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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...13,000+ vacant apartments so far and counting.........Bumblin' Billy says, "oh well...so what".......
  2. ...Bingo....DEAD ON....lectured by those who are worth BILLIONS in our archaic, broken, racially charged society( COUGH)......find me a better definition of Hypocrisy 101.....then convince me BLM is not a fraudulent ruse.....their own leader said, "looting is a form of reparations"......can you better define "The Gimme Crowd"?.......they have seized the old adage of "cash and carry" to now be "ain't got no cash but I'm gonna carry"....as businesses whether white, black or other ethnicity owned are destroyed or as murders mount....
  3. ...perhaps a "Sakrete facial" would improve your "PPP Image".....the quick drying stuff..................
  4. ....sounds like you subscribe to the same teleprompter service that Whoa No Joe uses to write your eloquent posts.......yet you show up here anyway......validation as to your petulant fraud status....congrats......
  5. ....Nancy's salon will take care of you.......just use her name as a close pal.................
  6. ...think I'll sit back and wait for CNN to verify the truth....after all, Wolf (Blitzed) Blitzer stated that "CNN is fair and balanced".................good enough for me............
  7. ....for all previous violent protests/riots/destruction, the Mayor (COUGH) adamantly said, "these are NOT the actions of Rochester community citizens....these are outsiders".....addresses of the 35+ arrested so far?....ROCHESTER, NY.....uh oh................
  8. ...your Saturday morning bowel movement so noted.....no ExLax necessary.............
  9. ...it's a warm up....Grandma always said, "practice makes perfect sonny"........
  10. .....Andy of Mayberry shines again......27,000 restaurants in NYC alone.......imagine the sales tax loss for NYS, the state of disrepair...............he's your Prez in 2024..... 63% of New York restaurants could close over coronavirus losses: Report Only 36.4% of respondents said they were ‘likely or somewhat likely’ to stay open By Ann SchmidtFOXBusiness New York restaurants are in trouble, according to a new report. On Thursday, the New York State Restaurant Association published the results of a survey that found the state’s restaurants are in need of financial support from the government after months of closures during the coronavirus pandemic. According to the survey, 63.6% of restaurants in New York said they are “likely to close by the end of the year” without a relief package and only 36.4 percent said they are “likely or somewhat likely to remain open.” Of the 63.6% that are likely to close in 2020, 54.8% said they will close before November, the restaurant association found. https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/new-york-restaurants-close-end-year-coronavirus
  11. ...tonight should be another interesting one.....they're demanding the resignations of the Mayor and RPD Police Chief, both of whom are black.......
  12. ...hell even Bolton refuted it....and we know his "Trump luvfest"...............
  13. ...Bolton of all people, the epitome of anti-Trump even refuted it.......
  14. ...sure hope I'm dead wrong, but could see PPP on the precipice of BBMB demise if this nonsense persists......pretty predictable as to which trolls/sock puppets would show up in the thread making a joke of it....some things never change...SMH...
  15. ...as is his brother Tony....runs in the family................
  16. ......he told me during his granted recess for her.......very considerate fellow...........
  17. ...he trashed Tom Edison today for inventing the light bulb...."some black guy invented it"......either he meant hippies' "black light" or 50 Cent I guess............. Biden claims Black man invented light bulb during campaign event Thomas Edison is the inventor of the light bulb https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-claims-black-man-invented-light-bulb-during-campaign-event
  18. ...my bad...no disrespect meant for YET ANOTHER fine ex-Clintonite......honor...integrity...valor....country first......Podesta told me that.....................
  19. ...yup...his Rooskie graduation pic......Komrade Tibs..........
  20. ...what the hell is the matter with you?....you know damn well they ALWAYS need an advantage.....with math, "it's flash cards (Brazile will give answers)....with votes, it's mail in ballots...get with it bro....😎
  21. .that pic reminds me of anticipated CNN/MSM in depth coverage....nothin'..................
  22. ...because society's ongoing approach is to make "the perpetrator the victim".....personal responsibility/accountability disappears with this psychoanalytical gang....."society MUST have failed this individual to act this way".....so it is OUR fault...go figure.................
  23. ...the age old adage "cash and carry" is now know as "cashLESS but will still carry".....BLM's Big Dawg said "looting is reparations"......perfect fraudulent ruse for "The Gimme Gang"...
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