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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ..Belichick plays the cards he is dealt......unfortunately Brady has been in EVERY deck for 18 years....dammit..............
  2. ...and guaranteed we'll read about him again shortly........
  3. ...GLAD you're still with us bro....."dry heat" or "dry cold" is a farce......went to college in the NYS Adirondacks where temps in the winter got down to -40 degrees (not talking wind chill)....dry cold my frozen azz......"dry heat" crap is the flip side IMO.......
  4. ...just get this impression that the kid has a work ethic/shoulder chip to prove himself.......love to see that in a kid.......
  5. ...and NO takers.....was talking to a guy yesterday....has a close friend whose kid graduated with his Accounting degree and had a job interview with a major Accounting firm in NYC....offered starting salary of $100K AND $25k sign-on bonus......told his Dad about it when he got home and Dad wanted to know when he starts......told Dad, "I declined the offer because they would only give me two weeks paid vacation"....Dad said, "starting TOMORROW, you'll pay rent to live here.....if you can't, you no longer live here period"......that's the "gimme mindset" we're dealing with today...SMH........
  6. ..probably the ONLY thing that moved...............
  7. ...DEAD on 'Fig.......smarter, humble and respectful of the game.......a recent Josh quote, "OUR team and OUR family" says it all........versus Cam at the podium with his fedora talkin' "about me".....
  8. ....think he'll prove to be our "5th round magic pick" from 2018.......so far so good in the 5th with Meatball, Milano and possibly Joseph from 2019 class....and hopefully Taron Johnson is healthy despite being "a 4th (COUGH)"................
  9. ...yet another example of the frivolous lawsuit statute......another piece of effective legislative genius.....
  10. ....shades of the Vikes' Corey Stringer tragedy........just terrible........
  11. I've owned it since 2010 as third owner. I bought from a U.S. Marine in Wisconsin who was transferring to Hawaii. Government would pay to ship his vehicle and the wife's, but not a third one. Thus, he was selling it. Original owner was from Tennessee.I was thinking about engine mods, but just bought a 2017 Corvette Grand Sport 2LT with 2,700 miles instead. It was the only year they offered black rose metallic (has Kalahari/camel leather) and I stumbled on it. I also have a the 2015 Camaro 2SS RS convertible (avatar) that I'm keeping. It is actually is an Indy Commemorative Edition that GM execs drove for Indy 500 Speed Week. I have a #49 of 100 license plate and all of the paperwork of the Indy driver they drove around the track. I bought it with 1,200 miles and just turned 3,000 in 3 years.My daily driver is a 2018 Traverse. Something has to go as four vehicles for one person is crazy.
  12. ...thinkin' $274K should be the right number for 1-3.....just sayin'.....
  13. ...starting at $15,495.......just put $2,000 into Nitto Extreme tires and Motorsport rims as well as $450 to replace front calipers/pads.....passed NYS Inspection June 2019...
  14. ...hopefully attachments worked...... 2002 Ford Mustang Roush Stage I Convertible.docx
  15. .....and let's not forget the notion to abolish the Electoral College.....strength in numbers (illegals).....
  16. ....wow!......mine is stock 260 HP or probably 270 with side exhausts......I was thinking about engine mods, but just bought a 2017 Corvette Grand Sport with 2,700 miles instead.....it was the only year they offered black rose metallic (has Kalahari/camel leather).....going to keep the 2015 Camaro 2SS RS convertible.....actually is an Indy Commemorative Edition that GM execs drove for Indy 500 Speedweek......have #49 of 100 plate and all of the paperwork of the Indy driver they drove around the track....
  17. ....where the hell is Walmart??...........
  18. ,,,certainly agree.....Rivieras from that era are sharp....probably megabucks at Streetside......
  19. I have a 2002 Roush Stage I convertible with 23,000 original miles for sale now.
  20. ..Dave Kindig from Kindigit Designs did one....absolutely awesome......
  21. ..inquisition or inquiry?......Mueller said your serious fandom has been called into question......
  22. ...are there any TBD car enthusiasts out there with "rides of pride", collections/show veicles or a purchase in your near future that you may share ala pics and/or descriptions?....will delete if no interest as a courtesy.....
  23. ...increasingly amazing and woefully sad how the "electorate (COUGH)" keep putting some of these woeful azzclowns in office regardless of which side of the aisle....I cannot show any favoritism....Biden has never had a job outside of political office.....Bob Dole for President?.....Fritz Hollings in the Senate or Jesse Helms?....how about the 98 year old Strom Thurmond, the Claroil poster boy for hair dye?.....Schumer?....80 year old Pelousy?.....these are the azzclowns re-elected to do the people's business?.....no wonder we're effed....it is all about THEM....most are lawyers that could never earn a living in the private sector, hence a ride on the government gravy train.....our alleged once thought of as a world wide model of democracy is really a cess pool of the good 'ol boyz network....FULL DISCLOSURE: I NEVER liked Trump pre- politics.....but as President, he is irrefutably as caustic, condescending, arrogant, irascible SOB that was EXACTLY what the political "establishment (ie. fraud, corruption, political agendas within once thought to be our bastians of democracy, etc) that the landscape needed because no one else had the bawls to expose it....can our electorate be THAT fickle?.....if so, we're screwed....
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