretty damn good football talent in those final 37 cuts....we have not had this "problem" in YEARS....
  20. ...naw....same ones at Party City...I know...I bought a pair yesterday......
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