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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...hope so!!....I was not diligent enough in cleaning my old machine and ended up on antibiotics for 30 days with infection....with the new machine and SoClean, I put mask and headgear in it every morning.....it is automatically cycled to start at 10AM daily.....I've used the pillow mask versus face mask from day one.....could never use the face mask...schnozz is too damn big...........
  2. ...she's been pretty good at it here....practice makes perfect............
  3. ......got used to it right away (13 years now).....really had no choice...sleep study revealed 91 incidents per hour, so breathing was interrupted every 45 seconds...pretty bad............just bought the SoClean sanitizer to keep CPAP machine (AirSep 10) clean....
  4. ...fear is easily overcome...........
  5. ....how the hell can you eliminate the "fickle component" within the general electorate?....seriously?.....scared as hell that the fickle component resembles Jeff Dunham's "Bubba J"....
  6. ...wasn't that Tolbert's role as well?....teaching and LR stability?.......almost think it may be the same for DiMarco( STILL not sure of his role), but with an AARP backfield, he's hardly the "vet presence"...LOL....
  7. ...if, IF Beasley comes close to Amendola, Welker or Edelman, we could be on to something.......PERFECT fit for "AA", a/k/a "Allen Arsenal".......tempering the kid's cannon for a finesse/touch game is in prime development...stay tuned.....and yes, it could be fun bud.....
  8. ...could see him challenging Norm VanBrocklin's record....stay tuned.................
  9. ...why not?....if I correctly read an article, China's economy has not been this bad since 1992......no gonads to stand up to them for years knowing their goal is world dominance economically and militarily?......isn't Putin's goal for Russia to obtain the same damn dominance?....STILL remember Gerorge Bush quote about Putin, "I can see the man's soul through his eyes".....WTF George?......you WOULD have seen the letters "KGB" in bold caps.......SMH....
  10. ...they are just like immigration......work well for those LEGALLY obtaining guns and works well for immigrants LEGALLY attaining citizenship status as in Ellis Island......illegal are culprits in BOTH cases.......
  11. ...that's his quote and his lawyers are saying, "he has a hopeful attitude"?......WTF?......probably meant "hopeful of succeeding"....something ain't passing the smell test.....and why in a rat hole Fed lockup in NYC with Warden Fife?.......
  12. ....interesting...lawyers override the psychiatrist?................ By Joshua Nelson | Fox News Epstein was placed on suicide watch in late July after being found semiconscious with bruisings on his neck. His lawyers requested that he be removed from suicide watch because he showed a hopeful attitude. The convicted sex offender was then put under "special observation," a less restrictive watch, and was moved to another cell with a new cellmate.
  13. ...Pegula bought The Meadowlands and doubled their rent................
  14. ..imagine if he ends up being your cell mate.......
  15. ...so then we should forget a GoFundMe page?......just askin'.....
  16. ...sounds like the acorn doesn't fall too far from the tree............
  17. ...must have been a day off from work............
  18. ..."Clowney Abstinence" over charcoal....
  19. ...he is Ed "Too Short" Oliver.....
  20. ...does look like Flo with a stash though...........
  21. ...and you have yet to answer my question as to why both sets of my Italian grandparents (deceased) did it THE RIGHT WAY through Ellis Island with NO entitlements, food stamps, EBT cards, Escalades or other government handouts?......how come?...... ...DAMN RIGHT 'fancy........they honored the PRIVILEGE to come here no matter how or what it took....ALL LEGAL......
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