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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...edit was "did not plagerize".....next question............
  2. ..if he lost, we would have perpetuated the scurrilous Clinton Crime Syndicate through a 24 year stranglehold on the US politics (assuming her re-election)......16 years was painful enough but 8 more with ZERO intent on the people's business versus personal political power and gain would sink our once thought of worldwide bastian of democracy to the depths of the Titanic+.....I'm 66 and NEVER thought I would witness an orchestrated coup attempt of an elected President...NEVER......and we point the finger at corrupt governments worldwide?.....what about "people in glass houses throwing stones"?...seriously......hate him all you want (FULL DISCLOSURE: I reviled him as a brash businessperson), but his caustic, irascible, insulting, condescending and arrogant demeanor has turned the "good ol boyz political network" on its ugly head, in a way that they NEVER expected......graft, corruption, politicization of our once thought of democratic bastians (, FBI, DOJ, etc) have been woefully exposed.....and...it is about DAMN TIME....we ain't the best, yapping about other government's houses when our very own is this effed up...think about it...
  3. ........a nicely done assessment......so the Bureau has been politically tainted and manipulated for YEARS...and we thought that the post J Edgar mess had been cleaned up.....how long would the ruse have continued if the Trump administration did not turn the "good 'ol boys subterfuge" network upside down?......we need more chlorine for "The Swamp".....
  4. ...how the hell can you use BOTH of those is the same damn sentence?...paradox of EPIC proportions.....
  5. ...he has NEVER had a job other than politics in his entire "working life"...."politics" and working" = oxymoron.....FULL DISCLOSURE: I actually wrote this ON MY OWN and did NOT plagiarize.........
  6. ...here's the baffling part to me.....Mueller ran the FBI for 11 years and was thought to (I think) have done a decent job....however, recent and ongoing revelations as to how the Bureau was a woefully tainted, partisan political machine, makes you wonder what was actually going on during Mueller's watch (J Edgar feels sullied now)....and his recent testimony makes one even more suspect what he knew as far as department underlings.....so let's just assume that his tenure was decent and coupled with his Vietnam vet service, why put your reputation in the position of being disastrously sullied by letting DOJ political operatives write your ALLEGED report?.....and now you testify and only can refer to the Cliff Notes Version because you didn't have a damn thing to do with writing it?....why sell out and trash you potential legacy?.........
  7. ...well Jr was nothing more than a cardboard cutout propped up by scurrilous ex-Clintonites......and the syndicate ironically adopted a chapter from Nixon's playbook...."always attack....never defend"......will have to find book written about Tricky Dick....
  8. ...interesting...Foster needed a wake up call last year and responded.......maybe McDermott is borrowing another page from the "Master of Mind Games" himself, Bill Parcells.....
  9. ....not too smart to mess with cruise lines.......they have NO problem throwing you off at the next port.....caught a bunch of underagers falling down drunk and the older ones feeding them the booze on a cruise we were on......rounded up ALL family members including parents while Security and ship's Captain debated dumping them off at next port.....cruise lines share info about major troublemakers and you can actually get banned..........
  10. ....nope.....Booth Lustig and Ron McDole.........
  11. ...any ideas as to how to get them excluded from the lower 48?.....
  12. ...damn right BOE......and I have to believe if something is not on the "no no list", there is a type of advisory board available for ruling.....
  13. ...just like the last six with the 6' hole dug........wondrous.....
  14. ...sorry bud, but I have to paraphrase a McBeane quote I read about Duke (a senior moment thing)......McBeane said, "the signing of Duke Williams changed the need to draft a top WR prospect early on".....thus there must be high hopes for Duke to negate a high draft pick WR.....BUT....keep in mind that some of our top TBD prognosticators (RARELY wrong) labeled Duke as "nothing more than camp fodder".....choose your side........
  15. ...it is so politically reassuring and comforting to know that the "people's business" is on the front burner.....despite personal animus versus our sitting President who in lockstep with his insulting, irascible persona has shown large cracks in the grandiose "good ol boyz political cronyism scam network..."we the people" my effin' azz.....we don't mean jack s^%t....nothing more than abuse of power sham...impeachment is nothing more than a cloak for a failed coup.....and our democracy is the greatest?.....now the 'eff do we talk about other worldwide governments ripe with corruption?.....must be the FBI and Dept of INjustice are wordly models....a woefully pathetic mess on our own damn shores IMO....
  16. ...anybody tell me why Ellis Island is no longer the RIGHT WAY?.....my legal immigrant ancestors sure as hell would like to know....
  17. .....how the hell does Madcow call Mueller's testimony "a remarkable day"?....PMSNBC & CNN make the Titanic look buoyant......how does he still have a $7 mil/yr job?....seriously?........
  18. ....how the hell do you NOT salute legislators hard at work to craft this legislation?.....this is epic.......
  19. ...new Taco Bell menu item???.....
  20. ...LOL....yup those are the closest venues to TC......but the Basin Pub is also a nice spot.....MANY years ago, we were having dinner at Black & Blue after the company Executive Board meeting (TC was in session)...went out for a smoke and met Tom "Terrific" Donohoe......very cordial, engaging and eager to discuss the Bills...."we like what we've done with our football team"....LOL...little did I know that I was talking to an "egotistical control freak wolf" in sheep's clothing.............
  21. ...WTF?......how tight a corset is he wearing....or did his water break?.............
  22. ...says he has a legitimate appeal....don't they all?....when Judge Goodell puts on the black robe.......screwed............
  23. ...certainly is greater potential on paper versus MANY previous years and a QB who can use them......BUT....steady as she goes buds.......too early for irrational exuberance only to be let down....
  24. ...good luck with that...Goodell is judge, jury and executioner....see ya week 5.........
  25. ....wore #49 in 1966......strange first name...... ....a stout DL anchor......him and his mates gave up zero rushing TD's for 17 straight games.......
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