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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...Lorena Bobbitt is his neighbor......she'll oblige..........
  2. ...Lingerie League...HC of Epstein's team.........
  3. ...it is a dynamic hard to deny or squash......just prefer it to be the discretionary and "smart" choice for his longevity sake.....
  4. ...EXACTLY my point......where are we having an apparent DISCONNECT?...............
  5. ..one of our TBD collegiate followers mentioned the 'Bama WR's in 2020 (apologize for not remembering the poster).....are they in fact the "cream of the crop"?....thanks...........
  6. ...and the lipstick on his twin cheeks.....is HIS own........moving on.............
  7. ..and EXACTLY where did I question his durability?....his recent surgeries and less than "Cam like" performances certainly leads one to question as to whether his style is now taking its toll...
  8. ...I'd certainly put my eggs in Allen's basket LONG before I'd pull a Ravens' "Jackson is our future" decision.....just do NOT see it.......he is yet another "RG 2 1/8-Kaep soon to be had by DC's" in the making...or perhaps Tuhrod II.....strictly opinion.............
  9. ...if, IF you want him to be the long term, franchise QB for this club, he needs to do just that.....hate to see a kid with this promise on a career ending gurney ride.......McNair has been gone 10 years......perhaps a more current comparison is the beating Cam has been taking of late....think he is around 250.....certainly appears (yes, ON PAPER SO FAR) that McBeane has orchestrated a substantial upgrade of talent offensively....Josh needs to realize that new weaponry, exploit it and no longer play like he is the only 50 cal on the ship....
  10. ...the glutton "Stomp" extorted money from the game and then coasted (at least it was Boy Danny Snyder), so I have NO sympathy for the "alleged" football player....at the same time I can emphasize a bit with a 38 year old facing life threatening health issues....quite the conundrum......
  11. ....interesting.....there were TBD pundits fine with taking Jackson at #12......hard pass for me...just do not see it....could be woefully wrong, but I see "one read and run"....
  12. ....cheers to good 'ol Jurrah.......this says it all...................
  13. .....nicely done and appreciate your insight...much appreciated.....
  14. nicely done assessment 'Shaw..uncanny how he shows up EVERY year in the mix despite what we perceive as adversity and their "death knell"....for how long have the masses forecasted "this is THE year for Pats' demise"?.......yet the SOB keeps tickin' like that 'ol "John Cameron Swayze Timex In Your Top Drawer"?.....
  15. ...so "overall to date" friends, where do you think we stand post draft and recent player deals?.....is Botts done or just warming up?......is Risto on the block or a keeper?......can the current goalie roster carry the load?......haven't had a chance to follow everything in detail, so appreciate your comments.....
  16. ...Frank "The Tank" Gore, meet Jamal Adams..........rest is up to you.......silence is golden................
  17. NFL retractable roof policies Football Zebras- by Ben Austro - May 1, 2013 The operation of retractable roofs are subject to the ground rules set by the NFL. Retractable roofs are installed in the home fields of the Cardinals, Colts, Cowboys, Falcons, and Texans. These procedures are covered in the league’s policy manuals, not in the rulebook. Pregame procedure Up to 90 minutes prior to kickoff, the home team must notify the referee or the designated representative from Football Operations whether the roof will be open or closed for the game. If the roof needs to be moved into that position, this must be completed before team warmups. If the roof is open, and there is incoming hazardous weather (such as lightning or high wind), the referee will consult with Football Operations and the stadium manager about a decision to close prior to the game. If it begins raining before the game, that can be done immediately. Changing the roof during the game Inside 90 minutes to kickoff and during the game, the decision on the roof may not be changed except by the referee or by Football Operations. http://www.footballzebras.com/2013/05/nfl-retractable-roof-policies/
  18. ...LMAO....should just pave the place and plant daisies......pretty 'effin sad...............
  19. ...probably would get mugged before you even got close to the water.............
  20. ..can somebody take attendance here so we can see who it was?.....
  21. ...so do I and I think you you have a reasonable, spot on assessment.......
  22. ...DAMN bro, hope you're right.......BUT....we have some pretty fickle people in the electorate solely blinded by the Trump Hatred Syndrome, refusing these bastians could be corrupt....here's a couple "Ripley's Believe It Or Not " syndromes from my relatives( avoided all family functions PERIOD)...one late aunt had a return address label as "ALWAYS A DEMOCRAT".....Ronald Reagan ruined here life.....George Bush in 911 was NOT her President.......or another deceased aunt who found it to be blasphemy to EVER vote for a Republican....anguished over voting for Obama because "I don't think I can vote for a black man"...she did....OR...an astute (COUGH) cousin who justified Slick Willie and Monica saying "she probably relaxed him so he could do a better job as President"....I CANNOT make this stuff up, ..scary part is that this could be more the norm versus exception......
  23. ...so the obvious next questions....8 "W's" means no playoffs....10 "W's" is a legitimate chance.....9 is borderline......so if it's 8 or "borderline 9", are you inclined to keep McBeane/McDermott knowing that 2019 is a multitude of changes, albeit roster and/or coaches, or are you of the "fire everybody" camp?....
  24. ...pretty simple...surround yourself with good people, the behind the scenes grunts that actually line your pockets gratuitously......then with that wealth and power, go out and say or do whatever the hell you want unabashed......
  25. ...yet NOBODY did a damn thing.......love 'em or hate 'em, but Trump, irascible, caustic, insulting, "doesn't give a rat's azz about the political establishment" mentality, has exposed more than I can remember so that perhaps (COUGH) people wake up to the fact that we're "FAR from being the best" as far as democracy/representative republic....it is all a sham about money, power and greed IMO....
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