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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...time out.....questioning her authenticity?.....so her "come to Chinatown...screw Covid-19" was a ruse??.....her eyes bleed sincerity (COUGH).....
  2. ...wonder if he takes Ginkoba or is it too late??.........read where the Ukraine & Delaware versions have NO effect.....do the opposite....................
  3. ...thanks for sharing.......sure this is/was a pandemic perhaps not seen since 1917 (but who knows?)......it is just hard to believe that 93 YEARS later we have not advanced enough to be accurate in today's technological world.....I'm sure it being an "election year" has NO bearing, right?.....unpublished reports say the Covid-19 counters have volunteered to count all mail in ballots to ensure precise accuracy.......I feel better............
  4. ...STILL shocked that CBS has not yet canned Herridge.......she did an excellent job at Fox IMO and continues to do so at CBS, apparently without MSM shackles....
  5. ...I understand the point but also emphasize with the scientific community and their exasperation wading through this to get accurate data.......the fraudsters are in full prey mode......counterfeit/substandard tests, substandard PPE at exorbitant prices, ads claiming "we have the cure", people waiting in line for hours who gave up the wait untested only to be notified they were "positive" et al.....and of course the "oops we screwed up tests results...here are the revised numbers".....
  6. ...lucky it wasn't a facial.....she'd be there for months..............
  7. ...really pretty simple......when the SERVING SUGGESTIONS line in their posted PPP recipe says, "GUARANTEED to kill anyone that opposes you", it should be a CLEAR identifier IMO...........
  8. ...how do you have so much time to post with your extensive client list?.....hell the PPP thought was we have the likes of F Lee Bailey before us.....sounds more like Barnum & BAILEY, 3rd chair so noted.......
  9. ...hell my neighborhood says, "TIBS-2020"....in a landslide.........strange that EVERY dog on a morning walk stops to pee, PROLONGED......
  10. ...it is just too bad that at the end of the day, unbiased, non-political laced data, devoid of multiple reports of screwed up testing numbers cannot be ascertained so the scientific community can reach some accurate assessments going forward.....as a layperson, I'd think that information would be invaluable as far as long term effects, seasonal and/or other recurrence, vaccine(s) effectiveness et al.....BUT...."NEVER let a good crisis go to waste"...we are societally SICK.............
  11. ...will save you a pickle then..............
  12. ...thought I read their efforts were under the guise of covert "Abbott & Costello" to hide any political involvement...please confirm..................
  13. ...you're the lawyer and not me.......I hand you your Popeye's chicken sandwich at the drive thru................
  14. ...understood and so noted......we're good...opinions make it work.....
  15. ...I could do it, but probably will ride out 2 1/2 years until retiring at age 70.....have the ideal, best job in the world and thank my lucky stars nightly.....tell my kids, "never ever forget your humble background and beginnings versus today"....NEVER......widower living alone with grown kids locally entrenched in their professional careers....as I tell them, "I'm just padding your inheritance"......
  16. same here in NYS, or Big Fredoland, the home of gross fiscal mismanagement......max income tax rate is 9.5% versus Cali at 13% (I think)........new taxes added regularly but disguised as "fees".....parasitic "fleas" would be a better description.......FAR to late in my 44+ and ongoing career to bail now before retirement.......
  17. ...um...er....well...uh...oh...ok.......after extensive rumination, think I'll wait for DR's response to weigh who has better knowledge and understanding of the subject (COUGH).....this should be good, but I'm objective......
  18. ...you do realize that it includes "thought to be overweight gray matter".......many Dems suffer from this added weight........and its value is equal to belly fat.......
  19. ...."Lurch" Kerry just needed more time.......a fine Secretary of State.......BUT.....SOS in HIS case was a cry for help......this clown was an equal fraud to Eric Holder......
  20. ...and I'd bet it is because YOU took advantage of things that could or would make it better versus waiting/expecting somebody else to do the "heavy lifting" for you.....not "The Gimme Gang"....they want MORE for NOTHING.......
  21. ...what if he thinks the big red nuke button is for West Wing Room Service???....uh oh................
  22. ...can anybody verify that Biden's 131 were multiple choice and that Donna Brazile gave him the answers?...just curious.....................
  23. ...uh oh...Joe OD'ed on Melatonin and is late to the condemnation party...... Pollster: Biden denounces Kenosha violence after campaign 'misjudged how important it was to the American people' NY Times, Axios and Politico published stories warning Kenosha violence could push voters to GOP By Yael Halon | Fox News Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden finally condemned the ongoing violence in Kenosha, Wis. and cities across the country after his campaign initially "misjudged how important it was to the American people," pollster and president of Maslansky & Partners, Lee Carter told “Fox & Friends Weekend” Sunday. "I think it's important that we take note of this shift on the violence, because it's really really important to the American people, and I think that his campaign might have misjudged how important it was to the American people and what it meant," Carter said. https://www.foxnews.com/media/pollster-biden-denounces-kenosha-violence
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