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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...and this would be the typical "truth twist"........now they are the VICTIMS?.......it is society's fault?......BEGINNERS MIND so noted....go figure.......
  2. ....it's reprehensible to think how much money Guido Cuomo blew in crafting this legislation.....how many trips did he take to Puerto Rico so he could yap about the forelorn hurricane victims that Trump was ignoring?.....now that their Gov is resigning and $90 BILLION is missing this trip , and plenty of aid still undelivered by resident volunters (COUGH), mea culpas should be about shortly from Guido....crickets......SOB is running for a 4th term and the downstate minions are in lockstep...same gang that brought you AOC and DiBlasio....he's as crooked as a question mark.......and STILL no email address so that NOTHING is in writing.....
  3. ,,,still less than Gase's eyeball reset surgery............
  4. ....this should grow legs....Chandler 81 is lurking...5, 4, 3.........
  5. ...bet ONE of them is with a TE.........we'll show 'em........
  6. ....really surprising how "Frank the Tank" is still a ripped beast.....
  7. ..it was all planned......
  8. ....LMAO.....Crazy Carl.....elect him for Gov and he'll pony up a billion in State funding.....
  9. ...seriously?.....no, seriously?.....millennials have been cultivated due to the UNSELFISH handouts of boomers.....
  10. .....any sex cult news to share Kristin or was that cleaned up with Clorox too?......another NY gem......
  11. .....therein lies the problem.....shocking to find out the fickle nature of the general electorate and how easily swayed they are......the country's debt is not THEIR problem or worry.....it's Washington's problem....how many of them do not pay taxes now?....
  12. ...just look at the numerous unfunded promises these clowns are promising...you really think debt matters to them....simply pandering to the "freebee gang" to buy their votes...SMH...
  13. ...can't be...he's the MC at a wake today (simulated presser).........
  14. By Jack Bechta -National Football Post Injury settlements can also give a team a chance at getting a player back during that same season. There is a rule in place that the team (agreeing to a settlement) can’t resign that player until a minimum of six weeks passes following the amount of weeks of the initial settlement. So for our MCL example, the team cannot resign that player for the first eleven weeks. For a player who did a three week/3 game settlement, his team can’t sign him back until after week nine. However, the player is free to sign with another team. https://nationalfootballpost.com/what-is-an-injury-settlement/
  15. ...I think you're right bud......the "high risk...high reward" of an NFL career is hardly an unknown....there is a multitude of careers that face the same decision, albeit not at the financial level of a potential NFL career.......
  16. ...runs in the family I presume?....just askin'.......
  17. ...rest assured he's dying of multiple STD's......talk about a skank.....
  18. ...agree...only thing I can think of is if he suffered a career ending injury that impeding life after football if it was seriously debilitating......
  19. ....not to worry!!...the best and the brightest are convening to fix the problem.......two key developments though... 1. Al Gore has not arrived yet. 2. Epstein's jet is NOT on the tarmac. Katy Perry, more stars attend Google summit on climate change in private jets, mega yachts By Jessica Sager | Fox News Google Camp is hosting the likes of former President Barack Obama, Prince Harry, Leonardo DiCaprio and Katy Perry in Sicily, Italy, to discuss climate change, but it may come at a steep cost to Mother Earth. “Everything is about global warming, that is the major topic this year,” a source told the New York Post. Sources told the outlet that the three-day event will cost the tech giant $20 million. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/google-summit-celebrities-climate-change
  20. ...hope it works....too many youngsters become statistics......
  21. ...think maybe the Russians are propping up the "mullets" in power?...not a chance...they're tied up in fixing US elections at the moment......Mueller sure as hell showed us.....
  22. ...so is your husband on the window ledge??.........
  23. ...sorry bro, those two words in the same sentence result in oxymoron period.....
  24. ...I'm confused...what politician in their right mind would cozy up to Russia or China, our arch enemies #1 and 1A, vying for world supremacy?.....seriously?......China backs North Korea to keep the peninsula in turmoil because of relationships with Japan & South Korea......Russia aids and abets Iran and Syria to churn the Middle East because of our friendship with Israel...what the hell did I miss?......Hilary-uranium deal, Obama-$100 billion "olive branch" to Iran?....and no answers?......Mueller should be on BOTH now that he has some time available.....
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