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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...damn...some pretty tough decisions for those final 37 cuts......
  2. ..terrorism?......why did Hillary only teach me the vast right wing conspiracy part?......
  3. ....and special thanks to Cronkite and Edward R.................................
  4. ...incredibly astonishing to see the likes of Matthews, Lemon, Scarborough, Williams, etc deteriorate daily despite thinking they actually espouse journalism..."good night Chet.....good night David".....sorry guys......RIP........
  5. ....agree...what we once thought was the problem of other countries devaluing human life is growing a major foothold here ....DAILY.....
  6. perhsps because they are (sadly) the norm and not heinous and salacious enough for the "candidates (COUGH)" to brand the President racist and a white supremacist.....a despicable, sick bunch politicizing mass murders.....
  7. ....LOL....this was on NFLN........called it the Electric Slide/Bears Shuffle".......good stuff......
  8. ...didn't know he left SI..........
  9. ...wonder how many of the murderous preadtors are duly licensed and legal ( I have no idea)?.....OR...what are the legal parameters/requirements to purchase a shotgun or rifle for (alleged) hunting?...are there minimal background checks for those?...not trying to be a smart azz, because I honestly do not know.......gotta believe that if shooters/murderers are 16, 17 , or 18, the "black market easily prevails....so how would THAT be controlled?...good luck....
  10. ....how better to categorize this azzclown?....he makes Incognito look sane............
  11. ...the senseless tragedies are bad enough, but politicizing them is even worse.....what's worse is how the perpetrator becomes the "victim" because society "failed them".....sure be;ieve the whole acumen and due diligence as far as mental health/stability has been woefully relaxed FOR YEARS.....people out there that should NOT be on the streets or people out there who need help.....so from that perspective, society has been lax...BUT...they can never be victims for the senseless bloodshed they perpetrate.....and focusing on "white supremacy"?...seriously?.......is the Chicago or Baltimore shooting galleries based on "white supremacy"?....how 'bout black on black which is of equal importance, as a life is a life....yet pathetics like Booker ignore black on black so they can label Trump a racist and white supremacist......does BookerBlab get YOUR vote?.....Race Baiter 101....
  12. ...Trump is responsible for the Dayton shooter who was a head case in HS, graduating in 2013.......this gang is the epitome of foment and vitriol.......trying to use these tragedies for political gain redefines vile and repugnant....
  13. ...breaking news!........
  14. ...certainly is good news......remarkable things done on pediatrics.......
  15. ...helluva good point..........
  16. ...sad.....way too young................
  17. ....and yet ANOTHER.....SMH...... 7 Wounded In Shooting Near Playground on Chicago's West Side Published Aug 4, 2019 at 5:30 AM | Updated at 2:51 PM CDT on Aug 4, 2019 Seven people were wounded in a shooting Sunday as they gathered in Douglas Park on the West Side. At about 1:20 a.m. Sunday, a group was standing in the park in the 2900 block of West Roosevelt Road when someone opened fire from a black Camaro, Chicago police said. A 21-year-old man was hit in the groin and taken to Mount Sinai Hospital in critical condition, police said. A woman, 25, was struck in the arm, leg and taken to the same hospital where her condition was stabilized Another woman, 22, was also hit and taken to Mount Sinai, police said. Her condition was stabilized. https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/Mass-Shooting-Near-Douglas-Park-Playground-Police-518001731.html
  18. ...a sadly sick SOB, politicizing a mass murder.........
  19. ...what about the Head Specialist?......
  20. WTF?...I don't even respect MYSELF....Now what??
  21. ...normal Chicago day...skee ball and target practice........... At least 7 people shot in Chicago park; 1 killed, 3 others wounded in separate shooting By Nicole Darrah | Fox News Published 1 hour ago At least seven people were wounded by gunfire early Sunday in Chicago after someone opened fire near a playground on the city's west side. The shooting happened around 1:20 a.m. in Douglas Park, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. Authorities said someone shot their weapon from inside a black Chevrolet Camaro on the street. https://www.foxnews.com/us/7-people-shot-chicago-park-1-killed-3-wounded
  22. ...as I have said, I do 15 laps around the gym daily and promise that I will actually park and go inside on September 1.....it is solemn.....
  23. ...slow down there Big Dawg.....the Hughes trade was HARDLY met with enthusiasm...do NOT try and tell me there were NOT multiple trepidations here and on the former BBMB site about trading for the "1st round bust Hughes".....let's just be honest....secondly, who the hell compared AD to Yeldon?...sure as hell was NOT me.....point was Deadskins gambled and won.....as far as Yeldon and what the Bills' EXPECTATIONS are, we have no idea yet, but I would GUESS a part is his pass catching prowess to supplement Allen's arsenal........
  24. ....it is the downright fickle nature of the electorate......how many of Pant Suit's votes were STRICTLY for the desire to see the first US Woman President regardless of qualifications?.....Obama was THE perfect Clinton Crime Machine cardboard cut out as presidential candidate, WOEFULLY devoid of ANY experience yet propped up by a multitude of ex-Clintonites to propagate their political control for 16 more years SOLELY ON HIS SKIN COLOR....and the Electorate College stopped the farcical Pant Suit dead in her tracks, the SAME vehicle poor loser Dems now want to eliminate.....look at the fickle nature of the electorate ON BOTH SIDES......Strom Thurmond?...Jesse Helms?.....Fritz Hollings?...Bob Byrd?...Bob Dole?....John McCain?...politically recycled Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown?....Minnesota with Ventura, Franken, Omar, etc.....what EXACTLY are their attributes that lead to election or re-election?...hate him or not...Trump is caustic, bombastic, insulting demeaning, condescending, no holds barred as they come, someone I despised in the business world..... .yet as we pontificate worldwide about our "perfect democracy" and the model to follow, he has turned to "establishment" on its ugly head, piercing the secretive "good 'ol boyz" veil.....and pissed them all off.....damn right it is exactly what was needed.......bastians of our purported "democracy model" as in DOJ an FBI have been woefully exposed for their partisan political slant....truth must hurt....Watergate?...seriously compared today?...Mary Poppins.....we ain't as good as we thought we were or as we advertised and this SOB has taken on the establishment....
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