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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. did ANYBODY think we would ever witness a politically driven, orchestrated coup to overthrow a President in our lifetime?...seriously?....and the once bastians of our democracy, thought to be non-political as in DOJ and FBI being fully engaged participants?....don't we advertise our "democracy" as the model to be adopted worldwide, only to have massive corruption, fraud and deception exposed on the targeted Trump's watch?.....did the "bastians" fear his exposure from day one?.....has the "good 'ol boy political community" been exposed and turned upside down?...damn right and the timing is perfect as it has been long overdue....we pontificate world wide about our democracy, admonishing other corrupt governments, while our own very "damn pond has substantial sewage floating to the surface".......wow.....never thought....
  2. ...I think we all should take a deep breath, relax and wait for John Dean's valid assessment out of respect......his return from the mothballs MUST have some value, right?....
  3. ..I am going to ask a very pointed question, despite probably being accused of bigotry (don't give a rat's azz because it is NOT the intent), because I have no clue (FULL DISCLOSURE: I am of Italian heritage and to this day experience ethnic racism)....going back the Obama administration and to today, there seems to be an anti-Isreal/antisemitism fervor within the Democratic party....why do Jewish lawmakers like Schiff, Nadler, Schumer, etc as well as DOJ's Weissman, etc maintain such a vehemently anti-Trump position?...why are major excuses being made for Epstein, a major Democratic donor?....or how about Hollywood's Weinstein, etc?......unless I completely missed the memo, what has Trump done to display any anti-Isreal/antisemitism comments, policies, etc?......why??........just baffling... Edited 15 minutes ago by OldTimeAFLGuy
  4. ...sorry but it is a relevant term.....connotes NEVER forgetting your roots or upbringing........it breeds humility and respect, citing families who brought their kids up right despite their struggling efforts financially, albeit parents with multiple jobs, single parents with multiple jobs, etc......and look how many of those kids recognize that, sign with the NFL and go buy Mom a new house or new car (NEITHER of which she NEVER had).....that my friend is honor and respect versus some of the products today coming through with a "privileged, I'm entitled to" attitude....Allen is a product of that upbringing as are many others regardless of race, creed, religion or color...."blue collar" is the epitome of respect in my book...sorry we differ.....tell me otherwise...
  5. ..I am going to ask a very pointed question, despite probably being accused of bigotry (don't give a rat's azz because it is NOT the intent), because I have no clue (FULL DISCLOSURE: I am of Italian heritage and to this day experience ethnic racism)....going back the Obama administration and to today, there seems to be an anti-Isreal/antisemitism fervor within the Democratic party....why do Jewish lawmakers like Schiff, Nadler, Schumer, etc as well as DOJ's Weissman, etc maintain such a vehemently anti-Trump position?...why are major excuses being made for Epstein, a major Democratic donor?....or how about Hollywood's Weinstein, etc?......unless I completely missed the memo, what has Trump done to display any anti-Isreal/antisemitism comments, policies, etc?......why??........just baffling...
  6. ...NAILED IT bud.......nice......worker bees versus the "privileged" because they got their foot in the door............
  7. ...I like his work ethic, attitude, humility, community involvement, outlook ("it is OUR team and OUR family"), mindfulness and respect for the game....he knows what he has to do to get better and continually works with Professor Palmer....other than THAT?...MEH.........
  8. ...thanks Yolo....did NOT realize this......I think it helps as well as the kid's ongoing work with" Professor" Palmer and Dorsey on board as QB Coach..... How much does Josh profit from having Brian Daboll for a second year? He’s the only new QB in the AFC East who has the same Offensive Coordinator. Is that a bonus for the Bills? ...anybody know why he stopped?.....
  9. ...sounds about right....we got thinned out quickly with injuries to Murphy, Jones as well as Shady's occasional hammy...even the Ford kid got some PT......
  10. ...he CERTAINLY was.....we struck gold in the 5th round......and we did AGAIN with Milano.....and potentially AGAIN with Neal & Teller (2018) and Joseph (2019)....hell at this rate, we could all sleep in until day 3 and use every pick on 5ths......
  11. ...and STILL no "Photo Op Chuckie Schumer" anywhere....I am seriously concerned.....
  12. .....guess I should be surprised the Post portrays Bob as a "victim" now...how shocking (COUGH)........ Republicans attack Mueller probe as Democrats press on obstruction Washington Post Staff 30 mins ago https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/mueller-testimony-congress-live/2019/07/24/d51a82d6-aca1-11e9-bc5c-e73b603e7f38_story.html?utm_term=.f48197ba5773
  13. ...and I CERTAINLY give OBD credit in that his original contract provided for an "out" for a potential offer upgrade/promotion.....the "right way" IMO....
  14. ...nope....Elizabeth Warren Building to salute her heritage......will be a Washington REDSKINS and Atlanta Braves TOMAHAWK CHOP exhibits.....Disney's Pocahontas .....signing autographs daily.....good Lord we are fffed up....
  15. ..how come we haven't heard from "Photo Op Chuckie Schumer" lately?.....detained by Iran?.....where art thou Good Chuck??...........
  16. ...that my friend is DEAD ON.....we are a Union shop....and they protect the dregs because they are dues paying members......I think the Electrical Union(IBEW) is the only one left which still maintains the archaic "sign the book" system....many others allow you to find your own work......if we need 4 electricians and the next four are comprised of 2 good ones and 2 skanks, I have to take all 4 and lay off the skanks the next day (we call it "spinning them")......if travelers (electricians from other locals ) come into our local jurisdiction, I can hire them only if our local is at full employment.....and the skanks know I have to lay off traveler(s) who could be really good before them, so the skanks get skankier because they know they're untouchable...effed up....you don't think it is an embarrassment when the customer's Project Manager calls up about skanks coasting?...purge the garbage dammit....
  17. ...and you knew exactly HOW that Mahomes was to be elite (SO FAR)?.....thought the quotes were "an Air Raid QB NEVER makes it in the NFL".........you know, that "leper like offense".....obviously, he had one helluva season, but let's follow him going forward before the "elite declaration"......yes, but we all know that "you knew".....um ok.... wholeheartedly agree Augie......sat behind Alex for a year, had a talented roster as well as an offensively minded HC.....not too bad an environment I'd say......so let's watch years 3, 4 and...???......
  18. ...you know you're screwed as GM if O'Brien signs your check.......and then the racism innuendos?.....sure glad McBeane and Pegula saw through that...SMH....
  19. ....and how many wanted no part of Mahomes because he was from the leper like "Air Raid Offense"?.....plenty of "an Air Raid QB NEVER makes it in the NFL" quotes abound....and now the ongoing "shoulda...coulda...woulda syndrome"......while awaiting mea culpas from the "NEVER" crowd on the "we blew it wagon"....crickets..........certainly a superb 2nd year and now let's see if opposing DC's have an answer.......will be interesting season for the youngster....fun to watch....
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