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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...so is (Jethro) Bodine up next??.........
  2. ..prayers to the man's family.....62 is way too young...RIP Coach............
  3. ....cannot be....we have the world's model democracy...something like "truth, justice and the American way" if I remember correctly.....the "swamp" needs MAJOR chlorination.....
  4. ...agree.....and they do an admiral job supplying them.....
  5. ...so why is Ellis Island defunct, the same one that my ancestral grandparents on both sides used?.....what the eff happened to the "right way"??........
  6. ...needs to overcome hives from live ammo versus rubber bullets pre-season........good luck........
  7. ...yet my late mother's siblings (staunch "dyed in the wool Dems") always referred to Reagan as a "B rate movie actor" before using the word President.....one of her sisters openly proclaimed, "Ronald Reagan ruined my life".....fast forward to the Obama candidacy.....another sister agonized over voting for Obama (split ticket was party blasphemy) because she didn't know if, "I can bring myself to vote for a black man"......there you have it folks....real life stories about our fickle electorate....now you know why I stopped going to family functions 25+ years ago.....SMH....
  8. ...would then be 52 1/2 IMO.........
  9. ...so Castillo has his new Gin Rummy partner......
  10. ...perhaps a 2nd chance?....Barkley for Nate straight up?......sympathy vote ??....
  11. ...kinda liked "Rootin' Tutan Reyes" myself....
  12. ....post perhaps Pete Wilson, is there ANY legitimacy to California politicians?...how many time have the recycled Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown?...what have Pelosi, Feinstein or Boxer EVER done for the state?....and now they have the illustrious DA Gil Garcetti's kid as Mayor of LA?......and Gavin Gruesome?.....they're in good shape....
  13. ...despite it all, how was he removed from suicide watch so quickly?....one psychiatric test concluded he was no longer a suicide threat despite the charges and potential widespread implications?.....sorry, something ain't passing the smell test.....
  14. ...why?.....according to the standards of the "TBD Experts", he has had MORE than ample time to "show up".....thus options are PS or outright release....
  15. ...LMAO.....thought he was back....gesundheit......... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C._J._Ah_You
  16. ...impossible...guy was an OL anchor......sinking us.........
  17. ...another victim of relaxed mental hygiene...SMH........
  18. ...how big was the withdrawal from "The Foundation (COUGH)"??..............
  19. ...far FAR too many lawyers within in the 535........probably unemployable in the private sector so ANY idea of term limits is quashed BY BOTH SIDES so they can milk it...."career politicians" hanging on into their 80's and 90's?......seriously?....Strom Thurmond until age 98?...Bob Byrd until age 90?......effective legislators?......SMH........
  20. ...huh?....pretty sure he traded in his Polident for Liquid Nails.....he's ready..................
  21. ...he can cause the teleprompter to crash..........
  22. ...speaking of that one, Epstein's demise is almost Jack Ruby II.........
  23. ...true, but constructive opposition with reasonable alternative(s) versus obstruction...nothing gets done......TDS exists because he is a Washington outsider who has turned the "good 'ol boyz network" on its ugly head.....the graft, corruption and blatant politicization of two once thought to be" bastions of this democracy" as in DOJ and FBI is unconscionable...
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