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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...Jesus, between Kaep, the Kardashians, Musk or AOC, which is THE most nauseating daily news headline? (D). ALL OF THE DAMN ABOVE......SMH.........
  2. .....wow!.......money for stuff like this should be 100% paid in escrow before event can happen...........
  3. ...good for him...after his wife lost their twins during pregnancy in Jan. 2019, he/they needed some good news.........the $1 mil is a nice bonus........
  4. ...what's fake?........ Broke ground September 20, 2005 Opened August 16, 2008 Construction cost US$720 million[3] ($843 million in 2018 dollars[4])
  5. ...would certainly be very interesting to see what those dollars bring as far as improvements especially the $600 mil......for $242 more (today's dollars valuation), you can replicate Lucas Oil Field, domed and all......
  6. ...is this really the 3rd field surface in 11 years?.........
  7. ...still think the Lucas Oil Field may be a reasonable venue......built in 2008 for $720 mil which is $840 mil in today's dollars.....domed and multi-purpose outside of 8 home games per year.....downtown would be a logistical nightmare despite being an aesthetic attraction...Fed's involvement to revamp interstate system means approvals by 2037 and stadium opening by 2048,...I'll be in "Hell's Kitchen" by then.....
  8. .....wow!...Looks like he bought the "Benjamin Workout Video"......
  9. ...reassuring to see Pegula is sensitive to the fan base and NOT expecting them to "break the bank" for new digs, be it PSL's, increased tix prices or significant price increases for corporate suite clients....WNY economy of scale and affordability for the Bills REGIONAL fan base is a definite lynch pin IMO....forget what piece Terry could afford.....he IS entitled to some ROI for his investment......otherwise, why bother?.....
  10. Owner: Fan-related costs factor into Bills' stadium decision July 01, 2019 05:51 AM WHEC VANCOUVER, British Columbia (AP) — Buffalo Bills owner Terry Pegula says he won't ask fans to break the bank when it comes to deciding whether to renovate the team's current stadium in the suburbs or build a new one downtown. "Whatever we're going to do stadium-wise is going to be in the best interest of our fans," Pegula told The Associated Press during a wide-ranging interview before the start of the NHL draft in Vancouver. "We have the interest of our fans at heart, and what we do will be heavily weighted - whatever the plan is - toward the benefit of our fans." https://www.whec.com/news/owner-fan-related-costs-factor-into-bills-stadium-decision/5408482/?cat=565
  11. ..AND 38,748 questionable, repetitive, value added or valueless posts posts subject to disappearance freeing up bandwidth on Al Gore's Internet?....blasphemy I say...........
  12. ....was not his focus.....he is a buy low sell high investment guy...bought the Sabres for $92 mil in bankruptcy and sold them to Pegula for $189 mil.....a quick $100 mil gain.....would NEVER question the man's philanthropic giving heart, donating mega millions to to multiple worthy causes.....but those that know him well will tell you he loves the spotlight....saying rescuing the Sabres was a perfect fit............
  13. ..DEAD ON assessment......he was well hated long before any idea of running for President....bold, brash, obnoxious, "rough around the edges", cantankerous, rich and any other derogative adjective you want to use....I personally could not stand him...yet he turns out to be the perfect bitter pill to turn the staid, woefully corrupt "good 'ol boyz political fraternity" on its head.....the corruption exposure is worth its weight in gold....our once thought to be "model political system" and greatest democracy in the world" has been woefully exposed....and now the political "candidates(COUGH)" on the Dem side are willing to ***** themselves with every free giveaway just to buy votes, not giving a rat's azz about cost....I'm modestly successful and if I told you what I pay (extortion) now in taxes, I assure cardiac arrest.....
  14. ...with the rest of the league's "downtrodden owners" holding municipalities hostage for ***** funds, why should they privately fund a stadium?.....perhaps a portion? ....yes.....but if Guido Cuomo is going to doll out public funds, grab what you can because some other municipality will cash in....hell he can us his "Weed Tax".... our clown prince...........
  15. ...Andy is so damn unpredictable.......wish I could remember that exact recent game (damn senior moment AGAIN).......KC owned the 1st half with Alex just in tremendous rhythm and marching......Smith was pure precision....and then Andy comes out in the 2nd with a Dopey Dickie Jauron turtle offense and they got smoked.....more Andy versus the team falling apart IMO...
  16. ...CERTAINLY agree Yolo......look at some of these world class weightlifters......they have to maintain a DAILY regimen of 12,000+ calories......TWELVE THOUSAND?...SERIOUSLY?....if you ate a neighbor's entire household daily including offspring and pets, you gotta come up short.....WTF?......
  17. ....first, in the spirit of FULL DISCLOSURE, I am an independent with conservative leanings.......can vote a split ticket if necessary based on candidate(s).....now let's move on to my late mother and her siblings as well as their children.......HINT: dyed in the wool Democrats PERIOD (why I avoided family functions).....a sister who live in VA thought she was the world's best political analyst.....return address mailing label said "ALWAYS A DEMOCRAT"....Ronald Regan ruined her life......George Bush was not her President....moving on to my mother with the Regan election...nothing but a B rated movie actor running the country.....or a cousin telling me how much good Monica did for the country because she probably "relaxed" Bill to where he could do his job better after stress relief.....or another cousing following in Daddy's footsteps how Bush invaded Iraq only for their oil, but I think we hit 4 bucks a gallon for gas after the favorable (COUGH) invasion....folks, I kid you not....this is some of the "rational" thinking out there and I'm sure it exists on the staunch Republican side of the equation....good Lord, this is scary stuff....more loose screws than I could have ever imagined...wow...........
  18. ...outside the purview of sports and OFF LIMITS period.....despite it being my opinion 'Hap, this radio pig's firing may lend some credence...........
  19. ...why he's thinner than Benjamin.....
  20. ....agree....McKenzie showed up and hit the ground workin' (stay healthy son).......Ray-Ray would have a ton of catching up tp do if even possible...McKenzie wins out as proven IMO....with a helluva work ethic............
  21. ...NOT by any means implying that he did, but did you see the Joe Thomas post retirement transformation?......
  22. ....fire McBeane...fire McDermott...fire Trump......all is fixed............
  23. " Copyright Joe (I'll leave plagiarizing to him; he 's pretty damn good) is beyond woefully pathetic as a candidate.....NO disrespect, but reminds me of GOP having Dole as presidential candidate.....Joe has never had a real job in his life.....entire career is as a politician, which "ain't work" IMO.....he is a walking 24/7 gaffe period......and the rest of the Dem candidates are circus clowns dressed in a barrel, ***** themselves with every unpaid giveaway in the world to BUY power?.....Trump?.. as irascible, caustic and insulting as they come, but the "good 'ol boyz political climate" in this country needed to be turned upside down and inside out....who else would have the bawlz to do it?....the exposure of graft, corruption, etc alone in our once "thought to be stalwarts of the world's greatest democracy(COUGH)" , as in DOJ or FBI (makes Hoover look like an altar boy) now portrays us as a political dump...and sadly, we ain't even scratched the surface.....wonder how the late JFK likes his Dems now?......
  24. ...which STILL is pretty darn good 'Doc......Top 10 defense and Top 12 Offense and we'd be in pretty good shape to do some damage in the "W" column IMO....
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