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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. Rivera: Panthers-Bills fights won't be tolerated David Newton ESPN Staff Writer SPARTANBURG, S.C. -- Fighting sometimes is a side effect of joint training practices in the NFL, but it won't be tolerated on Tuesday and Wednesday when the Carolina Panthers and Buffalo Bills get together at Wofford College. "If anybody fights then we'll pull them out and throw them out of practice and they'll have to be disciplined,'' Carolina coach Ron Rivera said on Monday. "We're not here to fight. That's bulls---. "What we're here to do is learn from each other and help each other win. That's the most important opportunity to come out of this. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/27373643/rivera-panthers-bills-fights-tolerated
  2. .....tell 'em to wear it in the drive-thru window.......
  3. scary to think about a potential number then for Josh if he pan's out....Dak at $30-$40 mil?....seriously?......................
  4. ...why bother having the effin' things on the books if nobody has the bawls to enforce them?....those enforced versus those uninforced should breed "equal" faith and trust in our vaunted system, right?......effed up....
  5. ...could credibility, viability or counter proposals, constructive and potentially considered as a legitimate merit based alternative be a consideration?....sure...are there any albeit "major giveaways to buy votes" as unfunded wet dreams?....your call.......
  6. ......even Party City doesn't have a mask that ugly...
  7. ...ABSOLUTELY astonishing......such accusations against people in "positions of (purported) trust" were thought to be blasphemy, slanderous and "how could you"......and now the depth and extent of exposure among those in "positions of trust" albeit clergy, teachers, Boy Scout/Girl Scouts leaders, some law enforcement people, etc makes you wonder how their pedophilia tendencies went unnoticed for so long....violation children should warrant the death penalty..they cannot defend....despicable predators.......
  8. ...have we sold Ellis Island seeing that the "legal way" no longer means a rat's azz bit of difference?..........
  9. ...r u kidding?......no " Ja vol Herr kommandant "???...waste of air time..........
  10. ...Epstein's demise on crooked Holder's watch?...meh.......on AG Barr's watch?.........uh oh....
  11. ...30+ years ago, the wife of my buddy brought suit versus the Rochester Catholic Diocese for molestation charges against clergy......she was laughed out of court with the case dismissed........I don't remember the legal details, but to paraphrase the "charges were incomprehensible and outrageous".......it is painful as hell for her TODAY to see what was allegedly" incomprehensible and outrageous" is gross. despicable reality today.....
  12. ...it won't....they believe they are a "credible news source"....go figure......same with PMSNBC......
  13. Al Gore: 2006 Global Warming ‘Point of No Return’ Claim Was ‘Accurate’ Trent Baker 11 Aug 2019-BREITBART Former Vice President Al Gore discussed his 2006 warning that unless the nations took “drastic measures, the world would reach a point of no return within 10 years” when it comes to climate change and global warming. Gore said his “point of no return claim” was, unfortunately, “accurate,” but celebrated that the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates have made climate a top priority. “You said back in 2006 the world would reach the point of no return if we didn’t reduce greenhouse gases in 2016. Is it already too late?” asked ABC News’ Jonathan Karl in an interview which aired Sunday on “This Week.” https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2019/08/11/al-gore-2006-global-warming-point-of-no-return-claim-was-accurate/
  14. should have called Al Unser...............
  15. ...pretty effin' sad how the fickle nature of the general electorate is easily swayed by the loquacious nature of those in power.....no ability or wherewithal to think on one's own two feet?...good Lord, we're in trouble....
  16. ...unconscionable how are once ability to rightfully and civilly disagree has degraded to violence, blatant hatred and vitriol.......our once proud tolerant society has sadly lost its way.......
  17. ...imagine if he has been CIA cloistered, how the left will explode?......Nadless will be in instant cardiac arrest......
  18. ...and it will NEVER be revealed.......I believe he was Jewish and if I'm not mistaken, burial must take place 24 hours after death according to their faith.......not sure of the legalities that could prevent that in lieu of an autopsy in a criminal case............
  19. ...probably a dumb question (I'm NOT Matlock)......but how does Maxwell escape charges as an aiding and abetting accessory?......OR....how does she escape RICO statute charges as being a part of a criminal enterprise?......
  20. ...thought I read his bed sheets were actually paper, 24 lb if I remember correctly.....strange doings here.....VERY.....
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