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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. Q: Wasn't 68 rubber ones effective? A: No they bounce off and increase the price of your new tires.
  2. ..precisely...for those NOT entitled to at the expense of their hard working, tax paying residents.....
  3. ...60 BIL in the red and growing expecting a Fed bailout.....take THAT phone off the hook....
  4. ...stave off stroke territory, control your blood pressure and realize the skank level you're responding to brother....it ain't worth it.......
  5. ...did ANYBODY ever think that one's political views could or would result in physical or mental attacks?.....bodily harm, personal property et al?.....NOT in my 67 years.......sure as hell makes the 1st Amendment convenient when or where necessary BUT subjected to fear mongering rejection in whatever form the antagonists pick.....the likes of Antifa have gone on too far unchecked.....we now have our very own ISIS/Hezbollah/Taliban et al on our soil unchecked.....suggest we employ the "ISIS Elimination Model" here at home ASAP...no harm ...no foul..............
  6. ...be picky BG...what model so we can assess your tastes???.............Aventador perhaps?.... ...LMAO....I could comment aplenty but don't want a ban.....YOU fill in the blanks with this one................. California bill to form reparations task force advances after 33-3 state Senate vote The panel would study the effects slavery had on California -- and recommend compensation By Brie Stimson | Fox News State senators in California overwhelmingly supported setting up a task force to study potential reparations for slavery in a bipartisan vote Saturday. The panel would study the effects slavery had on California and recommend to the legislature no later than 2023 what type of compensation would be appropriate, how it might be dispersed and who could be eligible to receive it. The task force could also recommend other forms of redress besides money. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/california-bill-to-form-reparations-task-force-advances-after-33-3-state-senate-vote
  7. ...thankfully the Wisconsin Governor(a DEM) has accepted the Fed's helping hand to assist with controlling violence and destruction....regardless of party, he IS putting the safety of his citizens first.....help in on the way.......
  8. ...same goes for ARMED people and where police STILL have an instantaneous "life or death" decision......exclude me..my retired cop buddies shared some horrifying stories of their training ......think it takes a rare breed to do so and the propensity for bad calls will exist......human nature/reaction.....and who is to judge whether unintended or intended (for personal biases)?...vividly remember two training videos my buddies described for routine traffic stops.....(1) lean inside the vehicle and there was a trunk mounted shotgun to blow your head off with driver having the trigger...or...(2)....open the car door in a routine stop and there was a shotgun mounted inside the door jamb to blow your lowers away.....cannot imagine the "advancements" today.............
  9. ...good stuff...."The Dynasty" ushered in the era of dirtiest politics in the nation's history and continued with their grip...Obamacide.......STILL trying to remain relevant....."Book Tour" tix dropped to 10 bucks each....crickets.....and now look whose hitching their wagon on the purported "relevance".......GW "Huh" Bush...Smitten Mitt, John "He/They Hate Me"Kasich, etc.....honorable mention to the late McCain, a patriot (COUGH) in his "own mind"......
  10. ...wonder if Brennan had a "peaceful, I know I AM clean as a whistle" weekend.....perhaps Friday "Happy Hour" with Comey??..............
  11. ...yet you are unable to deny yourself the privilege of showing up daily.......how come???.............. ...only to see your daily yap and be amused with my coffee......your "humor" makes you PPP's "Geico Guy"......cancelling the "Comedy Channel" because of you "saved me 15% on my cable bill"...thanks.........
  12. ...yup.....the "1600 Pennsylvania Ave Auschwitz Annex" is supposed to be done by Tuesday...............
  13. ..."Gary"......our TBD multiple named, chosen one...........
  14. ....and how do you plan to reason with THIS?.....yet ANOTHER Connecticut gem just like Blumenthal....... Democratic senator says Trump 'deliberately killing people' by holding rallies “His plan is to kill people. Let's just say it,” Murphy said. By Morgan Phillips | Fox News Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., said Saturday President Trump is “deliberately killing people” with his rallies amid the coronavirus pandemic. “Can we take the gloves off and tell the truth? Trump is deliberately killing people,” Murphy wrote on Twitter. “He holds rallies where people get infected. On Thursday, no social distancing or masks, sending a clear message that the CDC should be ignored.” “His plan is to kill people. Let's just say it,” Murphy continued. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/chris-murphy-says-trump-is-deliberately-killing-people-by-holding-rallies
  15. ...he told Flo his name is Daryl........???......
  16. ...90+ days of "peaceful protesting" should be worth something, right?.................
  17. ....sounds like socialized medicine north of the border isn't working...SMH...............
  18. .....Mumblin' Joe strikes again.......FINALLY came out this week and mentioned protests and violence......now now says this??...military sued?...private militia?......seriously?...... Biden tells National Guard: I'll never use the military as 'a prop' By Marisa Schultz | Fox News Former Vice President Joe Biden pledged Saturday to National Guard members that he'd never put them in the middle of a domestic political dispute and he'd "restore" respect for civilian-military relations. "It's been tested lately," Biden said to the virtual National Guard Association of the United States' 142nd General Conference. "But I promise you as president, I'll never put you in the middle of politics or personal vendettas. I'll never use the military as a prop or as a private militia to violate the rights of fellow citizens. That’s not law and order. You don't deserve that." Democrats have long accused President Trump of using the armed forces for political goals, citing deployment of troops to the Mexico border and threats to send federal forces to cities led by Democrats to squash protests. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-national-guard-trump-prop
  19. ...precisely....we are talking split second life or death decisions....many of my friends are now retired cops at varying levels, but I STILL remember their descriptions of training videos......lean in the car during the traffic stop and there were shotguns mounted in the trunk to blow your head off...or open the door at a traffic stop and there were guns mounted in the door jambs to blow your legs off.....not my style for job risk....... ...so is your client list shorter than your grocery list?............. ...he's your neighbor.....sleep with one eye open......
  20. ...yet another NYC crazed putz/mashugana in attack mode...... House Foreign Affairs Committee announces contempt proceedings against Pompeo The contempt charge comes after Pompeo spoke at RNC By Morgan Phillips | Fox News Rep. Elliot Engel, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, announced Friday the Committee would begin working on a resolution to hold Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in contempt after he spoke at the Republican National Convention this week. Engel, D-N.Y., said the resolution was a result of Pompeo’s “ongoing refusal” to comply with subpoena records for “political misuse” of State Department resources. At the convention, Pompeo broke with diplomatic tradition to deliver a speech from Jerusalem touting the president’s foreign policy agenda. The speech stirred an outcry from Democrats who claimed it violated the Hatch Act, but Republicans shrugged off concerns, saying that Pompeo appeared in his personal capacity and no State Department resources were used. “From Mr. Pompeo’s refusal to cooperate with the impeachment inquiry to his willingness to bolster a Senate Republican-led smear against the President’s political rivals to his speech to the RNC which defied his own guidance and possibly the law, he has demonstrated alarming disregard for the laws and rules governing his own conduct and for the tools the constitution provides to prevent government corruption,” Engel, long Pompeo’s fierce critic, said in a statement. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/house-foreign-affairs-committee-announces-contempt-proceedings-pompeo
  21. ...I'd have to up that bet......and despite being trained, NO ONE knows who is the next police officer to erupt, the next alleged "peaceful demonstrator" to erupt, the next mass murderer to surface, your fine, cordial next door neighbor who murdered his family, a trained postal worker who "went postal in a killing spree", et al......we're talking about the predictability response of one's gray matter...good luck with that.............
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