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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ..probably just another one of my "senior moment babbles(age 66)", but is anyone shocked as I am (could be dumb or naive though) at the continual exposure of graft and corruption in this government?..... weren't the Justice Dept, FBI and/or CIA ONCE thought to be hallmarks of this democracy?.....kinda makes J Edgar Hoover and Tricky Dick Nixon look like altar boyz......why did it take this long?...."good 'ol boyz politics"?.....how much more is to come?.....plenty IMO.......
  2. ...damn good analogy bud......envisioned running government like a business which he was hugely successful at.....problem is business like his MAKE money....government on the other hand....you know the rest.............
  3. ...if not., put 'em between the pipes for the Sabres......you never know....
  4. ...have to agree bud...in this day and age, open a news website with your morning coffee to see how many cops were killed overnight.....knowing cops are jumpy and wondering if they're next, why not just do what you are told?......wrong era to confront a cop IMO.....
  5. ....and remember awhile back when some TBD pundits wanted to use him as trade bait?...go figure...............
  6. ....shoulda just used the "Ko Simpson Defense"....case closed...........
  7. ...Doug was the greatest invention since beer........just ask him.............
  8. ...NICELY done bud.......nice to see he is cognizant of WNY, Buffalo, as well as regional fan base can reasonably afford......your NAILED IT with your fan friendly comment....sure he is extremely wealthy and and a very smart businessman....BUT....why should he pony up $1.4 billion in cash for the franchise and perhaps another $500-$600 million personal contribution towards a new stadium with no anticipated return?....unless potential lost earnings potential do not matter (seriously?)......hr did say in the Inner Circle that the "Bills are Kim's baby"......wifey rules the roost??......
  9. ...LMAO!!!.....Flutie >Wilson?......I'd STILL be in the doc's chair awaiting a BRAIN TRANSPLANT to convince me.....or ANOTHER transplant to convince me Graham was the "smart choice (COUGH)" over Russell......what coulda been....
  10. ...DAMN good point and nicely done my friend......so how does her "vote buying proposal" differ today?....it doesn't......how can she fault "Mumblin' Stumblin' Bumblin' Joe Biden as far as working with Senate segregationists yet her proposal segregates "other than blacks" from the benefit?....
  11. ...why waste time with Denver fans?....Elway has proven time and time again that HE does know QB's........just ask 'em.......
  12. ...has always bothered me through 57 years of Bills fandom that I never got to meet Joe Klopfenstein......
  13. .. Russell Wilson and Flutie in the same sentence?......seriously?......we'll never know because Graham was our savior pick (COUGH)..............
  14. ...didn't she just propose a $100 billion dollar Fed program for black home ownership?.......how can you classify obvious "exclusions" as racist?...nope, not a chance.....SMH...
  15. ...didn't he invent the Internet?...........
  16. ..21 is about right....Marv's leadership or lack thereof, as in not being able to atone for his mistakes with an unconscionable four consecutive SB losses drags Kelly's rating down IMO.....Kelly or some other leader should have been able to wake Marv from his missteps IMO..........
  17. Oldtime's "proverb for the day".....why let "your boyz turn blue over this crap"?.....can an axe grinding anti-Bflo urinalist really torque you that bad from under his desk?....our troops will be ready and then watch the flood of "mea culpas (um ok-)".......we may need a year for all changes , albeit personnel and coaching staff, but "we're comin'"....stay tuned............
  18. ...G4 LOANS PROGRAM.....key is LOANS and not GRANTS....hence you have debt service for the stadium and/or your franchise fee/acquisition cost.....Ralph paid 25 grand for the franchise and in essence had no fee debt....Pegula paid $1.4 billion in cash and he has no fee/purchase debt, unless he is accruing a reasonable ROI as a liability on the books.....forget the CBA as it will NEVER happen....players see the Owners as too rich already and have no interest in stadium funding....US vs THEM....so let's say you build a Lucas Oil type facility (built in 2006 for $720 mil which is about $869 mil today) ....I cannot see Pegula ponying up major cash without expecting payback (thus he is holding a mortgage for his share) or else he would be crazy to do so.....well north of a $2 billion dollar outlay with no return?...why bother?......so now you have to do all of the revenue projections albeit ticket /suite price increases, PSL's, etc to cover debt service and then weigh those numbers against the economy of scale for WNY supporters and beyond without pricing a percentage of fan support out of the financial market...it is NO easy task IMO....do not expect to shift the burden to WNY or regional corporations......we are NOT Dallas, DC Metro/VA or LA with deep pockets...43 years in business as a CFO/financial guy and I'd want no part of forecasting because of the huge nature of variables......
  19. ...I think Frank makes it on his grit, guts, determination , leadership as well as what he will achieve on the ground......maybe Shady should follow Frank's lead...just sayin'......
  20. ....I'm going to say they initially got caught up in the pomp, glitz and glitter of being NFL Owners and who wouldn't?.....briefly, with the Marrone exodus and with both Whaley & Brandon under contract, can you afford to lose your HC, GM & Prez simultaneously without a TOTAL organizational collapse (fire the other two)?...so marketing boy Brandon sells the giddy new Owners on Wrecks and I believe season tix swelled beyond 60,000....shortly after the Florida signing, I think news reports had him as a "rock star type on the streets of Boca"...hindsight and the corrective measures taken (firing the Gruesome Twosome Twins) said they did recognize post mortem......
  21. ...so now your blowup doll will file for divorce....
  22. ...cannot really count his NJ Generals stats because the USFL talent level was suspect (and subsequently folded)...........
  23. .only had two 1,000 yd seasons in 11 years with NFL...... https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/W/WalkHe00.htm
  24. ...thread title made me nervous.....thought we had signed Al...forgot about Frank.......but Frank is still a beast at 36 and I don't recall any major injuries in his career (correct me if wrong)...if he stays healthy and produces, why not take it one year at a time?.....despite being 3 years younger but also with an ACL tear, who penciled in AD to tally 1,024 yds rushing last year for vet minimum?.....as far as Emmitt, think he should have retired as a Cowgirl versus prolonging career with 'Zona gig....go out on top Frank and you'll know when...good luck in 2019..... ....maybe a portion of the hype was him being a bonafide track star who ALSO played football.....
  25. ....good call....only had two 1,000 yd seasons in 11 years with NFL...... https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/W/WalkHe00.htm
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