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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...a few key injuries have exposed the shallow nature of our purported depth......
  2. ..DEAD ON GB.....with a few key injuries, our purported "depth" has been exposed to be a helluva lot shallower than we hoped......
  3. ..if Leslie is not the problem, what is?...does McD start calling the D?.....
  4. ...keep him quarantined.................
  5. ...LMAO!...not to worry!...I already sent them a sympathy card on behalf of us "Sane Gang"........
  6. ....you have to realize or probably already know that "always attack...never defend.." is their mantra......ironically that was a Nixon mantra (rad a book about his political career that quoted that very same thing).......they're incapable of engaging in a political dialogue.......it is "their way or NO way"...ask my way left Dem relatives.....they love to goad a political dissertation so they can pull their favorite line, "....hmmmp...let me explain this for you"......remember FUBAR from your college days?...that's them.......
  7. ...high school?...nope....."Reform School"?....razor wire and bars on the windows prepared me for your ilk.......
  8. ...they've been busy doing the "people's business".....code for self aggrandizement.... 1. Year One-obstruct; enrich thyself 2. Year Two- obstruct more than year one; more self enrichment 3. Year Three-more obstruction than years 1 and 2 and MORE self enrichment 4. Year Four-Even MORE obstruction and even MORE self enrichment ...have I missed anything?....
  9. ...LMAO.....no surprise....1+1 escapes you, blinded by hatred........Fecal Freddie strikes again..............
  10. ...so as a pretty politically astute poster and with me being an apparently "not the brightest bulb in the lighting store" type, what did the US, proclaimed (NOT self proclaimed) as the "world's greatest super power EVER do to have the progressives find the need to "knock us off that pedestal", wanting to punish us to become a a middle of the pack also ran?.....if we are THAT bad, why do so many other nations depend on us for their defense, support and financial aid?......how does scum like Soros et al promulgate our demise?.......did I miss the memo or am I THAT naive?.....
  11. ...sounds like you're saying, "if you can't beat 'em....cheat 'em"........it fits........
  12. ...LMAO....just like your collegiate promise......."I promise and swear I WILL call you tomorrow"....got it......
  13. ...so was Ayatollah Obama stumping for Joe in Tehran?.....with a bag of mo money???.............
  14. ...so I'm an undecided Independent not choosing to expose my leanings...which BASE do you pigeon hole me in?......
  15. ...not sure then why there were "ballot drop boxes" in my parent's cemetery with a "note of thanks from Chuck and Nancy"........
  16. ..HONESTY is not one of "Joe's policies".......saw it on the teleprompter....said, "honesty is non sequitor".........he didn't have a clue as to what the hell THAT meant.....
  17. ...uh oh.........Kamala is the NEW Sam Wyche?........ Kamala Harris caught on hot mic checking rally location: 'Are we in Cleveland?' Harris also accidentally overstated the U.S. death toll of the coronavirus, saying it had killed "over 220 million" Americans instead of 224,000 A hot mic appeared to catch Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris checking her location before addressing supporters Saturday. “Are we in Cleveland?” she was heard quietly asking an aide before yelling to supporters, “Hey, Cleveland, it’s Kamala!” Video of the incident circulated widely on social media, with retweeters including Eric Trump, son of the president. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/kamala-harris-caught-on-hot-mic-checking-rally-location-are-we-in-cleveland
  18. ...your compassion and concern is overwhelming (COUGH)........
  19. ...Mother Nature has NOT done too bad a job as the "Boss" over BILLIONS of years......and she's STILL employed.......certainly we can make improvements but forget the fear mongering, "sky is falling" tree huggers wanting to sink us economically with absurd worldly compliance.....poor 'ol China is just a "developing nation (we know what THEY are DEVELOPING)" gets a huge pass.....that right there tells me "a farce"......
  20. ...Mother Nature has NOT done too bad a job as the "Boss" over BILLIONS of years......and she's STILL employed.......certainly we can make improvements but forget the fear mongering, "sky is falling" tree huggers wanting to sink us economically with absurd worldly compliance.....poor 'ol China is just a "developing nation (we know what THEY are DEVELOPING)" gets a huge pass.....that right there tells me "a farce"......
  21. ...too early for Fecal Freddie's blather.......expected useless drivel.......
  22. ...was just trying to enjoy a quiet evening last night and every damn commercial was Whoa Joe........lost a damn good medium rare Delmonico and Lobster Tails...."I Will NOT raise taxes on ANYBODY making over $400K a year"....BUT..."I will repeal the Trump tax cuts"......so middle income families who benefitted from the cuts won't have their taxes raised...BUT...repealing the cuts costs them how many thousands then??......no "increase" but rather "tax restoration" to previous levels??......"it depends on what the definition of is IS, right??..........special thanks for helping me with my retirement account.....26% flat tax on my 401K, turning it into a 201K......Demodementia.......
  23. ...I think you just killed Frank Luntz......LOL..............
  24. ...social media is nothing more than an extension of the "MSM Swamp".......yet social media is as much the Bible for some just like CNN....forget verified sources, ethics, objectivity, et al......the once proud industry with the likes of Huntley, Brinkley, Cronkite, Edward R, Russert etc are LONG gone.......MSM is today's National Enquirer whose "headline news" you read (and choked on) in the grocery store line years ago......
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