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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...and many ex-QB's (Simms, Dilfer, Palmer, Dorsey, etc) really like the Allen kid's potential......yet the D&C's Maiorana gave Allen a "meh" for training camp accuracy....
  2. ...probably late for his eye doctor appointment.......the left one is loose...........
  3. ..any particular reason as to why you feel commissioned or empowered as to what the hell Bob Kraft does with his money or life?...seriously?????....jealousy?.....solely Pats bias?....how many other 78 year old billionaire "life enjoying" widowers have escaped your radar with no comment?....naw you're not biased.......and you want to be credible?....SMH...
  4. ...agree CB.....aggravating as hell to read the TBD posting "pundits" say he is here because " it is solely the money honey"....wonder if they ever clean the pigeon s&%t off the red carpet "welcome mat".....
  5. ...I would say BOTH Sections...BTW, what the hell is a Beto?.....rash?....STD?.....new currency?...incurable virus under CDC watch?...I'm confused.......
  6. ...not to worry!!.. after the first "L", we'll gently slide to 24th as retribution.......
  7. ...are we REALLY that effed up that berating a 78 yer old widower is having some fun in his life?.....or is it solely reserved because he's the Pats owner?........can we be sinking that low and that fast?.......testament to a societal mess and save the cheater crap......SMH.......
  8. ....lookng to sign AB to an endorsement for his "Toe Jam" remedy......spreads easily...on toes or toast......
  9. ....certainly has to potential to be Allen's Amendola/Edleman/Welker "go to guy".....those ex-Patsies sure as hell contributed big time to Brady's career.....
  10. ...and the Hollywood ilk has the gonads to point the finger elsewhere?....oh wait, it is a "harmless satire".......we're sinking fast...... Hollywood blockbuster that satirizes killing of ‘deplorables’ causes outrage: ‘Demented and evil’ By Brian Flood | Fox News Published 1 hour ago A controversial movie about privileged vacationers hunting “deplorables” for sport is ruffling feathers more than a month before its scheduled release and after tragic mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. “The Hunt” is billed as a satire that follows wealthy thrill-seekers taking a private jet to a five-star resort where they embark on a “deeply rewarding” expedition that involves hunting down and killing designated humans. The Hollywood Reporter reported on Tuesday that “Universal is re-evaluating its strategy for the certain-to-be-controversial satire" following the shootings after ESPN reportedly pulled a trailer for the film that had been previously cleared to air on the sports network. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/the-hunt-movie-deplorables
  11. ....didn't 'ol Danny Boy get the media ball rolling DOWNHILL?....didn't he invent "Slippery Slope Reporting (COUGH)" with Brian Williams as his protege'???.............
  12. ...he can't.....will be intercepted by Erie County sheriff............
  13. ...incredible how murder has become desensitized BOTH by those committing the acts as well as some people who see it as "old news".......
  14. ....and Copyright Joe strikes again....SMH..... Biden links Trump to El Paso shooting, rise of white supremacy in fiery speech By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News Published 5 hours ago Last Update 36 mins ago Saying that President Trump has “fanned the flames of white supremacy in this nation,” Democratic presidential primary front-runner Joe Biden on Wednesday sought to directly link the president to the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas. “The danger that Donald Trump and the alt-right pose to this nation isn’t hypothetical,” Biden said. The charges by the former vice president – during a speech in Burlington, Iowa – came on the same day that Trump was traveling to El Paso to visit with law enforcement, first responders and victims of the shooting, which left at least 22 people dead. The president also stopped in Dayton, Ohio, the site of another mass shooting this past weekend. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-links-trump-to-el-paso-shooting-while-president-visits-victims
  15. ...that picture should be in EVERY post office nationwide.....SMH............
  16. ...interesting...from what I've read, Ray-Ray is rising and Foster is meh.....
  17. ....nothing that Wreck's "Toe Jam" won't cure......bottled by Smuckers for your morning toast............
  18. AQ had their own 20,000 seat stadium in Roch-Cha-Cha.......back in the 50's, they actually scheduled games against small college teams because of zero competition at HS level......Rochester Jaycees brought the Bills here in 1967 and 1968 for exhibition games.......I saw the Pats and the Fins....still have the game programs..........
  19. ..you betcha...tell me the last time........
  20. ...even Pepto Bismol won't work in this mess...........
  21. ...so your ignorance pervades once again...so noted.....
  22. how does this "Race Bating 101 Slug" have any credibility?...seriously?......yet another fraudulent promiser......a major knock and disqualifier against Christie was the man's weight.....so a man's physicality trumps his policies and thinking first and foremost?....good Lord we are royally effed up..Booker?.....seriously?......
  23. ...agree DC...our once proud societal norms, rules and mores' have been cashed in......mutual respect has disappeared to be replaced by "us versus them" depending on you aisle side, BUT with NO holds barred.....violence versus voice now pervades.........
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