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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...HELL, that's even faster than Nicholas Cage.......
  2. ...GREAT IDEA.......followed by the divorce at the half......
  3. ...nope....BIDEN to the rescue..............
  4. ....next please......
  5. ...two years left is PLENTY of time for this clown to rack up yet another screw up.....
  6. .....he FINALLY wakes up and shows up and he's butt hurt?.....um ok....... Eric Ebron salty about his Madden rating Posted by Michael David Smith on July 16, 2019, 5:02 AM EDT Eric Ebron led all tight ends with 14 touchdowns last season, then added another in the playoffs. But his Madden rating doesn’t reflect that. Ebron, who had a breakout year in his first season in Indianapolis in 2018, has an 86 rating in Madden, tying him with Hunter Henry as the 10th-best tight end in the NFL. In a series of tweets, Ebron asked how the hell you can have an 86 rating with 15 touchdowns, described himself as “salty” and said of Madden, “It’s obvious they don’t know me.”
  7. ....and there goes by LAST pair of Depends out the door....dammit...........
  8. ...Lamar Jackson at 12?........um ok.........."one read and run" > Baker Mayfield?....... ...BUT...Cian does have some pretty impressive credentials...... Football Writer Cian Fahey Says He Left ESPN After Being "Ignorant" At A Bar Samer Kalaf /12/18 6:04pm Football writer Cian Fahey said today that he resigned from ESPN after he “drank too much at a bar and treated American strangers like I would my Irish friends.” The Dan Le Batard Show executive producer Michael Ryan Ruiz mentioned Fahey leaving the Worldwide Leader during today’s broadcast, and Fahey elaborated on Twitter. https://deadspin.com/football-writer-cian-fahey-says-he-left-espn-after-bein-1822041010
  9. ......bulletin board time........ Tre’Davious White: Bills will use Madden ratings as “extra motivation” Posted by Josh Alper on July 16, 2019, 12:14 PM EDT The release of this year’s Madden ratings has generated responses around the football world, including many players who feel their digital counterparts have been underrated by the game’s designers. According to cornerback Tre'Davious White, that group includes him and his teammates with the Bills. Safety Micah Hyde got the team’s highest ranking at 86, White is an 85 and two players — linebacker Lorenzo Alexander and running back LeSean McCoy — are rated as 82s in this year’s game. White said on NFL Network that he felt the Bills were “robbed” and that the team will use it as fuel for the coming season. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/07/16/tredavious-white-bills-will-use-madden-ratings-as-extra-motivation/
  10. .....I'm guessing the traffic study for downtown yields the need for massive infrastructure improvements which means the only way possible is Federal funds......knowing how they move, a feasibility study, preliminary design with budget, subsequent funding and approvals probably takes 30 years.......if they "fast track" it......
  11. ....and I'd say it's a safe bet he knows it.........first clue should be the talent in camp (sure it's on paper).....but "this ain't your father's Oldsmobile" lad.......go get it..........
  12. .....perhaps a Biden-Incognito ticket works..............
  13. .....Reggie White......and about any move he decided to use...RIP big fella...........
  14. ....hell that's 'ol Joe's territoiry.....surprised she didn't get the chair.....".Zamora told the court in Maricopa County before sentencing, according to the paper. "I lived my life respecting and trying to obey every law. I'm not a threat to society by any means." .....but TWENTY YEARS??....manslaughter probably gets you 10 and out in six......less for death than "the dipstick"?....
  15. ...LOL...Asinine 101.....I'm "deeply" touched with the Owners' genuine concern (COUGH) for player safety by proposing a 16 game per player max....nothing more than a financial skankfest ruse....I'm sure Demaurice and his gang are seriously considering it (BIGGER COUGH-ASTHMA style).....
  16. ...LMAO.... thought the same thing...a politician writing a book.....HAS TO BE gospel........
  17. ..can certainly emphasize with the lad's concern over blood clot(s).....exactly what killed my late wife post double lung transplant surgery........good luck lad in your post football life ahead with all the best health wise................
  18. ....hindsight says that was a TT "fly pattern"....just sayin'...............
  19. ..Riley Ferguson autographed jerseys....FREE shipping.......sorry bro, couldn't resist.......
  20. ..pardon my ignorance, but isn't she the one alleged to have ridden "Willie's Wonka" to prominence?............
  21. ...downstate NY is an absolute disaster........sell it back to the Indians for 20 bucks and take the $4 dollar loss......their stench pollutes the viable Upstate......
  22. ....better yet CB, does ONE play constitute "a game" in your allotment of 16?......what if Shady starts and gets dinged, with Frank being preserved due to 16 start limitation?.....Frank needs to enter the game as an injury fill-in?......does THAT now constitute a "game played" towards HIS 16?........quite the effed up idea only to avoid paying out 18/16 of player contracts.....eliminating two pre-season games (supposedly included in player contracts now) who many of the top dawgs see a series or so is the NFLPA bait?...um ok....
  23. ...yes Ralph got public credit for the $400 mil relo penalty, BUT who launched the press?.......I seriously doubt it was his family or Foundation...it was media driven I believe........yes the Estate got paid, but he wrote his Will to read that his ENTIRE $1.2 billion fortune must be wholly donated to charity within 20 years after his death...still remains an honorable man IMO...
  24. ....good assessment....whole thing isn't passing "the smell test".......there was some pretty MAJOR entertainment alleged to be appearing......should be required to have that tab 100% in escrow up front.....or did they plan on paying from gate receipts?......SHAM 101......I don't think Marquis Goodwin got his $1 mil yet from running the 40.........yet another scam after the poor guy and his wife lost twins during pregnancy......
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