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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...so did Puppet Trump get approval to exit the Rooskie nuclear treaty from the puppeteer?...........
  2. his early success was because he surreptitiously rode the great Ravens defense, driven by superior personnel and NOT his coaching IMO..probably 2nd to the '85 Bears......he became more of a schemer than a scheme developer.....thanks Russ.....
  3. ...it is ALL McDermott driven......we've done construction setup/takedown work for the ST John Fisher Camp going back to 1999.....upon McDermott's arrival, we were barred from doing work on the field they were using for practice or anything adjacent until his "all clear"...OBD paid the Union rate for idle labor with no question....we annually hosted a Bills Coaching Staff/Bills Brass dinner at a local venue after camp one evening...McDermott nixed that as well......
  4. ...whole Ryan family redefined football frauds because of one occurrence in their backgrounds (Buddy and the "46"; Rex and the Ravens; Rob and his appetite) that propagated potential greatness...woeful failures....
  5. ...and I'd bet he would escape every punitive measure that a one party, socialist platform would launch....BUT...135% on the RECEIVING end......
  6. ...so it's safe to assume to original thread was nefariously deleted because we were too close to the truth?.....so is the "truth...justice...and American way" adage out the window?....so one can recraft and rebrew the thread to their liking?.....so is this the typical "let me rephrase the question"?......quite noble but expected.......
  7. ...I missed the "truth"....it regularly escapes you anyhow................
  8. ...great question.....hope we do not learn the HARD way......I'm a KNOWN TBD "head case" and not a brain doc, but hope the OBD Med Staff did their due diligence..........
  9. ...just seems a bit too early to have his concussion past surface now in vanilla drills/practices.........
  10. ...typical liberal response.......qualifying states by their worthiness as US citizens.....rarified air on your high horse......as expected......SMH...
  11. ...really a head scratcher as to how he could end up in concussion protocol early on.....aren't there specific CBA limitations about contact...OR....did somebody leave out the effin' "Kolb Mat" again??........
  12. there is not a more fraudulent one hit wonder family on the planet.....Blowhard Buddy's claim to fame was the Bears' "46"......and he even fought with Ditka.....next we have his eloquent punching out of Gilbride...Blowhard was an abysmal failure as a HC...next up we have Rex, who rode the wave of the Ravens D to HC status......yet another abysmal mess....and sadly the neophyte Pegula's were snookered by the" Brandon Deal" to make Bills WNY territory the new laughing stock known as "Jets West"(special thanks to the now disposed BranDUMB-errant wankers can cause problems).....and Rob?.....he rode the name coat tails and now is a perfect fit with Boy Danny's Deadskins as Inside LB Coach (WTF? differentiate between inside and outside?) as well as Executive Buffet Line Manager.....find me a sadder lot and I will STFU......
  13. ...whoa!!.....something is wrong here.....thought I read we drafted Ed "Too Small" Oliver.......who should I believe?.....
  14. ...with the Harbor, you take away 25% of directional accessibility.....and (just my opinion) you would need a massive overhaul of the infrastructure to accommodate the traffic, probably BILLIONS..... and with the "lightning speed" of the Feds, downtown stadium may open by 2042....I'll be in "Hell's Kitchen" by then....
  15. ...can I assume then you did not agree with his "post" or "fly" pattern definitions being a 6 yard out to Clay?...just askin'......in his defense, downfield was posted as NO TRESPASSING....
  16. ....weren't there some TBD posters advocating trading for Luck, thinking we could get him "cheap" because of the recovery uncertainty about his injury (could be wrong)?....
  17. ...after the Mueller partisan hack job( aka the "Weissman Report"), AG Barr (I think) will take the non-partisan high road, being extremely methodical and not rushing, aiming for substance versus the menial crap....declining to prosecute Comey for leaks was a step to legitimize his work IMO......BUT.....don't worry....CNN and PMSNBC will be ready to pounce with attacks every nanosecond....foresee the lineup as Morning WhoaJoe, (Don) Juan Williams, Don (Juiced) Lemon, Chrissy (Everett) Matthews and Vanderbilt's Whatchamacallit Kid being the primary bomb throwers....stay tuned....
  18. ....whoa!!...thought they were advocating getting rid of the Electoral College and solely going with popular vote.....need to change the rules when you're sore azz losers.....and render the voice of less populated states as meaningless.....how effin' noble........
  19. ...you're dealing with quite the gem.....he's legendary.............
  20. ....let's just say the "Who's Who List List Of Bills QB's" has appropriately been renamed the list of "WTF's"....... it is unconscionable to see the "garbage in garbage out" gang post Kelly.....how could THE #1 position on the field be neglected for so long and STILL expect to be competitive?.....FWIW, I'd rank TE spot as #2.....
  21. ....for the Roch-Cha-Cha gang............Channel 8 WROC-TV.......pre-game at 6:30 followed by game at 7PM..................
  22. ..EXACTLY what Kyle would do...a dedicated homer no doubt.............
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