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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...unconfirmed rumors say questions will be multiple choice and Donna Brazile will feed him the answers................
  2. ...in a perfect world, I understand what you are saying....HOWEVER, there will always be a component who has NO intention of EVER doing so..... LMAO TWICE!!...that's him.................
  3. ...for you old, OLD TV junkies......Dr Zachary Smith and the Talking Robot from "Lost in Space"........"WARNING! WARNING DR!....what happens to PPP when Trump gets re-elected"?......"it is not safe Will Robinson"....
  4. ...hey ease up on the poor guy....he meant the "black light" from your hippie days, right??...... Biden claims Black man invented light bulb during campaign event By Tyler Olson | Fox News During a Thursday meeting with Kenosha, Wis., community leaders, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said that a Black man, rather than Thomas Edison, invented the light bulb. "People fear that which is different. We've got to, for example, why in God's name don't we teach history in history classes? A Black man invented the light bulb, not a White guy named Edison," Biden said. "There's so much — did anybody know before what recently happened that Black Wall Street in Oklahoma was burned to the ground. Anybody know these things? Because we don't teach them. We've got to give people facts." It was Edison who first invented the light bulb and a filament that could last 1,200 hours. According to the Department of Energy, Edison secured patents for the incandescent light bulb in 1879 and 1880. Biden was likely referring to Lewis Howard Latimer, who, according to a biography by MIT, patented an improved version of an incandescent light bulb in 1881 that could last even longer than Edison's. For perspective, 1,200 hours is 50 days -- far less time than modern incandescent bulbs last. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-claims-black-man-invented-light-bulb-during-campaign-event
  5. ...using IGNORE would deprive me of humor with my morning coffee.....we all know who the trolls and sock puppets are.....I read but never respond.....they just confirm daily with their downward spiral how relaxed mental hygiene was a bad, BAD idea......"paging Dr. Ruth"......
  6. ...yup....remember that very well......agree with assessment of MODs' efforts, but certainly see why they tried to maintain a "hands off approach" for the PPP Playpen.....being assigned duty here could lead to strokes.....sadly, the disappearance of societal decorum has permeated the ranks of PPP..........social media has emboldened the "tough guys", keyboard cowardice from the safety of underneath their desks in Mom's basement....a real shame..............
  7. ....in his case, "no longer".............
  8. ...great points BG and great write up DR...... trolls or the sock puppets are pretty much a known commodity who are here only to goad folks into heated responses which end up "over the line"......ban them and they come back with a new screen name.....can't trace via ISP's......IP addresses are dynamic or randomly assigned at login.....static or unchanged IP addresses are a necessity used for businesses....reporting the IP address only gets you to the ISP (ie. roadrunner)......I'm told the ONLY time they'll go further is a criminal investigation....
  9. ....and a rent regulation program long in place............... Rent Regulations in New York: How They’ll Affect Tenants and Landlords The changes would be sweeping, covering everything from security deposits to apartment upgrades. By Sharon Otterman and Matthew Haag-NY Times 9/12/19 Democratic lawmakers in New York harnessed their new powers on Tuesday to broker sweeping changes to rent laws in order to protect tenants in a state with some of the country’s most expensive housing markets. The regulations that lawmakers agreed upon would stretch beyond New York City to the entire state, allowing other municipalities to enact their own rules to keep apartments affordable. Both chambers of the State Legislature are expected to vote on the new package this week, before the current set of regulations are set to expire on Saturday. Unlike previous regulations, which had to be renewed once they expired, the new rules would be permanent. Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, a Democrat, has pledged to sign whatever bill lawmakers pass. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/12/nyregion/rent-regulation-laws-new-york.html
  10. ...LMAO...I'm thinking the closest he's come to a Court Room is to use the adjacent men's room on a drive by.......
  11. LMAO..."mirror mirror on the wall" tells us what the hell you're looking at......
  12. ...and the self proclaimed "best Mayor in America", Bumblin' Billy says, "so what"?......I doubt you could sell Manhattan back to its "original Owners" now for 10 cents on a dollar....
  13. ...how does the purported "counselor" have so much time to post?......doesn't his "LONG LIST" of clients feel neglected?.......
  14. ...in the twisted view of some with suspect gray matter, "accusations" of "obviously guilty" with no charges ever filed or legal proceedings is the norm....they're self anointed judge, jury and executioner........maybe Judge Emmett will weigh in on the validity of such a position....he's a fair and impartial guy.....
  15. ...read an article about a glut of vacancies....13,000 apartments now in Manhattan alone........ ....beyond my budget....will just keep checking neighbors' recycle bins.........gotta be some Dems around here................
  16. ....NYS is broke....Big Fredo for years has shown gross fiscal mismanagement......now he's whining to the Feds for 59 BILLION.......do some quick math on the lost sales tax revenues for 27,000 NYC restaurants.......59 billion handout?...give 'em 5 bucks and a bag of Halite to pound.....he'll be the Dem's boy in 2024, so buy his Covid-19 Handbook early.....will be a treasure....
  17. ....just when you thought you heard it all....Blitzed to the rescue...SMH............... Barr chuckles after Wolf Blitzer insists CNN is 'fair and balanced' during interview AG, veteran broadcaster Blitzer spar over media bias, mail-in voting By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News Attorney General William Barr did not appear to buy Wolf Blitzer's claim Wendesday that CNN is "fair and balanced." At the end of a lengthy, contentious interview, the "Situation Room" host asked if Barr would return for President Trump's second term if the incumbent wins reelection, a question Barr thought was "presumptuous" for him to answer. "Are you enjoying what you're doing?" Blitzer followed up. "I wouldn't use the word 'enjoy,' but it's satisfying," Barr responded with a grin. https://www.foxnews.com/media/barr-chuckles-wolf-blitzer-cnn-fair-balanced
  18. ...residual fallout....Schiff canceled his manicure.............
  19. ...too busy keeping NYC restaurants closed.....probably a good idea so patrons don't get shot.............. Cuomo stands firm on NYC indoor dining ban Published 2 hours ago Updated 56 mins ago Restaurants Associated Press NEW YORK - Gov. Andrew Cuomo says he won't let New York City reopen its restaurants for indoor dining until the city comes up with a plan to make sure they are following regulations to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. The governor said that he thinks restaurants should open in New York City but that the state doesn't have enough personnel to monitor the city's 27,000-plus eateries. “These institutions are under dire economic circumstances,” Cuomo said in a phone call with reporters Thursday. “And we know that compliance has to happen.” Cuomo is facing pressure from the restaurant industry, which has seen business plummet amid the pandemic and hundreds of workers seeking unemployment assistance. Over 300 restaurant owners who want to reopen have sued New York City and the state, seeking more than $2 billion, over the continued ban on indoor dining. https://www.fox5ny.com/news/cuomo-stands-firm-on-nyc-indoor-dining-ban
  20. ...need a hacker to infiltrate the teleprompter...THEN let the fun begin............
  21. ...one can certainly won't do it................
  22. ...should be "Live from Gitmo".....Clinton Dynasty fraudulent skank...............
  23. ...safe to assume free travel provided by "Soros Air" and 5G communications by his cell towers.......doesn't the CIA need some "elimination work"?...sorry, "he fell in the shower" works.....
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