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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...thanks for sharing and Godpseed to BOTH of you for full recovery.........
  2. ...does anybody seriously give a rat's azz about this clown?....would certainly be a good process fit (cough)...has been a model citizen(BIGGER cough)...and now expects an extension with two years left on his original deal (CHOKING COUGH)...he's all yours Jurrah........
  3. ..."yup...."cattle call" is about right...sure as hell is a heffer...........
  4. ...prolly Brandon incognito..........
  5. ...not that I gave a rat's azz about being labeled a bigot, I will just reiterate that he is an arrogant PUTZ.....I worked for a PUTZ many years ago who made a very telling yet typical PUTZ comment......because of my size (yup, 50+ lbs overweight), he made it a point to tell me "fat people are usually sloppy dressers but you look very professional every day"......
  6. ...unconscionable how they orchestrated their machine over eight years, pulling the wool over the fickle electorate, solely for financial gain....followd by eight more years with their Chicago cardboard prop up O-Blah-Blah, surrounded by the same scurrilous ex-Clintonites......Nixon and Watergate were dark political days?...seriously? compared to this no holds barred syndicate?....and if the pant suit queen was elected and then re-elected, it would total a 24 year strangle hold on US politics.....and the "Foundation (COUGH)" would be upwards of 2+ billion...yet the Putz Boyz ala Nadless and Schiff continue their impeachment witch hunt and have added Conway to their crosshairs for alleged Hatch Act violations?.....and the fickle electorate chose them to do the "people's business"?...good Lord we are screwed.....
  7. ...I'd bet so did he......must be our secret weapon....stay tuned......
  8. ..Nadless is yet ANOTHER example of a caustic, indiginant, arrogant, condescending, belittling power driven putz mongerer like his buddy Schiff.....throw in Epstein, Weisman, or Weinstein as further examples......didn't Leona Helmsley exemplify their attitude as in, "only little people pay taxes".......their ilk know no better......
  9. ...could be some "parts" that Epstein would be interested in...just sayin'............
  10. ...Coleman should be ok...he still has $3.1 mil on the EBT card OBD gifted him, right?.........
  11. ...he's actually waving down the Panera delivery truck.......
  12. What a farce. ...he never wrote the damn report......it was done by political hacks within the Department of INjustice............an effin' coup............
  13. ....hmmmm....interesting...... Donald Trump Jr.: Mueller was a 'figurehead' in 'hoax' run by '19 leftist Clinton-donor lawyers' By Charles Creitz | Fox News Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller was a figurehead and not the true leader of the Russia investigation, according to Donald Trump Jr. Mueller's stellar public service reputation preceded him, although his performance in Wednesday's hearings revealed to the public the truth about the probe, Trump claimed Thursday on "Tucker Carlson Tonight." "I think the American people finally saw it, that this man -- who was the lead of the largest investigation in American history, really the largest hoax at this point -- he didn't have a fundamental understanding of not only where it began, but what was even involved," he said. https://www.foxnews.com/media/donald-trump-jr-tucker-carlson-mueller-figurehead-russia-investigation
  14. ...I think between Dorsey and Professor Palmer, Josh is in pretty good hands.....
  15. ...who the hell let him out of the truck?..........
  16. ...great point Yolo ....leader has to make sure within the culture he/she maintains an "open door policy" welcoming constructive criticism....I don't want my culture to be intimidated from offering constructive criticism by telling me "everything is great" when it is NOT...I also get the sense that the Buffalo Bills are all about "WE" and never "ME".....good show McDermott...
  17. ...unfortunately, our 17 year checkered past with unfit, unquailfieds, not ven close to being qualifieds, or fraudulently qualifieds masquerading as in charge, (hate to say "F Troop" and offend O'Rourke) earned us this position of media scorn...only temporary break was when Detroit went oh fer 16 and then we returned to the dartboard...Moo had a chance in 2004 to beat the 3rd string Steelers and end the schneid at 10-6...but we "opted for" 9-7....today's track beats the last 17 and has the potential to even be better than the Polian era despite the "fire McBeane...fire McDermott...now" yipsters (looks like Pegula didn't listen kiddies).....not sure how much time it will take for all of the newness to jell, but 2019 sure looks promising to me.....stay tuned....
  18. ....sorry, couldn't resist the "TBD busts" label part....the culture is right and will be on point.......a recent Josh quote, "...OUR team and OUR family" says a helluva lot to me as far as leadership....the same Josh that the "expert" urinalists like to point the finger at for 20 something rankings...."it's the collegiate completion percentage stupid"......why do former NFL QB's (don't give a rat's azz about THEIR career stats) like Simms, Dilfer, Professor Palmer and our new QB Coach Dorsey remain high on him?.....OBJECTIVELY speaking, who would you give more credibility to, ex-QB's or "the other gang"?...just a thought.....I would ask the same damn thing even if the ex-QB's were NOT so high on the kid......
  19. ...still don't get who would trade for him now.....last year was abysmal for a myriad of reasons, so who really knows what he has left in the tank?....trade for $6+ mil salary with question marks?....I don't see him being a plow horse in 2019, but in a more diversified role, which I'm guessng means "reasonable miles".....wait until he's a UFA in 2020 and sign 'em to vet minimum with incentives makes more sense to me....Deadskins did so with Peterson at age 33 and he produced 1,024 yds rushing....gamble that paid off...........
  20. ....how many years ago?...unless his water broke recently...........
  21. ...no injuries?....no cuts?...no "TBD bust" labels?......one helluva good day.............
  22. ...or Tuhrod to teach him the 6 yard post.............
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